Thursday 3 March 2011

Hair loss could lead to depression - How To Cure Hair Loss and Hair Fall

If a man is opleshevyavaneto horror, then a woman is really a slow death.
By becoming morning comes and the horror of the mirror. Fear to look, to see that hair is even worse. Fear can come out and pretend nisho no. Infinite looking in the mirror, ask questions that:
"Whether a show?"
"Whether people notice?"
"Is not getting any worse?"
So every day ...
Life turns, become irritable, scared of meeting people, you never go. Looking for a permanent way to fix this issue, try, filled with hope when you hear or read that there is something new, some medicine to help you, try again and fail.
How to cope?
Is there a way to fight with ourselves?
Boys and girls how you overcome problems?
How do you live?
I difficult. Chuvstvam that lose ground under your feet?
And that is hard for me how you feel?
Do you know Nini rights! A man problem is not so serious but for you women ..... heart hurts to think. I will tell you about myself and hopefully help everyone here to look at the problem another way.
I personally experienced it as a small and endured criticism and ridicule of all the children around me. I was rejected for unwanted company accepted me as lame. It made me close, I had a period in which alone are deprived of social contacts do not see those terrible eyes of others, which is killing me.
Over time I began to sort obkrazhenieto and managed to get a true priateli who accept me as fully equal with them. Sometimes when I look in the mirror crying. I think my ex now if I could do hair, change his vision in any way "and how RPPW will again resort to option a new umbrella. With all this time I experienced changed me and made me look from a different perspective. After so many years of treatment and testing all sorts of medicines and ointments iztushten felt by all. I wondered what would happen if I can fight the disease and to the conclusion that I reached is that I personally feel so good. So efforts have set to become a "defect" in effect. Now people accept me for what I am and this is my identity. In the end, what the hell if up 7-8 years ago were different otritnati of everything and everyone it is different now respected. After long contemplation on it all felt that overcame the biggest problem of this disease psychological factors. Sincere desire of everyone here to be able to heal but in my view, success will be greater when prudoleete this factor.
Many stung! Here I think we can speak with people vsyakav hair loss, because all stress is the same.
For me personally the most disgusting is the attitude of some people, obviously very badly behaved. How I would never think to explain to someone that is a rare hair that is thicker or something?
Sometimes I ask me I'm not sick with cancer? he had to put my transformation and what not. Is really uncomfortable! Especially given that I am quite vain! Sometimes funny as it sounds accept their problem as something that keeps me on the ground, because to think anything else is my perfect (at least I like it, which is the most important)
Stressful cool in December ... especially as they start to fall my small hairs (which is androgenic will understand)
In fact, this disguise Super Million Hair was born, but save it as your eyes because it is only 10 grams. not known whether there will be more
So I was - I go to yoga with Anna Pavlova for several months and it also zhkazva that disease 98% were "psychosomatic", ie provoked by mental health problems. And you thought you for psychotherapy or psychodrama? Does anyone have any experience? Share!
Nikav experience I have with these psycho stories, but I will definitely be useful even for other problems. I think however that in Bulgaria such specialists will soon be available. No account of people! There may be, but I've heard ...
Heh-heh, you Blessed of you who still wonder it is evident
The rest of us already do not ask such questions because we know well that it shows we've already passed this etap.Malko are ahead Wink
What can I say on this issue!! I had beautiful hair - fragile, closer to the curly than to rights, thick, long and slightly dry but it was not my tity problem.Nito keep it, nor care especially for her and all envied me hell for kosata.Vse repeating what a beautiful, scenic hair have ... and here the ... I have already Sad
Began in one spot, three that do not know how, while the other two strands to ushite.Kakvo you not tried, the only results appeared in adopting kortekosteroidi so moment.Sega got slightly better and im glad to be there or be room that does not take to go back again, but anyway the question is how mind and preudolyavame problem if we did.
Well I could not quite long time to endure, that this miracle happens to men.To were tears and snot, it was not a smash, it was not ... I can not describe in words what was in the beginning.
First I drove from the accommodation because they thought that I was sick with something contagious as syphilis and although it showed a landlady his research showed that no such movie, I was forced to look for new accommodations. Then face the chill of my friend who had contact with five godini.Sled time parted on my initiative because he was afraid not to go bad, despite his frank disgust of the problem mi.I so gradually, my head is crowded not one and two problems caused by the opposing alopecia.
Dhaka once stood and I waited in front of a dermatological surgery a woman with a similar fate told me that a man accustomed to vsichko.Tova struck me, I can not get used, not used to it and I do not get used to!
Toil in any way to lift guard.
I read a lot, watching movies, listening to music ... I have been serving the arts, what else ...?
I have several other friends who does not understand me, no matter how small opitvat.Otegchavat me with my routines and generally made my head swell with nonsense Laughing
Now after so much time only (one hundred years) I do not care whether you come to visit me or not and whether voobshte will communicate with someone so much prigodih to their way of life that I do not care.
The only thing that scares me is the future - vague neochertano, black ... so I feel vulnerable.
Well, of course, sometimes I come clover and look with hope.
