Welcome to the forum.
Yes alopecia no age granitsi.Nyakoi befalls them of 10d., Others 20d. And some of 30g.Makite the same for all.
Of all who have registered on the forum, I see that nobody has solved the problem.
It remains to look for it together!
I want to ask is there a hereditary to you (mother, father, etc.)
M / I wrote in the other Maya Tacheva by email as I wanted to understand what exactly is mesotherapy in lechenieta of alopetsiya.Tya gave me only phones to make an appointment for consultation.
I'm not and call yet.
In any event, these ointments will not damage your hair, so you can continue to brush with them, but new hair .... neznam.Tryabva to establish the cause of hair loss.
Welcome with us!
So they read do not think that it inherited from his mother. After birth, these are usually rake up the hormones and not for Fun androgenic factors. Anyway ... it is very important to consider how falling hair, about places there is a more tangible, what problems there are very sapatsvashti hair or scalp. Stress also has great significance, but hair loss is definitely different and one has to visit pretty good dermatologist familiar with the topic (which is rare in the BG) to understand exactly what it is.
As to your prescribed treatment, what can I say? Half of the dermatologists I've visited and written Aplikort vitamins. I've had enough of it straight. So do not be fooled at all!
Among others, Whence art thou? I ask because the city likely to find a good dermatologist is much greater.
Ultimately, all efforts will be futile unless determine the type of hair loss.
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