Thursday, 10 March 2011

Oil for healthy and beautiful hair - TrichoZed - How To Cure Hair Loss and Hair Fall

Let's spend more time on their hair more often to care for her. It is an important element of our appearance.

first1Predlagame you tried the following recipe:
The head is massaged with oil made from 50 g carrot seed, 50 d young roots of the fig (the country is rare and may be replaced with the fruit of fig), 50 g fresh coriander leaves, 50 g spa-headed paper, 200 d colours of henna (replaced with henna dye), 100 g bark and roots of Chinese rose (from herbal pharmacy). Everything creases and soak for 3 hours in a glass of squeezed juice from onions. Then boiled in sesame oil on low heat (or softened sesame seed). After cooling is filtered and stored in a glass container. Massaging with this oil helps to grow hair. Citrus water (with lemon) does give the hair shine. Pour one tablespoon of yarrow stalks in 600 ml of water. Let them boil 10 minutes. Once the liquid cool, strain in January It dip a cotton swab, which means a daily rub down on the hairy part of head. Repeat this procedure for 20 days. Similarly, can be applied and other herbs: nettle, nasturtium, wild garlic, onions.

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