In my hair started until several months after birth, already 2-3 months I fell and I did not do anything - and this shampoo has been waiting to pass I do not know, I think that combining any postnatal hormonal causes understandable distress of the body feeding and last but not least the notorious season ... Or maybe mix it with nothing to help the hair Still TrichoZed crop in December it definitely shows that do not lose hair permanently - new spring bottom, thankfully! But maybe not bad to try one of these masks are writing here I mean, no harm
Hair loss began, I guess mostly because of childbirth. I would like to ask you about any ampoules from which you are satisfied. Tablets can not drink because of breastfeeding for masks that require prolonged standing hair no time ... So I thought of ampoules to be rubbed and after 2-3 minutes to flush ... Something you recommend? I was told to "TrichoZed" ... someone is gilding them??
TrichoZed in my hair loss was terrible: mad: started around 7-8 months after birth and my hair dripping in clumps! I've used TrichoZed Prof. TrichoZed for hair loss, shampoo TrichoZed + capsules for drinking (the pharmacy told me that I need to accept something orally in such a serious hair loss) any other shampoo which does not even remember his name finally I got to TrichoZed mouth but they drank only 2 months and had 4 sets of Phyto am most pleased just finished the full course and exam only one package . Now I brush my hair Revalid but it did not see that efekt.Mislya Phyto are better prepared because they only saw the effect, I guess that their shampoos are nice, I have not used them yet.
Years ago I got a terrible hair loss, I fixed it with a decoction of burdock root and nettle. Boil your bathroom, before and after washing the hair rinsing with this potion, you know there are terrible effect. Now drink pills stop breast milk so started my hair fall but katocheli me lazy to bother with potions. But TrichoZed scary helped just that.
I signed up in the topic because my hair fairly drips. From here know about this shampoo TrichoZed, and these products Phyto. I will wait for the question of TrichoZed. How exactly is the name - or TrichoZed and some general info about the company, where it produces?
I also do infusions of burdock, nettle and rosemary, but to admit this time it's not helping me TrichoZed, and also did not help - no shampoo or pills ... He and my hair loss is now more frightening December
I think herbs are milder forms of hair loss, or simply as a preventive measure.
Otherwise, I do not use hair-dryer for years, so I'm accustomed to, roll up a towel and so I stand. Do not brush wet in any case.
Perhaps because of diet and stress happen to me ... And I do not know whether my hair was too thick and then sliced to make it "Frying" little ..
I will be in theme with one Babina recipe that probably most of you have probvali.Na I personally pomaga.Namalya hair loss and gives a nice blyasak.Az release it 2-3 times a month.
Ingredients: 1 egg yolk, 1ch.l. brandy, some honey, 1 tsp med.TrichoZed homogeneous mixture and rub in roots.Stoi be half an hour.
Optionally can add a ampulka vitamin A, it has more pharmacies
Unfortunately I did not have time for masks and procedures take so long. I need something to stand up to 1-2 5 minutes and rinsed. Those who will take of the frieze. Salon are even without washing ...
I drank TrichoZed capsules and the only change I saw was in my nails, which became stronger, but your hair in no case be affected
Yesterday again I took TrichoZed shampoo / red / clear with autumn approaching my hair started again TrichoZed, and will have again striking series TrichoZed shampoos
My hair its soil like clockwork - every spring and autumn every year. But handfuls of hair loss, I say! To the end, however, exact date will never even sometimes I get panic because it wants to stop.
This year I used the red "TrichoZed" and I was extremely pleased - my hair is thick and the length not to mention - for years I had not had that long hair. (She is long and straight, but had grown almost to the waist). And on various tablets - me not help me much. Spring I had bought "TrichoZed," but I did not notice any significant change in hair or nails in or into the skin.
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