Monday 7 March 2011

Eyelashes in slivers - TrichoZed - How To Cure Hair Loss and Hair Fall

Every woman wants to look is seductive, and eyelashes - long and curved, like a doll. Eyelashes are admirable when they are really long and thick. If you do not have the required density, length and density, or you do not like their crook - you can take advantage of the already popular method for lengthening and thickening. For uniqueness at times you can apply the procedure for adding a bunch of eyelashes that catch the special tweezers and stick to your adhesive for this purpose. They represent two or three hairs collected in a slightly flattened end. The adhesive is completely harmless and does not cause eye allergies. The actual extension is done strand by strand. It is recommended that the eyelashes are made of natural hair and after being put professional effects completely merge with the natural lashes to the client. The result is truly unique, the only condition is to not use waterproof mascara and preparations. Shadows of eyes you carefully clean with ear.

Do you sleep on your stomach with an already set lashes. So you can press and crushing. Rubbing eyes while ciliated, is strictly prohibited. When you wash your face morning, be careful how you wipe the water around the eyes. Towels are the number one enemy of the extended eyelashes. Likely to attach them to nap of cloth and dragged them in speed. To use the blotting paper. There are two options for an extension of the ciliated tufts. One is very light and airy, because it put only one layer of lashes. The second is quite drastic and density of eyelashes is amazing. In this case the professional is necessary to build a second layer of lashes on the first question already. Accordingly, the price of both options is different. Support eyelashes extension is imposed only on the first option. Then the film itself is loose and unstable and should add another strand, if fallen over time. Durability is up to ten days, unlike the double layer, where time jumps to month. It is important to know that when your eyelashes are amortized must be removed professionally rather than trying to remove them yourself. Are likely to be even without his own. This will need to re-visit your beautician or make-up artist, who through a special solvent for glue, also harmless to download extension lashes without any damage to your eyelashes. There are three different lengths of eyelash tufts - short, medium and long span, according to which the place and the effect that we want to achieve. Prosthetic procedure takes about 45 minutes. A dramatic look really becomes fatal. To the eyelashes extension recourse not only because it is a fashion hit. When there is an aesthetic problem with natural lashes - strain insufficient pigmentation, thinning or even absence, you can also choose this procedure.

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