Wednesday, 2 March 2011

The most common causes of hair loss and how to deal with them - How To Cure Hair Loss and Hair Fall

Today, medicine has a number of preparations which are able to protect hair from breaking long to start treatment in time.

Although shedding of hair is a widespread problem, and almost everyone at some point lost strength and shine of your hair, the process is strictly individual and developed in varying degrees. We offer nine of the most common reasons for hair loss and baldness.

1. Stress
Stress and emotions are able to undermine the health of hair. Destroying the hair fulikul is not immediately, but usually need a period of 2-3 months. When a person is exposed to severe stress for a longer period of time, the adrenal glands enhance its driveability and produce large amounts of the hormones testosterone and norepinephrine. Changes in hormonal balance leading to increased hair loss.

To take adequate treatment of this condition is necessary to do some research. Test sastoyanieto but scalp to determine which substances are missing the body and most often recommended increased intake of multivitamins and minerals. The role of psychotherapy is also inachitelna as improving the psychological condition is improving and overall health of the patient.

2. Thyroid Disease
Common cause of thinning or shedding of hair is dysfunction of the thyroid gland. In this case, treatment is hormonal and zadalzhtelno must be respected and directed by a physician.

3. Pregnancy
During pregnancy in the body of the mother is increased concentration of the hormone estrogen and hair look healthy and vibrant, but the level of the hormone to normal and hair loss often occurs. Experts recommend to adopt products containing calcium, iron and vitamins B

4. Menopause
Menopause, as well as pregnancy periodically, which is accompanied by a breach of hormonal balance. During the climax reduced production of female hormones, which leads to the predominance of male hormones in the body. Moreover, the climax is a form of chronic stress. A result is shedding hair.
Treatment: replacement hormone therapy.

5. Prevalence of male hormone
Through increased production in the body of the hormone testosterone, some women may suffer from hair loss, characteristic of men. There is no cause for concern for complete baldness, but extending the line of the road and laid bare the crown is entirely possible. Treatment coincides with the principles of treatment of male pattern baldness.

This type of baldness occurs because the body perceives as foreign body hair and dismissed it. As a rule, shedding of hair in such cases is part of the individual spots.
For the choice of treatment, a consultation with a specialist immunologist.

7.Kozmetichni and chemicals
Excessive use of aggressive discoloration and coloring agents, destroying the structure of hair and irritated scalp. Some cosmetic products violate the acid-base balance of the hair, making hair brittle, Shecaniah and dull. Dermatolodzite recommended the use of chemicals to minimize and preferably use pH-neutral shampoos.

8.Lipsata of vitamins and minerals
Rich in vitamins, minerals, diet, supplying hair and required iron, zinc and vitamins B and C. Eating fresh vegetables, palnozarneni and soy products, dairy products and nuts will not only strengthen the hair follicles, but also improve general health.

9.Nasledstvena predisposition
Hereditary predisposition is considered one of the most important factor for thinning or even complete shedding of hair. When hair loss is genetically justified by the hair fulikuli not grow hair. This happens even in young people, and cosmetic procedures, masks and treatments are powerless to delay the process. In this case the only alternative is hair transplantation. The procedure whereby live follicles are transplanted into the scalp is quite complicated and painful, but in most cases the results are good.

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