Saturday, 30 April 2011

How to keep your hair colour longer - TrichoZed - How To Cure Hair Loss and Hair Fall

How to keep your hair colour longer

When you decide to do some change on itself, the easiest is to change the color of your hair even and does not require much time. It's easy, but far more difficult to keep the beautiful colour for long. Yes, in the first two weeks the new colour looks simply amazing. But not long strands become lifeless, drooping, and of bright colour and no trace.
It is not surprising: the composition of the paints have chemicals that penetrate the hair structure, destroying the natural pigment of hair and add a new hue. Scalp also suffers. Maybe you do not believe, but the paint has suffered not only during the dyeing, but long after that!
We can hardly give up this as a favourite of women proceeding. Naturally, the health of hair and scalp is nothing better than natural conditions. ... But beauty requires sacrifice. Leaves us nothing but to learn to take care of your hair coloured!

Immediately after painting
If you paint at home, immediately after painting to remove chemical residues left in your hair. For this purpose there are special shampoos and conditioners - in hairdressing salons have their professional products for this purpose and in the packaging of paints for domestic use is always a packet of balsam after painting - use it all!.
You can pamper your hair with special balancing Ph hair. These masks contain many ingredients for the rapid recovery of stressed hair.
Acid on the mask helps to stabilize color and close the hair flakes.
And yet: not decide roughly just colored hair - treat it carefully, so as not to ragged.

Living Care
Your new color requires daily care. Do not think that you have received a dream color and no longer have problems. All shampoos and conditioners that you use must still be labeled "for colored hair." Naturally, it is best if you buy shampoo and conditioner from the same company, which is paint. This pravialt because the products will have the same components that will complement and reinforce their actions. So what follows:
Wash - a shampoo for colored hair.

Balm - balm to the same series as shampoo. It will make hair soft, silky smooth and shiny.

Hair mask - used in several washes - for example, every third wash, instead of conditioner, put a mask. It should be ready cream mask that contains natural oils, plant extracts and vitamins. Do not hold it longer than indicated on the package not to drop paint.

Colouring mask or conditioner - has many products to maintain hair colour - when you notice that the colour fades and the next painting is a lot of time, apply shampoo, conditioner or mask with colour pigments - all have them in stores just need to search your colour.
Domestic resources - however, there is no need to buy everything from cosmetic stores. There are many home remedies for Supports for coloured hair. Good acting deluge of hair at the end of washing with a spoonful of vinegar (or lemon) in one litre of water - would close its yoghurt flakes of hair and hair will become shiny. Sometimes you can use to wash an egg yolk instead of shampoo. Oil Burdock - slightly warm is a great tool against flowering ends.

A few more tips
Do not dry with hair dryer too hot. Hot air hair breaks.
Be careful with slides - should not break your hair.

When using the press, necessarily apply the product to the thermal treatment of hair.
Pay attention to water quality. If water is chlorinated or chalky, use rain, mineral or put water to boil on the stove and wash it.
Do not make permanent waving with Hair fixing wave after painting! Unless you want to run out of colour and almost without hair. Waving must wait at least three weeks after painting.

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