Thursday, 10 March 2011

Select a good hair comb - TrichoZed - How To Cure Hair Loss and Hair Fall

First assistant for beautiful hair comb. Just comb with good quality can deliver us from many problems.

Wooden comb believe that salvation of all evils. It is suitable for everyday use. Comb is suitable when applied masks or hair because he did not enter into reaction with different products.

Plastic combs are relatively inexpensive but frequent use hair becomes fragile. If you choose a comb let the material is silicon or carbon. Silicone are comfortable with hair dye.

Many women use metal combs. They traumatize the scalp and hair.

Very popular are combs which are cylindrical brush with holes. When you choose a hair note, to you are natural.

It is superfluous to say that every woman should have at least two different comb. And another one or two in the bag. Each brush at least once a month to be washed in hot soapy water. If possible, replace every 6 months. After washing your hair do not decide immediately. Wait to dry hair and then comb.

Be careful in caring for your hair and it will pay off generously.

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