Friday 4 March 2011

Is it me, or I have Hairloss? - How To Cure Hair Loss and Hair Fall

So I'm 19 years old and the next few 6-7 months notice that my hair falls a lot. In the bathroom my hair falling 30-40, then the next 2-3 days 20-30, but after I smeared hair fall more than 60 hair .. I do not know if my hair is discharged, but it seems to me that hair loss is great. In semeystovoto my dad is quite uredyala hair (but it's begun after 35 years), my uncle was bald early (but it was from stress), and maternal line do not know ...
I have a concern or just seems to me
Firstly I want to note that only you can judge whether or not there is a problem because you have an idea how much hair I fell before, how long you what sapatsvashti problems have now (stress, seborrhea, this greasy which talking, etc.)
In general, the most common shvashane is that a day should not fall more than 100 hairs. In that perhaps there is something true but not entirely. Each hair is different! Amount hairs retained is strictly individual. Adults is also important.
Let me say that I'm not a doctor, but I can not live with you and do not even know to know what exactly is and how your hair falls.
I recommend you follow it closely and at least an overall thinning or places to visit dermatologist. I just have no idea what else to say ...
I hope you do not have a problem though
at least uredyavane will visit a dermatologist. As I was 16-17 I fell much less hair, but maybe age does matter

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