Sunday 6 March 2011

Hair Masks and hair care - TrichoZed - How To Cure Hair Loss and Hair Fall

How to deal with annoying blooms masks for every hair type, to eliminate dandruff, how to protect your hair from drying out while we are at sea

Split ends

Blossoms of the hair is the result of damage to the hair. The reason for this may be an inappropriate use of shampoo, too much direct sunlight or excessive drying and burning of curling, waving or bleaching or very often simply because the tips of hair are very old.

The only solution for flowering hair is to cut a slit tipped if they remain, they can split up the hair and hair look lifeless and dull.

Looks healthy hair: When in top form, scaly outer shell (cuticle) of each hair is flat and smooth all over for the hair.

Treatment of blooming hair:

Mix 1 teaspoon honey 2 tablespoons olive oil, then beat in 1 egg yolk mixture. Rub into hair massage small sections. Bask your head with a plastic shower cap for 30 minutes. Rinse and wash hair with shampoo.

Massage hair and scalp with warm avocado oil or olive oil. Bask well head with a towel. Allow butter to act on your hair for 8 hours or overnight. If you leave it overnight, place on towel plastic shower cap to avoid staining the pillow and blanket. Wash your hair, then rinse with vinegar diluted in water.

Mask with warm olive oil
½ cup olive oil
½ cup mineral water

Pour the olive oil and warm water in large glass bottle or jar with a lid. Maybe you should wrap the jar in a cloth so as not to burn. Beat until oil spread on the water. Massage into hair, making sure the water temperature is not such as to burn your head.

Put a hat on his head for a shower or a plastic bag, and turn your head in hot towel that has been soaked in hot water and then expelled. Bring the mixture to act on your hair for ½ hour, then wash with shampoo as you do normally. For more effect you can use hot alkaline mineral water (Bankya, Gorna Banya, Hisar, Sofia mineral water).

Oily hair

Mostly due to hormonal problems, sebaceous glands tend to become overactive and produce too much sebum.

Tips for dealing with oily hair:

Avoid solve your hair too much because it can stimulate more oil glands, which will already have overactive.

Wash your hair every 3-4 days or even more frequently as you see fit. Often the best solution is a good nourishing shampoo.

If neglected, over-omaznenost can lead to hair loss. However, if timely steps are taken, this can be prevented.

Wear your hair in a well-cut and easy to maintain hairstyle. Slight curling can be useful because it raises the hair a little distance from the scalp, and thus makes more difficult the movement of sebum in the hair.

Dry Hair

Can result from hereditary or hormonal problems resulting from the damage caused by excessive use of hot rollers, hair dryers, curling and bleaching.

Tips for maintaining dry hair:

- Using a very soft high quality shampoos and conditioners.

- By regularly trimming the tips of the hair.

- By subjecting the hot oil treatment once a week.

Use warm olive or almond oil and massage it gently into the scalp and hair.

Allow butter to work all night, if possible, turn your hair with plastic shower cap and towel. The next day, wash oil, put diluted shampoo directly to the scalp before washing hair with water.

Mayonnaise conditioner

To restore her hair, her wash with a homemade shampoo or a shampoo from the store for natural products. Rinse and wipe with a cloth.

For conditioner use plain mayonnaise (not salad dressing). Rub it with massage. Leave it to act for 10-15 minutes, gently wash the hair with shampoo and rinse with apple cider vinegar diluted in water.


Dandruff is dry scaly skin condition of the scalp and less often - the face and torso.

There are two varieties:

1. Pitiriazis kapitis - This is an ordinary type, consisting of dry white flakes falling from the scalp. Score is the rate at which dead skin cells fall from the scalp, and she in turn depends on the health and diet of the individual. Stress also seems to affect.

- Devoting more attention to personal hygiene.

- Eating more fresh fruit.

- Drink plenty of water.

- Gently rinse the hair after a shampoo.

- Gently comb the hair to remove hair caught in dead cells.

