Monday 7 March 2011

TRIPLE PRESS (RETRO) - TrichoZed - How To Cure Hair Loss and Hair Fall

More and more girls are asking, how is that unique effect, which yields perfect wavy hair type and while standing on the sort of individual strands. The undisputed hit this summer is style-type Triple squeeze ", whereby is achieved just such a vision. This hairstyle is very popular and resembles naturally curly hair, but far from the case of a spiral type of hair. A fan of this type of hairstyle is folk-pop singer Andrea and every second client connects hairstyle with her name. Effect in this hairstyle is achieved by so-called brush-triple squeeze. The name comes from the very form of the instrument, because the press has three working surfaces by means of which it forms a wavy appearance of each strand of hair. On one side are the two nozzles on the other side - one literally hair was pressed among them, as a separate nozzle passes between two others. Thus obtained wave, and depending on how thick the very arms of the press, the wave becomes or small, or large. It is important to know that the principle of action in this unit is not the same as in ordinary press straightening. This release does not pass at once from end to end along the strand that process. Each strand of hair that will process must have a width of about 5-6 cm Mandatory spraying with hairspray for strong hold and immediately after treatment with paint brush hair strand with a thick comb. With triple squeeze work of sections, starting from the base of the strand to its end.

After making waves in the area at the base, move the press down, hold while achieving the same effect in this area and so by the end of the lock itself. Depending on the length of the hair of the client, the duration of the procedure is different, but takes a little time. For ease of use if you decide to styling themselves in this way, we encourage you to divide your hair into horizontal layers and roads and begin pressed from the bottom to the top of the head. For convenience you can use the pin, which can pinch the hair in a bun, which is to handle. It is desirable, since the entire strand of hair is ready to be divided into small combs because of nail hair can look agglomerate. Another point, after thoroughly styled hair is not combing your hair! Forget the comb or brush her at least until you want to be with that hairstyle. hair will break the waves and locks, and your hair will get a completely different shape and volume. With this style, provided they do not comb your hair and sleep with hair tied up, you can enjoy a wavy effect and about a week. If you wish to resume its original appearance just wash your hair. Style with triple press is suitable for girls with thin hair due to the significant volume that it creates, and for those with thick or normal hair. If you decide to buy a professional triple squeeze hair to keep in mind that the price of this unit ranges from 170 to 250 Euro recommend you navigate to the press with ceramic, Teflon, or tourmaline ion protection. The ceramic coating helps even temperature distribution. It is clear that all thermal equipment damage hair from excessive or improper use because the high temperature drying with time and destroys the hair tips in. You can also use thermal sprays to protect your hair. And in this press following rules apply: 1. Press to keep clean. 2 to practice more before you have given up and before you and grab the hang of it. " 3. Before using the press, comb your hair with a comb. 4. Work in small areas. 5. Apply equal pressure to all areas. 6. After work, leave the press to cool and then just clean it carefully with a cloth.

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