Thursday, 28 April 2011

Red hair - TrichoZed - How To Cure Hair Loss and Hair Fall

In general, women are by nature redheads are rare. But thanks to chemistry are far from over. Red line in the catalogues of fear is very rich. From dark mahogany to bright red, and shades of violet. Many women choose mahogany range and wrong. Mahogany are usually dark red and become easily almost any hair. The darker hair naturally and get a darker shade after dyeing. If hair is light becomes light red, if peroxide should not be risked with red tones. Many women are not satisfied, however, with dark red paint and want bright red mane. Painting in bright red is not easy, especially dark hair.

Most women do at home painting. To achieve the desired result, often used strong colors and oxidants. The shops are special locks dyes that are both discoloured and stained in the desired hue. These paints are good for individual clumps, but many people think they can use them for the full painting. For example, the catalogues of some colours, several colours cool colors for direct staining of clumps that are very strong.

Pretty women decided to try at home with such paint. Indeed, the first time gives a very bright red colouring result. If after painting to maintain the good kind of hair should be taken into plain red paint in it as a concealer to add a bit of paint on the locks. However, it is not known by most women and they next time happy to have found such a bright paint to paint it again and the result is lamentable - hair overload, damaging the cuticle, flakes and can no longer be closed and the water passes freely through the hair and washes all the pigments. Thus, the first washing is obtained a pink or drab colour. The best option of course is to take paint with red tint desired, and add it concealer of the same catalogue. Oxidants must be weak.

Red paint is easily washed away. Chlorinated water, shampoos, conditioners, masks, everything makes her fades. To Supports colour to the next painting were created special shampoos, conditioners and masks to colouring effect, which enhance colour without damage - on the contrary, even nourish hair. These have almost all brands of hair products.

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