Wednesday 2 March 2011

vitamins and food supplements - How To Cure Hair Loss and Hair Fall

Hi my son who is 3 years old received 7-8 bald circles for 1-2 weeks
made fully investigated but nothing turned out it was stress or growth discharged our ksizal drops drinking 2 twice a day, garlic spreads and wort mixed with olive oil spreads. Please advise me what else I can do it very short haircut useful sun and seawater. Very worried
Very sorry that such a small child it happens this horror. In any case he does not realize yet what happens, but it will soon become clear. Either in school or kindergarten children are horribly cruel as it sounds cliched.
It is good that a child has a better chance to fight this desolate alopecia. For such cases cured've heard! While already grown alternate periods of decay and moments in which the spots are expanding.
In general, research does not show anything in alopecia areata. Doctors transcribed it to an autoimmune reaction or stress.
There are many ideas in the forum, as May turned out to be effective lubrication of mixtures that burn (cook them different people), but I'm not sure if that is appropriate for such a small child.
Let people with alopecia areata (mine is androgen) to speak!
terrible to constantly cry and wonder what doctor or to seek advice about any treatment now that he shaved his head torkova apparent to me is sad and disgusting
child for any disease is its cruelty, but above the head, tighten up and yet he is very tiny, to realize exactly what is happening and even yet to develop a lot of hormones will change it. So I think his chance is great everything is fine. And you Be brave and do not give up!
I want to ask you know whether it is appropriate to treat it with liquid nitrogen because the doctor told us that it was not nice because thinning scalp
very interesting but if your hair has stopped its fall eight rounds are now quite big but I'm glad that there is growing number of their doctors did not find reason. only endocrinologist I have not fought but surely there is no reason. I give him pills for the immune system Alkim fort hopefully strengthen it, otherwise I find it very cute haircut it first number, and he enjoys but it sucks that goes to the garden in September and yet there know how it is, children do not forgive. I slept dub it with garlic in my view has no effect at least for us. Abe ezhiv me know and well dub it with garlic already do not know how long but he do not think he helps a stinging so it just do not know how to try this with pepper but will now try his hair a little run to close circles that September is a garden and not worry how they will react to other children.
and yet people do not care what you say and start to stare me coming to them in one whack, but this is by education but no one is immune, I already accepted it and I feel much more relaxed I think Vanko will be fine
I'm worried his rounds increased many do not know why it was stopped and what it unlocked again, someone has a child who was cured and how. Do you know if Nizoral shampoo will help me?

I think you can try with an alcohol extract of hot pepper, but it diluted with water, not much money - is still a child. Not that anything will happen, but it simply will not tolerate burning and will not let you do it more. Therefore, diluted with water and try it yourself first how much until you get to the affordability of its borders, but do not forget that burning his mother Smile.

Ask your husband to his izbrasva head - it tonight. Naprapravete it be like a fun game - for example, like Michael Jordan. This will stop people eyeing it and you rhubarb. Keep in mind that your child feels tension and staring, and this bothers him, even if they do not show it. It is very important that your behavior!

Read carefully my post pod - there wrote a very detailed things.

I'm sure will grow - you have time
I want to ask this child an experience some stress is it? how was your delivery? Is there anything as stressful situation may trigger the disease.
I think the grease is not unhelpful, but it is soothing, and something you do not stand and wait. It is better to give vitamins and supplements.
For me the problem is for years, but I think peace of mind are most important in this case.
Ensure the child calm childhood and not worry so much, maternal thinking is one that most helps and let it be aimed at the successful end of treatment. So will surely help him.
know and endocrinologist at which it led him asking me the same whether there were problems at birth, and I honestly say I gave birth so easily and quickly that even I did not notice. In general, he was calm baby but honestly say very sensitive still crying like him a note in the manger has bitten someone hooked it up and he defends. Individual is full of energy at home bounce has run screaming cry Abe hinge
Hi I'm trying to abyasnya reason why circles Vanko were stopped to develop and now from day two visually enlarge their diameter along a uniformly ugolemyava.Mozhe anyone tell me Where are our town of Burgas in Bulgaria or somewhere I can bring my child to any treatment and if you like herbal already neznam.Pri all doctors that I was vklyu.i Dr. Stransky in Sofia and in Plovdiv in stoylova koyat.o comes here in Burgas, every cry of distress from growth, but why were his stopped again and now are developing normally and there is at areata him one falleth miglichka? now I do not know what to take garlic again stopped him they are so large that May stains with garlic nestava
modern medicine still does not answer what triggers this bolest.Ima many assumptions, but not proven cause. So, to search for answers to why and how, unfortunately you will not find! Normally when areata have periods of silence (whether days or months) and then hair starts to fall again. Not related to anything you do or not pravish.Prosto his illness is. You have to accept that it is very likely that all his hair to fall out and then grow again. This can be repeated again next year when bigger.
What is important is PEACE for you and the child because he felt everything and only prenasyash negative emotions on it! In any specialists who've gone, recommend (insist) for calm and avoid any stressful situations.
For the garden: it is best to Zebedee child and the whole group or parent meeting to present it:
No matter how small children, is better explained to them than to mock without knowing why or parents to speculate whether the disease is contagious, because unfortunately it has now. I doubt any of us write in the forum heard of this disease before it happened, so it is with other people! I suggest you trim it every day with hair and accept it as it is! Reaction on the streets, unfortunately there will always be, such is our society! The important thing is he does not feel different at home and among their permanent protection.
I replied in your thread where you recommend it. For each case will tell you here. To me personally my hair grow it, take at least 7-8 months 2 times a day. Just have patience because hair began to grow lighter after 3-4 months. Then start harder. It depends of course on what state you you yourself, most importantly follicles are alive. But this is one of the most powerful anti-androgenic alopecia, and most importantly, approved and confirmed. Do not waste your time with Trivitaminoli, masks and similar bullshit.

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