Tuesday 8 March 2011

Home recipes for shiny hair - TrichoZed - How To Cure Hair Loss and Hair Fall

50% of the beauty of a woman in her hair.
Perfect makeup, elegant dress, perfect hair - all loses its efficacy if your hair is not viable and no shine.

hair glitter

In this topic we will see some easy to prepare home remedies for shiny hair -
herbal and other solutions to rinse the hair.

There's no better tool in hair care and the gifts of nature.

To help shine:

Weak solution of cider vinegar
In court paste with hot water 1 tablespoon cider vinegar. Allow to cool.
With the resulting solution rinse your hair after shampoo several times. Then Rinse with lukewarm water.

It may sound strange, but beer is very useful to nourish the hair.
A mixture of light beer and 1 teaspoon of honey or olive oil will add shine to your hair.


For a nice color and shine:

Decoction of nettles
In a liter of water boil the nettle leaves (ratio 1-2 clips nettle 1 cup water) for about 10 minutes. Allow to cool, strain the solution and use it to pour over the hair.

Decoction of parsley
1 bunch of parsley to a boil in 1 liter of water about 15 minutes. Once cooled solution is filtered and used to rinse the hair after shampoo.

These potions affect on dark hair well. Strengthen hair, add shine and keep hair color.


For blondes:

Solution with lemon juice
1 tablespoon lemon juice dissolve in a litre of boiled water. The resulting mixture rinse.

Decoction of apples
4-5 peeled apples boil in a litre of water. Boil until the water boil. Then let cool, strain and use the potion to rinse the hair.

For blonde hair is in place and opening of chamomile. Refreshes colour and maintain a blond.

Decoction of onion flakes
Gives the hair a golden hue. Prepare a handful of onion skins, which are flooded with 1 cup boiling water. Mixture boil or let stand 15-20 minutes. After cooling is filtered and used to rinse the hair.

red hair

for redheads:

Decoction of bay leaves
7-8 leaves are boiled 20 minutes in 1 litre of water. Strain the solution and allow to cool.
Rinse your hair with shampoo after potion.

For silky soft hair:
Rinse hair with fresh milk. Then with lukewarm water.

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