Sunday 6 March 2011

Oily seborrhea - TrichoZed - How To Cure Hair Loss and Hair Fall

Oily seborrhoea seboreyaNaibolee often proceeds on the type of fat. The disease is caused by increased secretion of the sebaceous glands, which is associated with increased levels of androgens. If it changes the composition of sebum, which leads to a decrease in its sterilizing properties and create favorable conditions for microbial growth and skin lesions. Skin of the face, neck, chest and back takes a gray-yellow, becoming shiny and coarse, increasing its porosity.

Hair rather quickly, often on the second or third day after washing greasy, shiny, becoming slovenly appearance, even stick together in thick strands. On the scalp dandruff is formed from fatty flakes, which can be easily scraped off with a fingernail. Gradually increasing loss of hair, ending in a relatively short time (3-5 years, sometimes more), significant hair loss. Restore the hair while it is impossible.

For aesthetic reasons patients are usually speeds up shampoo, but it does not give effect - hair again quickly become greasy. Moreover, more frequent cleaning provoke an even greater function of sebum, and as a result, her hair dirty faster.

This disease is accompanied by severe itching, dandruff flakes stick together, forming the hair gray-yellowish plaques with hair falling over his shoulders, giving the garment a slovenly appearance.

The cause of seborrhea can be yeast, settled in the sebaceous glands. Itching and skin greasiness, dandruff may be the result of his turbulent life.
Dry seborrhea

When the disease is gradually thinning hair, luster, become brittle, break off and split ends start to fall hard. On the scalp dandruff appears as an easily crumbling, dry whitish scales. The disease is often accompanied by itching.

Attempts to eliminate such phenomena more frequent head washing effect is not given, moreover, exacerbate the condition. This is understandable, as the main symptom of dry seborrhea is dry skin. Therefore, all funds, degreasing the skin and hair only bring harm.

One of the most insidious enemy of hair - it's dandruff. To many it brings anxiety. Dandruff is characterized by the proliferation of loose flakes on the scalp, more in the occipital-parietal region. Most often it is the companion of seborrhea, but may be associated with metabolic disturbances in the body, improper hair care products. Some scholars consider dandruff as infectious diseases.

Skin cells, including the head, updated every 28 days, trying to stay on the skin surface dead horny scales. Usually dander is invisible, however, the use of inappropriate and poor-quality shampoos, frequent drying and styling hair dryer, as well as stress and illness lead to excessive cell renewal and, accordingly, to a large amount of dandruff.

Dandruff gives a lot of anxiety not only women but also men. Experts believe that every third person is suffering from this scourge. Among the causes of dandruff: nervous stress, lack of vitamins A and Group B, the wrong hair care, overdrying scalp disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Flocculating small flakes of dandruff are dry the entire surface of the scalp or predominantly in the frontal and parietal regions. Salootdelenie reduced, worried itching, hair gradually become dry, brittle and hard fall.

If dandruff occurs against a background of increased salootdelenie characteristic of a disease like seborrhea, impregnated with flakes of sebum, become stratified, yellowish hair quickly get dirty and stick together, become greasy, unpleasant gloss, it is often itchy. This is because fat clogs the ducts of the sebaceous and sweat glands and irritating effect on the nerve endings; contribute to this, and fatty acids formed by decomposition and oxidation of fats.

Dandruff is a very alarming symptom of hair and discord in the body, so at the slightest sign of dandruff - not too lazy to consult a specialist and immediately begin to fight this scourge.

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