Sunday, 13 March 2011

Foods that are good for hair - TrichoZed - How To Cure Hair Loss and Hair Fall

10 product that will help increase your vitality and you look beautiful in a very short time.

1. Leafy green vegetables and cereals. With anti-tumour and toning effect.

2. Extras virgin olive oil. Ideal antioxidant, great protection against heart disease.

3. Cabbage, Brussels sprouts and broccoli. Extremely rich in vitamin C, beta-carotene and chlorophyll, all proven antioxidants, respectively, perfect for preventing aging.

4. Oranges and tomatoes. First because of its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, the second - because of lycopene, an antioxidant with amazing effect.

5. Tea. Contains polyphenols, which prevent the development of tumour cells. Black or green tea protects cells from degeneration and is an excellent tool for refreshing and toning.

6. Shitake Mushrooms. You can find them almost exclusively in Kibea restaurant in Sofia, and perhaps in a well supplied grocery store. Contain lentinin which is anti-tumour polysaccharide, vitamin E and substances that regulate cholesterol levels better than any pills.

7. Fatty fish. For example, sardines, catfish, salmon or whatever you like. Super-rich in Omega 3, they have markedly antidepressant effect and are a great fighter against cardio diseases.

8. Nuts. Rich in proteins, they also tend to dilute the blood.

9. Yoghurt with probiotics. Stimulates immune defenses and has antitumor activity.

10. Less prominent in our lupins, like soy beans, which are extracted from a plant grown in Australia, North America and Western Europe - improve blood circulation and reduce cholesterol.

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