Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Herbal therapy helps fight dandruff - TrichoZed - How To Cure Hair Loss and Hair Fall

Herbal therapy helps fight dandruff - TrichoZed - How To Cure Hair Loss and Hair Fall

Finely chopped nettle leaves are boiled 30 minutes in a mixture of half a litre of vinegar with a half litre of water. The hair is washed with filtered decoction (no soap) every day for ten days.
Can be used and infusion of tansy: One tablespoon of ground stems and flowers of tansy pour 400 ml boiling water and leave to stand for two hours. Strained infusion is used for washing your hair (no soap) every other day for a month.

Apply infusions and squill from: Mix a pint of vinegar and half a litre of liquid water and put the fire to boil. With boiling liquid is poured 50 g colors of squill, and then to soak for one hour. With strained liquid rinse your hair every day for a month.
50 g hellebore roots are placed in a mixture of 250 g water and 250 g of alcohol. The mixture is boiled until half remains. Filter and the potion is massaged roots of the hair three times a week for one month and then only once a week before washing your hair.
50 g hellebore roots are boiled with 250 g of vinegar until the liquid remains half. Filter. Separately soaked for one hour so that 25 grams of Marshmallow bellies in 150 ml cold water, then straining. The two liquids are mixed and this lotion to rub down the scalp in the morning and evening for one month.
Good acting and following infusions: one tablespoon of birch leaves are flooded with 300 ml boiling water and let steep for two hours. With the strained liquid to rub down the scalp after every shampoo.
Very good remedy is a decoction of burdock: 20 g chopped burdock root are boiled for 5 minutes in a half litre of water. Potion strain after cool, and it is rub down the scalp. Then head Rinse with plain water. Apply three times a week for two months.

Rosemary also can be used: Two teaspoons chopped rosemary leaves are boiled 5 minutes in 300 ml water. Potion to cool and strain. It is used for friction on the scalp twice a week for two months.
Stimulate Hair Growth
To stimulate hair growth are used the following herbs:
Ivy: One tablespoon of the cut ¬ leaves are boiled 10 minutes in half a litre of water. Once cool, strain potion. With cotton soaked in that decoction is moisturize the scalp and hair itself every night for a month.
Bray: fresh roots are bruised, squeezed and with the resulting juice is brushed hair roots every day for a month.
Nasturtium: 100 g well crushed leaves of cress mixed with 100 g of crushed nettle leaves and add them to 10 g powdered roots. The mixture is poured half a litre of pure alcohol. Leave for fifteen days, stirring several times daily. Filter and the resulting tincture is used for friction on the scalp after washing her to keep eyes.

Fresh roots are bruised and received be affixed to the hairy part head. Then the head is wrapped with parchment, top with a towel. The mask is allowed to act for one hour. Apply every other day for a month.

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