Friday 4 March 2011

For men with hair loss - How To Cure Hair Loss and Hair Fall

Perhaps there is no representative of the male half of the planet who has not asked the question "What would I do if some day my head is bared as football??
Several scientific fact:
1. Normally a day a person loses about 100 hairs.
2. The distribution of hair on the skin surface varies greatly, as their volume decreases with age. In childhood the number of hair follicles on the head ranged from 800 to 1000 hairs per square centimeter; 30 years reduced to 600, 50 - 500 hairs per square centimeter.
3. Human hair, with the exception of the head, no particular interest in the protective function of skin from external factors. They have a sensory function (have a rich network of sensory fibers).
4. The root of the hair is located 4 mm deep in the scalp. Hair consists of keratin - and insoluble solid protein substance. Sebum produced by sebaceous glands, serves to protect and greasy hair.

The reasons for unwanted hair loss are numerous: aging, stress, insomnia, emotional, alcohol and cigarettes, medication - anabolics, cytostatics, anticoagulants, etc. thyreostatics. Also may be cause some diseases: febrile, cancer, endocrine, AIDS, trauma. And some errors in your diet - protein starvation, hypovitaminosis, iron deficiency.

What to do? You begin to worry about hair loss, consult a dermatologist. He will appoint the necessary research and will examine lifestyle in order to exclude serious causes of the problem (namely, certain diseases).

Most often consist of:
1. Seasonal hair loss - usually in spring and autumn and is accompanied by fatigue and stress. To help, start taking nutritional supplements and vitamins - A, B, E, F, H and trace elements - selenium, sulfur, zinc and copper.
2. Hereditary baldness - so called. alopecia angrogenica due to the effects of androgenic (male) hormones on genetically predisposed hair follicles. Transmit both the father and the mother. Hair from the forehead to the middle of head, temples, are diluted and fall off. Symmetrical sections are affected, leading to permanent hair loss in men and severely reduced the head hair in women. "Guilty" is the surplus of the HST - a substance which falls precursor of testosterone.
It is impossible to predict when exactly will start baldness. But I know with certainty that the men began to lose their hair between 20 and 30 years have greater "chance" to bald before age 50 than those with hair loss had started later.

In the initial alopecia may try to tablets and lotions. But does the process forward, to be honest, no miracle drug. Then you have the choice between:
* Hat or cap toe
* To maintain what is left with the cost of much effort and money
* Wig
* Aesthetic Surgery - transplant hair transplants from Occipital area (temples)
* To accept reality and courageously to live with it. Remember that you are not only charming pleshivets the list are also: Michael Jordan, Fame, Sean Connery, Jack Nicholson, Nicolas Cage, Pierre Luigi Collina, Alan Shearer, Andre Agassi, Moby, Astor ...

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