Friday 4 March 2011

Sto your Hair Fall - How To Cure Hair Loss and Hair Fall

That's probably happened to me - but do not know yet. Latest "news" of my health odyssey (I wrote and Doctors ... and Other alopetseya "You can see more info). So in two words instead of androgenic - to have a "ghost" hair?? According ginekolozhkata could be related - my newly discovered mycoplasma infection and hair loss. 4 years before it began, I had studied hormones and then come up slightly elevated androstenedione (a male hormone, I'm a girl). There were also small whiteheads ovarian I fixed with contraception. But now? D-rat from Pirogov said again seen three follicles 13 mm each and would have become of cysts over time, if not regulating them. And e-rkata that my close friend recommend me, said no such thing and my ovaries are without cysts, etc. All hormones are ok. Shortly my progesterone was below average rate, but the norm. Would rectify it after the fix mycoplasma. So my mind is whether fatty tochpentsa in the root may be of this mycoplasma, and not hormones?? Somebody knows something about ...
When I say greasy picots, this May the hair follicles that go on top for some reason can not develop a normal healthy hair and it falls prematurely. That I have read around the internet and did not understand with certainty what are these picots even after numerous visits to dermatologists. So much I've mad that I developed a tic constantly spend their fingers on the scalp and make them feel. Touch them with your fingertips they fall easily (picots are sometimes white or yellowish oily, sometimes dry) and usually go with hairs less than 1 cm, which is often lighter and thinner (otherwise my hair is brown). Terrible habit is to look for them and wave, perhaps makes the situation worse, but I am particularly stressed out I can not konroliram not do it.
Otherwise my health is quite a long odyssey. Overall thinning noticed about 6 years ago, maybe early on has begun (now I'm 27). Now I have a condition that my hair looks more or less normally only the first day after washing. Until my 20th year was quite thick and long and then I washed my 2 times per week. I can not say that now my hair is greasy, but a night on the pillow and she was just sticking my neck and white stripes are formed translucent scalp. Every morning he rose up with a second look at a mirror to see how my hair stand back and my heart is breaking.
Research I've done all sorts. "Whiteheads" on my ovaries detected by 21 years - according to most gynecologists were functional blisters with fluid during ovulation was normal, themselves disappeared. I took one year Diane 35 and I had cysts, because it stops ovulation - and I feel that my bones zhivna little but not too much (my skin was very nice though). Not proceeded to remove it because I read that are carcinogenic. Otherwise I am not overweight more than 1-2 kg, although some doctors say that they can literally be Poduene. Last year I thought I finally found the problem in endocrinology hospital a doctor I confirmed by blood tests that have elevated TSH (tiroidostimulirasht hormone), which is indicative of Hashimoto's syndrome - can be read on the internet that is a disease thyroid gland, which causes an overall thinning of hair like mine, which was reversible with hormonal therapy. Hopeful began therapy with 25 mg Euthyrox a day but for one year result for the hair I saw. I read around the internet that my prescribed dose is negligible. So this August I went with Dr. Popivanov in the medical academy, which boasts a very good endocrinologist. Watching my thyroid on ultrasound and said it was completely normal. Blood tests were normal for TSH, perhaps as a result of Euthyrox-a, but antibody TAT and MAT though their times were normal. Dr. Popivanov however told me that every organism had its individual and some people just have a thyroid antibodies in higher values and its been normal for them. Search and hormones of the adrenal gland (DHEA) - was slightly above the upper limit (12 at 9.23 limit), but Popivanov told me to be well above the upper limit to be considered wrong. We did testing for diabetes, because insulin resistance can also cause hair loss, and had slightly elevated levels of immunoreactive insulin after the supply of glucose (24.9 border at 31.73), but again - were not significantly above the norm. So finding a doctor for thinning was that I inherited predisposition, triggered by age (it began on 20?) And stress. According to him, may try several hormonal therapies - or to increase the dose of Euthyrox, or I take anti-androgen contraceptive Yasmin (updated cariogenic Diane-35) or hormone suppression of the adrenal gland, or medicine to regulate blood sugar. These options have to be cut individually to every few months to see of what could potentially be affected hair, given that any experimentation with hormones carries risks such as serious weight gain and so on. and do not know disarray once you fix things there. At risk in the leaves were preparations for the suppression of the adrenal gland, may gain weight because of 20 kg per month for example, on the Yasmin and Diane also gain because prompted the division of fat cells, which is an irreversible process as the division of cancer cells . So we decided to increase the dose of thyroid hormones, 50 mg (Euthyrox) every odd date and wait 2-3 months. The first month passed - do not notice a change ... Quite disappointed by the helplessness of medicine to help (at least the doctors in Sofia), because I think it definitely has something wrong with my system to come to terms with the verdict of heredity (my mother has very thick hair for 55 d, but you can come in another line). And I do not see the typical Ludwig scheme inherited female pattern baldness because of me my thin hair on top only, and complete. Just do not know what to do but to continue to try anything and to share experiences.
A tried and mesotherapy injections in the scalp minoxidil last winter. Before you begin therapy is doing research on the scalp, which showed that 80% of my hair is in growth phase. Although this was promising nothing special happened, except that there was increased incidence of small hairs for 2-3 weeks. Dermatologist claimed that they were called. minityuarizirani where hairs should fall and be replaced by healthy, but had no effect who knows what. Summers took my hair again for sample and told me that even those in the growth decreased to 70% and suggested duta steroid injections, but decided not to do at this point.

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