Tuesday 8 March 2011

NEVER ALONE be clipped - TrichoZed - How To Cure Hair Loss and Hair Fall

Four times a month moon "our psyche, going from one phase to another.

Changing phases is felt by most people - not coincidentally these days are called satanic lunar days.

Never trim in 9, 15, 23 and 29 th lunar day - these are the worst days are not only changing the style, but do any manipulation outside.

In no case should be clipped in the days of solar and lunar eclipse.

It is believed that this negatively affects the whole body. The popular belief "in the eclipse will health, memory and mind."

If you want your hair to grow faster, go to the hairdresser in the growing Moon / 1 and 2 phase.

Rare and disobedient hair will become thicker, will shine and will be shaped better.

All styles made at full moon, promise to become masterpieces.

In the period when the moon is full, it makes sense to plan for trimming and general cardinal change of image.

Clipping in decreasing Moon will strengthen the hair roots and reduce its fall, but it will grow slowly.

Never haircut alone! This is not about superstitions.

When handling your hair is leveling the bio energy field of people.

Resonance vibration occurs in your biofield and that the hairdresser, that you share your energy. If you close this exchange in yourself, you'll start to feel bad. It is thanks to the emerging bio-energy exchange is very important personality of the stylist.

Because liaising with your hair, hairdresser invade your natural relationship with the cosmos. And if he is a carrier of negative energy can change and your biofield in a bad direction.

Therefore, choosing a hairdresser, should focus not only his professionalism but also in character and even his mood. Remember: energetic, cheerful and upbeat person can change for the better and your life. And vice versa.

It is also the prejudice of your aura is very likely to cause a hairdresser from the opposite sex. Therefore women best hair cut for women and men - in men. Significantly, in the beliefs of many nations believe that should not occur with simple hair "to the person of the opposite sex unless it is your loved one.

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