Monday, 14 March 2011

Tousled hair is sexy - TrichoZed - How To Cure Hair Loss and Hair Fall

Allow your hair to its own whims and fancies sensual, let it be sexy tousled hair!

For slightly wavy hair

Step 1: Your hair should be slightly moist. You can wait until almost dry after the shower or dampen it yourself, sprinkle it with water.

Step 2: Apply a light gel throughout the chapter.

Step 3: Gently pass the fingers of both hands through your hair while twisting around corners selected pointer - thanks to those parts of the gel will keep shaping.

Step 4: Allow hair to dry naturally. About half an hour should be enough.

For curly hair: trim curves

Step 1: Your hair should be slightly moist. In your palm, mix equal parts oil to shine and retaining gel.

Step 2: With both hands, pull your hair from the crown to the face, while with his fingers gently massage the head in scalp.

Step 3: Now shake head and allow your hair to split naturally, can help her, but only with your fingers - do not allow the intervention of the comb as strict lines that will produce, not to your liking.

For straight hair: a kind of rock n roll

Step 1: Wash with mild shampoo and apply conditioner, dry hair with a towel while remain damp.

Step 2: With your left hand pull random small locks of hair, about 5 inches in diameter, which then turn around two fingers of his right hand. Forefinger and middle finger are probably most appropriate.

Step 3: Once you've wound your hair, apply a spray volume. Take care my fingers and you're ready for the next roll.

Step 4: Optionally, attach each strand to the hairpin to be more concise and allow hair to be fixed for about half an hour.

For long hair: Sexy dishevelled bun

Step 1: Use on wet hair fixative gel, and dry with a diffuser. If your hair is very right, try some hot rollers to bring the type needed for this hairstyle, just wrap the rolls in half sections of 7 cm.

Step 2: Raise better ruffled his hair back in a ponytail and her tie with elastic band. To give more volume, use your fingers instead of a comb or brush.

Step 3: Depending on the amount of hair you have to process, separate the tail of four, five or six parts.

Step 4: Wrap each part (imagine that wrap the ball of yarn) until a ball-like flower shape. Secure the ends with hairpins.

Step 5: Complete hair spray it with hairspray.

For short to medium long hair: light flirting

Step 1: Skip washing with shampoo for the day so that the hair remains slightly plastic. If it is too oily sprinkle a little powder on the scalp and apply a light massage.

Step 2: Using a special comb divide hair into sections of 3-4 cm, starting from the top of the head.

Step 3: Keeping the hair of the sector still, put the comb in the middle of the selected sector of the underside of the hair and start by moving the comb on the fiber so as to ruffle the surface layer instead of smoothing it. Four ruffled tuft from the crown of the head falling to the person should be sufficient.

Step 4: Using your fingers, arrange ruffled tufts so as to go back and hold them with two hairpins with hair colour.

Step 5: Fix a single spray of hairspray.

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