Tuesday, 15 March 2011

6 misconceptions about hair - TrichoZed - How To Cure Hair Loss and Hair Fall

Fallacy № 1: short haircut (especially the number zero) causes hair to grow faster

This is not true. Hair grows an average of 1.5 cm per month, usually faster in summer and slower in winter. To improve the condition of the hair must be getting enough vitamins (dietary or supplementary) to make special masks to use its appropriate shampoos and conditioners. Cutting in this case does not help. This we feel is better purely psychological effect. But at the very hair that has no respect. Suffice it to trim hair to not bloom.

For shine, durability and easy combing you can select a mask that matches your hair type. Universal natural mask is composed of 50 g colourless henna and yoghurt.

Experts remind that the condition of hair depends directly on the food. Hair needs of marine products which are rich in phosphorus, potassium and iodine, dairy products, fruits (especially kiwi fruit).
Are useful and sprouts, which contain vitamin C.

Fallacy № 2: During pregnancy hair should be clipped and painted

Cutting during this period will not harm you. This does not apply to painting. Hair dye contains chemicals that can cause allergies and affect the health of future child. Furthermore, the body of pregnant hormonal changes are made, and hair colour may not meet your expectations.

If you still can not tolerate the roots of your hair in need of paint, use light colours are eluting. And do not overlook conditioners, because during this time the hair becomes dry and damaged - yet another food organism.

Fallacy № 3: should not use foreign rails, because it may be infected with dandruff

Dandruff is not contagious! But foreign comb really should not use - this way you can get with some skin disease.

Fallacy № 4: frequent washing and combing hair is useful for

To wash more often hair is really useful. Dirty hair dripping more than clean. So it must be washed as often as it is really necessary. For oily hair and dry, it should be a suitable shampoo. If the scalp is oily and dry ends of your hair, you should use a combined shampoo.

By combing things are otherwise. It is useful mostly for dry hair. After washing, it must first be dry (but not with a hair dryer) and then comb. It is desirable to pull the hair and pull a comb or brush. Use a wooden comb and brush massage, improving blood circulation in the scalp.

Fallacy № 5: constant wearing hats leads to baldness

Hat can only accelerate the baldness, but it is itself genetically determined and occurs due to the impact of any specific external factors: vitamin deficiency, radiation, effects of chemical substances, etc.

Hat can not be the sole cause of baldness. It is responsible for shedding is a disease of the thyroid, gastrointestinal tract (particularly disbakterioza) and also iron deficiency in the body.

Fallacy № 6: grey hair to be extracted, then their place grows hair with normal colour

Normal hair turn grey with age. But the extent of this depends on genes. Some people whiten hair for 20 years, others - 60. It is considered that hair turns white and the stress, but so far this claim is controversial.

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