Sunday, 13 March 2011

Summer 2011 - dark hair and thick bangs - TrichoZed - How To Cure Hair Loss and Hair Fall

This summer earn brunettes.
Thick bangs that start from the rear, and copper colours will rule in women's hair in the spring and summer. Casual and intentionally messy hair back seat of stacked haircuts and Evita would have to spend more time with curling or straightening press, if they want to keep up with the latest trends. Although traditionally in vogue during the warm months are bright hues and in particular platinum and dusty shades, this year is turning to darker tones - mednoruso, cappuccino, mahogany.

Trends driven by Haute Coiffure francaise. French organization that sets high fashion in hairstyles showed spring-summer line last month at the Louvre. It has representatives from over 50 countries worldwide. Paris know-how brought in our first top coiffeur of 2008 Marin Hubenov-Murphy. He was among those invited to the grand spectacle, and then walked through the studio, where his colleagues from the City of Love showed step by step how to forge a new line of hair.

"I have clients who each year waiting for me to come back from the show and they are the first to get a hairstyle that will scream the season," said the famous hairdresser. "Unfortunately, these geometric shapes and over-arranged lines, charged in her hair, not very practical for the modern woman. It has no much time to hang the mirror, or visit the beauty salon every other day."

Master of scissors warns the ladies that should especially be careful with thick bangs, to not stand something that actually want to hide. "You must have an appropriate form of the face, women with round faces can not afford it. Fringe stresses the eyes, but also exacerbates the features." At the same time lowered over the forehead hair is very successful for the shy and mysterious natures, which can hide eyes behind his fringe.

As for men - unlike women they could safely bet the casual look and the different shades of blond. And Evita, and Adamovtsite remains true taboo for Outstanding locks with several tons of variations of the basic shade. Hair can be dyed in several colors - it makes hair more relief - but they need to blend gracefully. Lighter in roots adds volume and lightens the edges reveals more secrets of top professional coiffeur of the year.

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