Thursday 3 March 2011

HOW STRESS INFLUENCE ON HAIR? - The impact of hair loss on the psyche - How To Cure Hair Loss and Hair Fall

Stress and strong emotions are reflected through the central nervous system on the endocrine and hormonal systems. This is the road that affect all body functions, and the hair. It has been shown that stress and strong emotions affect the structure of hair, it becomes fragile and brittle, losing luster, flexibility and vitality. The condition of the hair reflects not only the general health of the body but also the emotional life of the individual. Any emotional shock has a stronger or weaker influence on hair depending on how the individual experiencing it, and depending on the natural qualities of his hair. This influence is seen in changes in the keratin of the hair. For more emotional people sudden and intense stress can rzstroi life cycle of hair, albeit temporarily. Sudden severe stress can cause growth retardation of hair, so that the normal incidence of the individual hair becomes more clearly visible. Stress causes the majority of hair follicles to go into resting phase and a few months after the stressful events all resting follicles are released from the hair around the same time. Can lead to sudden hair loss and should endeavor dripping hair, which was observed in emotional shock, do not become chronic.
It is the life cycle to accelerate replacement of old with new hair be done in two or three instead of five or six years. There is also the new hair to sprout thinner due to narrowing of the hair follicle, causing a change in the structure of hair. Prolonged depression hair can become brittle, sticky, lifeless. In such cases, you may use local funds to support the life cycle of hair and the three functions of the hairy skin of the head:
- Improved blood circulation, helping feed the hair;
- Proper functioning of the sebaceous glands;
- Proper release of toxins.
Violation of the last two functions can lead to fat seborrhea, thickening and other pathologic changes of the scalp, which damage the hair.
It is necessary to learn different tools to manage stress - relaxation, massage, exercise, etc., which will doprenese to improve overall mental and physical health of the individual.

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