Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Tips to lighten hair - TrichoZed - How To Cure Hair Loss and Hair Fall

Every woman at one time or another decided to change the colour of his hair. If you decide to bleach your hair, choose paint two shades lighter than your natural colour will make your hair more shiny. If you bleach your hair for the first time do not go beyond 3 tonnes lighter than your natural colour paint to make sure that you go and you can get used to the change.

If you decide to dye your hair at home, here are a few tricks shared by professionals:

1. Use the shampoo at least two days before the lightening.

2. Never wash your hair with shampoo before painting.

3. Once mixed the paint, use it all, but under conditions that left you just throw it away.

4. Buy a special brush, so you apply the paint more easily and evenly, and the result will be better.

5. Always use gloves in the box.

6. Start painting from the neck toward the forehead. Thus less dirty face.

7. If the goal is to slightly lighten your hair, do your locks only the outer layer. This will add depth to your hair.

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