Tuesday 8 March 2011

Masks for beautiful hair - TrichoZed - How To Cure Hair Loss and Hair Fall

The hair needs nourishment, whether it is strong, dry, oily, long or short. As a first condition is the choice of shampoo, it must be suitable for your hair, depending on whether it is dry, oily, normal, thin, brittle. If you want to nourish your hair, choose a conditioner for it. Do not overdo it with nourishing creams, gels, foams. Many of these products cause dandruff. Importance for nature and health of hair are masks. They provide protein and moisture to the hair. Here are a few masks depending on your hair type and desired effect.

Mask for oily hair

1 egg

1ml vitamin B1 or B6

1 / 2 cup of nettle infusion mix.

Rub the hot mixture and cover head with plastic wrap and top with warm towel. After one hour wash head with shampoo, then rinse with an infusion of nettle leaves and roots.

Mask for Dry Hair

1 egg

1 tablespoon vinegar

2 tablespoons olive oil

Massage the scalp with the mixture and hair comb with a comb. Leave for 15 minutes. Wash your hair with shampoo and rinse well.

Mask shine

1 ampoule, or 1 teaspoon almond maslo
1 tablespoon lemon juice or vinegar (preferably apple)
1 tablespoon whatever alcohol (brandy, vodka, whiskey, etc.).
1 egg yolk
1 tablespoon yogurt
Usage: make up once a month
The ingredients are stirred in a vessel placed on the hot plate until a homogenous mixture gently warmed. Spread the roots of his head first, and then ends. Wrap the head with a towel and snaylonova bag. The mask should sit around 1.30-2 hours.

Mask to enhance growth

2 tablespoons clay
1 tablespoon alcohol
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 egg yolk
Apply and wrap with plastic bag or shower caps, wash with clay and apply conditioner.

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