The natural tan from the sea has long faded, and the memory of the fashion of short hair.
It is proved that winter affects not only our mood, but particularly the hair, which we want.
But if the coveted hippie mane of Shakira or perfect curls arranged in stylish Beyonce is impossible since only in July we like beans as Posh Space? What to do to wait to grow up?. . . No!
Today creams rejuvenate us, give us a tan sunbeds, beauty put our lips, why not hair. It turns out that this was not as complicated as it was said years ago. Just not as "exotic expensive.
Hair Extensions or so-called hair extensions, are simple accessory for girls, at a price not higher than Swarovski jewellery and hair extension integral part of the operation of beauty salons.
For extensions women do little more care, but the effect you achieve with it is incredible. Being one day short, and the next day with long hair and back, bordered by the mystical and magical. But even in our small country that is no longer a sign of eccentricity or imitation.
They say that 80% of sex appeal and self-confidence of a woman due to her hair
In our first realized that pop singer, almost all are divine with long hair. . . Is it possible to save voice talent and bodies with perfect measures, they all have this gift from nature. . . Maybe. . . but hardly.
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