- Gently massage the scalp for dandruff flakes break.

If this simple daily care does not help, consult a dermatologist for the use of antiparhoten shampoo, which can reduce the rate of fall of dead skin cells from the scalp.

2. Seboreichen dermatitis - If the scalp is very oily, you may have with this type of dandruff, which is thick, oily, scaly, crusted and wetting.

This condition almost always needs medical care and attention, but if it is mild, you can receive treatment at home using antiparhotni shampoo or try homemade remedies.

The best medicine is still regularly wash your hair with shampoo containing selenium compounds or extracts of cold tar. Consult a dermatologist if the problem is serious or prolonged.

Tips for dealing with dandruff:

Restore the health of the scalp through positive change in their diet and lifestyle.

Gentle massage oil can help break existing dandruff flakes. Massage the scalp gently. Use your fingertips to move the scalp with small circular movements.

Keep your scalp very clean. This can be achieved by washing your hair 2 times a week with shampoo.

Warning! Dandruff may be infected. Keep your belongings clean and separate from those of others, to eliminate the risk of infection. When you wash your hair, soak combs and brushes her hair in hot water containing an antiseptic lotion.

Treatment with herbal extracts is considered efficient. Herbs like Henna and Indian grapes and lemons have antiseptic properties and cleaned great.

Change your life in a positive direction to eliminate stress and beat the shortcomings of their diet.

Furthermore antiparhotnite creams, lotions, oils and shampoos on the market, there are many simple homemade remedies to fight dandruff, which are described below:

Mix 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar and 6 tablespoons hot water. Apply the mixture on the scalp with light taps with a cotton swab, and divide your hair with a comb to cover the entire scalp. It is preferable to do this procedure at bedtime.

Tie a scarf over her hair to protect it from staining the pillow. In the morning, wash hair with shampoo. Once the hair is carefully washed, wash it for last with a mixture of 3 tablespoons of cosmetic vinegar and 1 cup hot water. Then a nice dry hair. This procedure should be done 2 times a week for 3 months.

Treatment with hot oil is another way to treat dandruff.

Massage hot oil into the scalp at bedtime. The next morning one hour before bathing in the scalp rub lemon juice mixed with vinegar (1:2). Well wash your hair with shampoo or antiparhoten best with clay.

Give your hair a hot steam bath. Massage hot oil into the scalp with a hot damp cloth and leave it wrapped around his head like a turban so that the steam can work against dandruff. You can use two towels for this purpose.

Here's a tip to remove dandruff and keep your hair beautiful.

After you wash very well, boil five teaspoons dried used tea leaves and use liquid for the last rinse after shampoo. This gives the hair shine, while nourishing it.

Here are ways to fight dandruff:

Make a decoction of 30 g fresh or dried rosemary and sage in 2 cups water. Allow to soak for 24 hours, then use it daily to rinse the hair.

Boil 5 tablespoons dried thyme with the peak in 2 cups water for 10 minutes. Strain and cool. Pour ½ of the potion on washed and still wet hair. Massage it into the scalp and do not rinse. Use the other half of the potion in the next bath.

Instead wash your hair with shampoo, massage the handful of baking soda in your hair and scalp to absorb maznotata and to loosen dead skin on the scalp. Rinse well without using shampoo. At first your hair may seem dry, but after a few weeks dandruff will disappear and your hair will become smooth and shiny.

Rinse the mint
1 cup water
1 cup cider vinegar
1 handful fresh mint leaves
Strain the potion and pour into a suitable container. With fingertips, massage the scalp in the potion, and then let it dry without rinsing it.

Use the procedure with hot oil as described above.

Calming herbal hair rinse

Mix equal parts rosemary, zarasliche, witch hazel leaves and nettles to fill about ½ cup. Add 2 cups water and pour everything into the cooking vessel with lid. When boiling, remove it from heat and let soak overnight. Strain it.

Wash your hair with shampoo and rinse, then use herb tea for the last wash to relieve itchy, scaly

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