Monday, 2 May 2011

Help for grey and weary hair - TrichoZed - How To Cure Hair Loss and Hair Fall

Help grey-haired and weary

If you have suffered severe and prolonged, if you are being treated with antibiotics, her hair is exhausted, thin and may fall to the whole layers.

In this case, help balm and herbal masks, which are well on their own to make.

Milk, honey and cinnamon - 1 teaspoon milk, vitamins A, D and E, on top of honey and cinnamon. Apply the mask (maybe the dirty hair) and wash after 2 to 4 hours. The effect is visible with the naked eye.
You can put on their hair and yoghurt (1 cup). Brush with milk, and when her hair began to dry, Rinse them thoroughly with water. In water you can put a few drops of vinegar.

And here's a classic recipe for hair mask: 1 tablespoon lard, 1 tablespoon of gas and 1 yolk. Whips like mayonnaise and finally puts a little crushed garlic. The mask should stay at least 4 hours, turning his head to a hot towel, plastic cap and then with a towel. Rinse thoroughly with water. The mask is suitable for summer season, the effect is very good and at least three months you can not put a mask again.

To strengthen the hair very well act quinine water. Rub potion in hair roots.
Of course, that health, nutrition and lifestyle affect the strength of hair. If you do not overeat, do not overdo it with alcohol and sweets, if you frequently walk in nature - you can help your hair.

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