Sunday, 13 March 2011

Professional hair straightening at home - TrichoZed - How To Cure Hair Loss and Hair Fall

Using a hair straightener can face even the most curly and rebellious hair.
In this way we will enjoy a new, completely different, modern style, suitable both in everyday and special occasions:

Many of us use often squeeze hair. How long it takes us a new vision? Certainly not least, especially if the hair is even longer.
Let's see step by step how to face your hair easier and very professional, and this alone at home.

1. the first thing you should do is to wash your hair. Use a conditioner that will protect your hair from the temperature of the hair straightener. Furthermore, the balsam will help me more easily enable their hair.

2. Allow your hair with a comb with large teeth, being careful not to plucking and tear superfluous.
Then, using hair clips to divide the hair strands.
If you do not have clips you can use hairpins, slides whatever you have handy.
The aim is to spread hair strands to make us more easy to face even a lock on a lock.

3. Start from the bottom side locks of hair.
Allow to crest the first strand to you is easy then press:

4. Put the press at the base of the roots. Lift the strand angle of 45 degrees and slowly begin to process strand.
Move slowly and gently pulling the strands.

5. You can help with the brush when the press reaches the middle of the strand to not give any chance of hair sticking out or tucked in:

6. The first time will hardly make your hair stand up immediately. Will need to repeat that process 2-3 times.
When you are finished with the first lock, release the second of the clip and proceed the same way:

7. Be careful to bringing the same for both strands. How many times you have gone to the press on the first strand, the repeat for the second. Move slowly and gently stretch and help with the hairbrush. Be careful not to be eclectic your hair.
When finished with the second strand will now have the beginning of his new haircut:

8. Continuing with the above locks. The procedure is the same:

9. Process locks one by one, making sure to look alike.
When finished you will have a modern style:

Your hair will be smooth and shiny:

When you work out a bit and straighten your hair a few times you will have already worked a habit and you can do more quickly and easily this wonderful, modern style.

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