Many people from different age and suffer from hair loss. This problem is not just cosmetic, but in essence this is a medical condition. In terms of medicine, hair loss is divided into two main types: efluvium or the process of shedding hair and alopecia, which is the result of hair loss. Alopecia is divided into two types: malignant and benign. In malignant alopecia the hair bulb is destroyed and it is not possible the development of hair on it, while benign alpetsiya possible development of the hair follicle as it still works.
Hair loss is a thinning of hair thinning or loss of its part or its entirety. The types of hair loss are explained below.
Alopecia Areata - in this type of hair loss hair na just individual seats, opleshivelite spots are clearly visible. Usually the roots of hair are healthy and functioning. Appropriate treatment, which will stop the process of hair loss and help the growth of new. Treatment of this type of hair loss is difficult and prolonged, but in many cases achieves the desired results.
Alopecia yatotalis - in this type of hair loss observed complete baldness. Hair steadily thinner, while fully passed. In many cases the hair roots are healthy and possible recovery of the hair, if the causes of hair loss is detected and removed.
Alopecia universalis - this type of hair loss occur relatively rarely. It is characterized by loss of all body hair, including eyelashes and eyebrows.
Alopecia androgenika - hereditary hair loss, which occurs more often in men, but also affects women. This type of hair loss is characterized by a sequence - first the front hairline is shifting, then the hair falls crown. The places affected by hair loss, are symmetrical. From that suffer hair loss as well as adult men and young people. The reasons leading to its appearance, are heredity, hormones and age. There are studies showing that the disease is seborrhea causes this type of alopecia. It is necessary to start treatment within the first year after diagnosis of the disease.
Traumatic alopecia - hair loss caused by various injuries suffered by the hair and scalp. These injuries are generally due to the use of various cosmetic products or application of cosmetic procedures. It is not excluded that type of hair loss can be caused by physical trauma such as stroke.
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