Alternate different periods.
Finally, I do not know whether I am glad that you found or obratnoto.Imam feeling that such a feeling of joy for me is no longer sashtestvuva.Nali know there is a book of Gomez-Arkos "Anna No" to ... well, I I'm Ana-No, I'm not even Anna
Nice write. Really! But I am glad to see you here and hope to me you look back, and looking forward. You know how strong influence on the psychological factor has alopecia. As to the former landlady and your boyfriend ... I do not deserve your attention! I'm disgusted by the actions of such people and never think to comment on them, but I say do not look back!
Also know that all here know the problems you ... we are all with alopecia, although not the same. I have visited many other sites and forums and from there I know a few girls with alopecia areata, which are currently in your position ... only a few strands here and there. I talked with them, but honestly nazapad (in this case England and Avtraliya) people are much more tolerant. And they seek to resolve the problem, but live normally without it and (according to their and my opinion) the least possible mental trauma. You say that your girlfriends do not understand ... Me .. no how. I am sure that when you talk about knocking on wood. I've talked to some girls on here just how hypocritical and friends find themselves at one point. Well yeah but look at it from another side: Instead, how you would react ... rejoice that they have that they visit ... that they forget and miss the end of their little ears are no routines. It is your job right, but you do not gain anything by closing on itself. It's talking with this Englishwoman have no idea how beautiful facial features have ... 18 years is, in its place many people would go crazy. But it is strong ... a collection of wigs and strange sounds started to like ... says it looks clean, which did not understand exactly but it is for her work ....
Oh May too far to tear, but writings you really touched me!
Difficult topic for discussion. As I recall how much time a fragile school age I have been going steadily with a hat and how classmates treated me and my friends via my doplakva again. Currently in my alopecia problem still stands. Yeast alopecia areata faded away slightly as a result of any treatment or any pills. Tu is activated and started again the same treatment that the last time I helped in some degree, will result. Fall into very difficult situations, because to me is the horror of that my hair does not return in the initial position when I was a student and had to go with hat.
When I see the slightest reduction of hair loss comes to my stimulus and mild sedation, via'm happy and my shows.
The only thing I have not tried to fight alopecia areata is a visit to the psychologist. Such therapies have not carried out. Soon I thought it best / only one spot for a long time / I was when I'm not constantly thinking about this problem via've forgotten. When I was a student, I was curled and not worried about whether the stain will be visible. Apparently the excitement of student life rather have my attention diverted by this issue.
I think I do a psychological therapy, but still do not know who to go with. Like many Algafari Madeleine, I think it's a good psychologist. Definitely misya that I need to change their mental models, trying to help myself, but apparently not received anything.
Hello everyone, today I registered on this site, but asked and read almost everything! Many razvulnava me exactly this topic - for the psyche. This I think is best - the big problem with our disease - how you yourself will receive and how they will accept the attitude of others towards you. When I was a student I went with the hat. There are many cases where some of the older students who had played a very important remove my hat in the hallways and all began to laugh at me, for days on end then I did not went to school. I know my mother all this was also very heavy! I also have heard many comments about yourself and any assumptions about the disease and most other states, but I never explained to anyone what I have because I know it will not meet any understanding. I also cry crocodile tears when I'm alone or at night when asleep, I can not explain why me, why my body. And it is true that there is much more serious and serious stuff, a lot worse diseases that are even deadly, but I have Alopecia Areta, it's my hair, this is my life, and it is not complete and he is not healthy because I'm lacking something so natural and normal, but especially for a girl, that's really a slow death! I'm also locked in houses, especially in the period when all my hair and na when it was the transition from nothing to a wig! I just never want to return that spring two years ago.
Now my only wish is to have a wonderful, beautiful, natural wig, so I can feel a little more confident in myself and I got a little more self-confidence!
Zravey The dreamer, though I've written what is in your post. As I said, I'm with more hair and that his'm much more relaxed than before. But please, find this book that I have spoken, I think each of us must make a transformation on the perception of things that happened to us.
From all share in this forum and my observations on this problem, the impression that we all hair problems are the same type of person. This tells me that to have good results have a change in the internal world of each one of us. It's very difficult at a certain age can change, but increasingly I think this must be done.
Yes, I get a book. When a book fails to grab me forget about everything and really feels great. And your absolutely right that what is inside us, and what is our attitude so with the same eyes will be watching us and he! Daily trying to influence my mind because I know that in me the power to change things! I hope and I and everyone else to succeed!
Nice girl, I felt sad letter from you, mostly because of your tender age! Do not blame and seek answers as to why you happened to you, keep up the fight and not hip! Sounds cliched, but it's salvation ..... stop looking at things and people you love and you will see that you will be refreshed! I understand completely because I went through the same year ... my hair is gone, but now I am in peace with myself and I feel better ...
Write us something more about his condition for cures, and who tried to stress the main basis is it?!
And pray for something more .... if you possible write in Cyrillic, it is difficult to read ...
Do not worry about anything here online you can share everything and they worry you'll always find friends ...
