Sunday, 27 February 2011

How To Cure Hair Loss and Hair Fall 6

I am Russian, living in Bulgaria for over 10 years. Until I came here there's not much hair problems - fell within the normal range (it can not be changed). Probably by changes of climate, lifestyle and more. factors first appeared terrible dandruff with intense itching and then hair loss. I stayed with one third of the "mane" yet. There is no point describing what measures I took to master this, the forum in detail those funds - from recipes to official grandmotherly medetsina. And one day my husband brought from his service spray against hair loss. Someone suggested it was a comment that was very satisfied with it. Fate, he held a high position and work required to meet many people and often very important personas. Until then, I have not and think that men are more vain about his vision of us! So my husband sprayed his head in the morning and evening. They said that hair loss will stop from 3 to 5 days and the new hair should begin to grow after 10 days of. Chesney told not believe, but after several days on his pillow in the morning is only 3-4 hairs instead of 50-60. He went with great courage. Then I asked him to use the spray (in the package are 3 pieces). At that time I had a strong hair loss, but somewhere after 15 days I began to feel "needles" of the new hair - great feeling! And saw that the cello porasva "second" bangs, hair, read, become more rigid . They advised us during use of the preparation should not smoke (my husband is a smoker), and I found an incentive to give at least during this shit. So with one stone two birds! That was about two months ago. For now the results are more encouraging. For me this is the easiest way to solve this problem until now, no running to the bathroom tenzherki will all smelly masks dripping neck. And if I make a mask of those for 15 minutes, and already do it for fun. And my husband can not submit it to the rhythm of life to devote much time to "home" beauty treatments. We decided to take another package, even now, I think I offer them with pills at the same price. Yes, spray and pills are herbal. Do not engage in advertising and delivery of these things. Who wants to write me personal, I will name and I can scan or photograph the package to no errors. Izvenya will advance if the answer is delayed due to shortage of time. I wish you all health and positive rareshavane problems.
I believe that you sincerely and not just advertise something ...
So this is a site for hair loss, go here and photograph and name of the product .... besides everyone to consider in December will trust you or not ...
Thanks for the words and confidence. Izvenyavam very, very committed by the school my daughter and small (he 2 years old) has sought attention. We'll shoot (spray) with the camera and I'll send it. Once again izvenyavam downward trend for my part, I know from experience (at least 6-7 years otchayanno trying to lose weight) that people in greatest need, especially when it comes to the health or appearance, to be grasped by all for straw. But I learned and really do not trust the "GREAT ADS. I wanted to shoot and my husband by screaming "before" - "now" Smile, but the course the did not agree - was not photogenic! JOKE. But "before" is not remembered - as we have noted, he began doing it because it seemed easy, but not as many believe. Many speak. I pledge today to shoot. For now bye and good luck.
No need to thank me .... elementary education, uh ... I do not trust strangers Idea
Segaaa ... something not understood me, I do not want to send pictures of me and them postnnesh here in the forum ....( of course I mean the product does not Face your husband ....)
I gotta say that I did not catch "like a drowning man a straw, just cuz no longer seek treatment and you can not impress me with success shy husband ... Wink
And before you rushed to give money for dubious things I need solid evidence .... Idea
But until now none have imagined just words ....., as unto the French song ... "Paroles, paroles encore des paroles ...."
This is a fucking cheat .... from a medical standpoint it is impossible to stop hair fall to 3-5 days, much less begin to grow new hair after 10 ... just a hair growth cycle, stopping growth and falling ... This is complete gluposti.Da Not to mention that to "feel the needles" sounds childish smeshno.Novata hair even wake up again was initially so weak, that is two to see let alone feel the needles.
in April of this year my hair fall out very quickly for dni.napravo crazy.
began to walk on the travails know how it is doctors, not any izsledvaniya.nishto otkriha.rezultata after nearly 8 months to alopecia universalis.veche truce, but not ask me how I did with tova.ima you treat us? will be happy someone wrote to me with my destiny! thanks in advance!
Furthermore, you sympathize and tell you that you are not alone otherwise I could not do ... Crying or Very sad
Are you quite sure that there is no stress or myocardial virus, for example ... Rolling Eyes often happens in our disease man be absolutely tough .... Shocked
It is very important not to fall into depression and despair ... think about the good things of life, to what makes you get up from bed every morning ...
Write to disguise what it is, how make-up is certainly useful to exchange experiences ...
Ive hello! glad that I wrote! since I happen regularly follow what you write, you and you're with me nothing universalis.pri found from those surveys did not think it's stress at this point I was very calm. my hair fall out straight for days, and after about 2 months and eyebrows and eyelashes, vsichko.nikoga not alone in addition to treating your hair with henna, and no one in our family with a similar Problem any research went, even in chuzhbina.veche I can not look lusioncheta.dori pills and still am kortikosteroidi.dali wrong with them do not know, but it is a desperate man tried everything he kazhat.oshte will drink less, I can not mentally spra.inache I overcame things, at least so mislya.semeystvoto is to me, friends sashto.imam nice wig, permanent makeup and quite frankly one needs to look to understand that something ima.razbrah me that I must be strong, I learned to appreciate small things in life and now I'm optimistic that one day everything will be as before.
Well, reading understand that we are roughly in the same situation .... And it is not pink, but not told that I would lie down and die, right ... Wink I'm a believer and I know that in every thing has a hidden meaning and God sends us suffering just like that ... if you need to elaborate and would say that both bad and good is ... ourselves, not God has purposed in our human weaknesses, thoughts and deeds ....
So look forward and believe in good developments, what did happen

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