Nourish the hair is obligatory part of the CARE
Integral part of hair care is her feeding. In winter it just is mandatory. Our grandmothers are also cared for their hair and had shiny, long hair to his waist. Nothing is given freely. We offer the most popular pet hair masks.
• For all hair types. Half an hour before washing your hair apply a little yoghurt.
• For normal hair. Powdery one tablespoon of wheat grains, add 15 g olive oil and heat the mixture. Apply to the roots and scalp. Cover with warm towel and let the mask for 10 minutes. Then rinse with water in which you put a little lemon juice.
• For thin hair. Mix one egg yolk with one teaspoon of castor oil and add a teaspoon of honey. Mix ingredients well and spread over the entire length of the co
Satan. And yet another recipe: 40 minutes before washing your hair, rub in a mixture of roots of cabbage juice, lemon, cucumber and carrot. Your hair will get a shine.
• For oily hair. Beat one egg, add a teaspoon of vodka and a few drops of lemon juice. Rub the mixture into the scalp, then rinse first with warm, then with lukewarm water.
• mask hair loss. Mix half a cup of aloe juice, one egg yolk and juice of half lemon and add a few drops of almond oil. Rub into hair roots and hold 20-30 minutes. Then rinse with warm water to which you add one tablespoon of lemon juice.
• Anti-Dandruff: Mix water with vinegar in a 3:1 ratio, add dried nettles and cook 30 minutes. Strain and rinse your hair every day with this decoction for 10 days.
In order to deliver these masks should be used regularly, at least once every two weeks. And in winter - one time each week.
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