Vegetarians turn white very slowly and have a healthy body and healthy hair. Raw fruits, vegetables and grains are recommended for anyone who has any problems with your hair.
Do not underestimate the trimming! Make it possible for each full moon. Healthy is 1 cm But if you do not reach or do not have habit persistence, cuts it to every fourth month. This prevents flowering and depletion.
Change your shampoo every month, and masks - each week. Surely you noticed that the shampoo from which the top hair looked much better after a while we can not say the same. This is both in food - uniformity reflects less favourably than quantity.
1. Periodically nourishing.
2. Yolk is an excellent detergent recipes from your mother. There is nothing better than natural cosmetics.
3. Do not fall asleep with a stretched or braided hair, because it's going notice how all of a sudden will start dripping. As we age, women who prefer a stretched hair, balding in the temples. In this hair to tear and lose luster.
4. In order not to prematurely greying, do not spray with deodorant and cologne.
5. Painting more frequently than once every 45 days and perm more frequently than twice a year means to deliberately destroy your hair.
6. Sun drying it out and wear out, so do not expose directly to its rays. If you visit a sauna, tying the head with a towel, because hot air makes the hair thin and fragile.
7. Be careful with hair dryer. Use it only when necessary.
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