Condition of the hair depends on many factors - primarily on the general health of the body (especially the condition of the nervous system) and the condition of the scalp, which is the living part of hair - the root of it. Hair of the young and healthy person is a lush, thick, shiny and elastic, and the sick and elderly - a rare, brittle, dull.
To be healthy, shiny and elastic, hair should be continuously greases. When grease itself thoroughly and quickly, the hair can be washed for 5-6 days, especially if it is short. Dry hair is washed less frequently - in 10 days, and even 12-15 days. After washing and drying, they need extra greasy hair oil or pomade.
The hair is washed with soft water, snow, rain or boiled. Softening its 1 litre is added to 1 teaspoon of baking soda, borax or a teaspoon of ammonia to 2 litres of water. To neutralize the soap remaining on the hair after washing your hair is rinsed with water, which is 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar per litre. From this it becomes shiny and soft.
In frequent waving and dyeing hair become thin and dry and brittle. To improve their condition is recommended after the oil bath (compress): 1 tablespoon castor oil and 1 teaspoon of alcohol (or 2 teaspoons strong brandy) is broken down well. This fluid is added dropwise with constant stirring in 1 / 2 yolk until a uniform mixture.
With toothbrush mixture is transferred onto the roots of the hair, then rubbed into the hair with your fingertips (massage). Then wrap your hair thoroughly with warm water in a hot towel wrung her. Towel is placed on nylon fabric (waterproof or swim cap), and top-towel. Compression stand 1-2 hours and then wash your hair with warm water without soap (soap substitute yolk).
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