Sunday, 13 March 2011

Tips for fractional rise and hair - TrichoZed - How To Cure Hair Loss and Hair Fall

Tip 1. Moisturize your hair. Plunk hair when dry hair absorbs moisture from the air, which can be prevented with cream shampoo and mask. We need only to wash better products to not look dirty and greasy. Try to wash your hair twice a day because sebum is one of the best ways to cope with the flying hair.

Tip 2. Dry properly. To keep your curls soft, apply styling lotion to wet hair and let it dry itself. The more you touch your hair and run my fingers through it, the more formless and sweeping will be it. To smooth your hair while you dry, curling along direct but not in roots.

Tip 3. Protect your hair. Use silicone or crystal hair products, but make not too much. So, your hair will be well protected and shiny.

Tip 4. Moisturize with oil your hair twice a week. Wheat oils are among the closest to the natural oils of the scalp. Apply it on dry hair with your hands and rub gently, then with a broad brush comb hair well to complete a moisturizer. Before you wash, leave the oil to act as possible any longer, at least 5-10 minutes

Tip 5. Cut and color your hair properly. Avoid too multilevel hair. If your hair is curly or wavy it is not appropriate to be sliced ​​because it plunk and more difficult to style. Tufted or excessive dye may worsen the problem, because ammonia open hair.

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