Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Why does our hair turn grey and then white - TrichoZed - How To Cure Hair Loss and Hair Fall

Genetic predisposition is the most important of them. If your hair is grey parents early - expects and their heirs. In general, the first white hair appeared about 40th year, according to statistics 50 years 50% of the hair of men and women is already visible grey.

Hair begins to grey and then to whiten because of a certain age as the hair follicles stop producing melanin - the pigment that determines the colour of our hair. If the hair contains more melanin, hair colour will be darker, if less - bright.

In the process of aging pigment cells in hair follicles gradually begin to produce reduced quantities of melanin, leading to loss of hair colour and grey respectively. Over time the body at all stops to create new cells to replace dying and the end result is a complete whitening.

There are cases of so-called "premature greying, which occurs in very young people under 20 years. Claims that hair turns white to a night of great fear or tested negative emotions are fully justified from a scientific perspective.

A psychological or emotional trauma may be stressful to the extent human beings that he stop producing melanin substance already mentioned, in some cases - does not suspend the hair growth. Reasons for early greying of hair may still be poor nutrition, smoking, lack of B group vitamins, neglected condition of the scalp, wash hair with very hot water, drying with a hairdryer, the treatment of hair with dyes from an early age.

If you want to have white hair as you can any longer avoid sodas, white flour, refined sugar and all products made from them. These products take the energy of cells and cause not only grey hair, but early wrinkles and problem skin.

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