Well, I just got home from Sofia went to nashtte for another wig ... This time we decided to give plenty of coins but is neshtto better ... Well I nearly half a year alone with a wig ... previously not seen many others Petkana in my head ... Well to say that everything is stress that I experienced a small and now otrazyava.Dnes could not take my wig, because there was no color and its podhodyashiya porachah, I'm quite bad ... and frankly I'm already on the edge ... I take all sorts of crap in akala .... and paint .. someday not .... destroyed his and my parents ... many others, they are worried and I odvinyavam .. where did not lead me to the doctors barbers ... now go to one person in Chirpan ... it gives me pretty good hopes, but ... a lot of waiting .. I nl whether it will succeed ... scarcely courage to write here ... I read constantly .. what you've written ... and I decided to share my grief ...
Be strong and chase bad thoughts from your head! Do not despair, it is very important to believe in the success of your treatment!!
Well, frankly this is Chirpan people personally cured many others I went to talk to a woman who was like us ... However, you postoyannvo .. I go every Sunday ... two in a row and a rest .. and again two consecutive ... what if this help you .. I think The distance is not more important than hair ... but it depends must be effective ... and it costs many others in. .. but such is our manifest destiny ... I will keep you informed how I unwind ...
fragile 15 years, more than you and with long experience in combating this problem, I can tell you that despair will only hinder you. Do not give up, I know that there are always moments where you think you will escape from this hair loss, but there is always a solution. Some find it sooner, others later, so not bad thoughts to disturb you to continue to fight. I know how you feel wonderful because I was your age and your situation, but the truth is that when we are strong and assured results come faster.
Wigs poyakoga are so successful that hardly anyone will understand that this is not your hair, I'm so at the moment, so my colleagues liked the style that some have already walked in my frizorka postrizhe them to like me.
My advice to you is to buy a nice wig - Noriko see those, they saizkustveni but are very good. My go to 260lv and is very good. I hope your parents can afford it. If you write me a personal will tell you what I know about wigs and marks from where you can buy them.
And Be calm, do not worry unnecessarily about small things and know that everything is within us and that if one thing happens to us in everyday life is good or bad depends only on the way we perceive it. my only spot that was without hair, and even now I still is not quite a following treatment with him in 1999. I know that when there is a problem and is desperate person tried everything, but now there are enough opportunities, doctors here - contact between people with similar problems. honestly I am very worried about this particular traditional medicine which he applied - then hygiene was below critical levels. brush with 1 and also people with different problems and the most uncomfortable I had to remind him to change the stick with cotton on the front with a clean. hope all is well
Do not know anymore about what day open forum and the voice to write and not do it. The only thing I do all day is look mow people down the street, in subways, on TV ... and I envy them ... I'd like to say at least a little, but the truth is I'm dying with envy. I look at their hair and trying to count the hairs that are sad and then my home number. I hate mirrors and pray at least once to look nice and there hair ...... however there is still in me some little hope that things will get better .. and whether? I admit, I have no strength and will to read all comments. Much pain, much pain!
Is very serious, especially when you're in the age when being built as a person, when the city links. People around you are your age and some find it difficult to perceive this.
I personally have had great difficulty with this to make you think of me. Even in kindergarten my children laughed because I was naked shaved head. But then we were children, I would be laughed to something different from me. Forgiven us!
In eighth grade, I cried, "bald" and my hat removable. Sulk, cry .. I did not want to go to school. But one day I screamed, stood up against them and told them: Yes, I'm bald! So what?
This helped me a lot, although at that age I hardly realize it as now.
All people have problems, but we think that ours is the highest. However, it is pretty obvious, right? But nevertheless, we should not do than the man or woman is more severe, our sickness is it the worst, etc.
I forgot what I kazhaSmile ... Excuse me, but so glad I found this forum! Glad I can share everything I've lived, and may even give advice Smile.
So my thought was: not feeling sorry for myself! I know it's difficult. Personally, I recently realized it!
My husband was with me for over 12 years. Although we met I had hair, I said: sooner or later you fall off, so decide whether to be with me. He made his choice, apparently found something in the bald head Smile is difficult, especially when he sees someone else's eyes that stare in my wig or painted eyebrows, or the wind pushed my wig, or a child it off me. But friends, no problem! Put your wig, smile and do the next step. The truth is that there are people who want to reach, you love not because if you strigose Smile, is not it? Must accept ourselves to accept us and others.
Magdalena many rights to say things, but unfortunately not all are this lucky to have found a mate who loves them for themselves.
otherwise you are absolutely right about everything .. what does not kill us makes us stronger ... and make it as I hate the thought her repeat more often.
There is a little rough tale: For every train has its passengers.
They liked about you very, I'll accept with all temporary things.
That's why we talked recently with my husband, which are from 13god. together ... His logic is this ... if I raboleya pogrozneya and you will not you with me, will you be my support ...!?
Simple logic that says that you love a man you love him every way and yet ...
Magdalena read your post and admire your strength and confidence! Thank you for positivism that forward through it and somehow get people to be strong ... I really need to have people like you to reassure a labile ...

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