Monday 7 March 2011

DIRECT IMPLANTATION Of HAIR (DHI) is the new revolutionary TECHNIQUE - TrichoZed - How To Cure Hair Loss and Hair Fall

For years, waiting for such a simple medical procedure to restore the hair! The latest revolutionary DHI technique eliminates the use of scalpels, not left any scars and, best of all, the whole procedure is painless. You will receive great natural-looking results with just one visit to one of our DHI clinics.

After finishing the procedure, new hair continues to grow in a natural way of life. The main objective of this new, advanced technique is to increase survival and growth of hair follicles as to minimize their manipulation and the time in which they lie outside the skin. This amazing new technique now available in DHI clinics worldwide.

So why DHI technique is so good and what makes it better than other techniques?


* DHI Direct technique was not associated with any of the following: FUE, STRIP, scars or HOLES!
* It is simple, but at the same time highly sophisticated medical procedure with impressive and 100% natural results!
* Require a minimum post-operative medication, because the entire process is done quickly and painlessly.
* The procedure eliminates the need for holes receptive because the placement of new hair follicles are implanted devices made by DHI.
* Beche not needed medical assistants to manipulation of hair follicles during the procedure.
Before, with older techniques during certain phases of the procedure were necessary manipulations hair follicles, such as to examine under a microscope, while stored in saline solution in Petri dishes, while the number and also during charging implanted devices.


Now, with the elimination of all these factors, the overall minimally invasive nature of this new technology is certainly a key factor for minimizing the fatigue factor of hair follicles and thus increase their long-term survival as a whole. This is because each hair follicle is extracted separately and immediately transmitted to the recipient, thus the time in which hair follicles remain outside the body is reduced from hours to just a few seconds.

DHI technology saves so much time that our patients and our medical teams never suffer from fatigue. This is a sophisticated, fast, new technology, which according to our clients change their lives, is painless and satisfies them most.

You alone can compare the superiority of technique DHI Direct to other treatments to restore hair available today, and to decide themselves. DHI Direct is the most advanced techniques for the implantation of hair that has ever developed!

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