Hello. This is my story. Boy am on 21 godini.Sled month will narpavya 22.Kospada me started in the late 19th and early 20th godina.Prezhivyah me stress at this perido will not specify what causes it, but may be given effect . My father is 51 years and no hair at the front and rear oststrani even less hair missing. My grandfather's maternal line was almost entirely pleshiv.Dyado my paternal line was also partially bald. Not sure if my kospada is hereditary, because my brother is 23 and has no problems. Mayak me with thin hair, but not suffering from hair loss. trichozed
Taka.Koagto I was 19 to 20 then occurs most during stresa.Togava fell mngoo hair on my pillow when I decide sashto.Nyakolko months thereafter kgato rabrah that this is not normal otidaoh a dermatologist. Narpavi izsledvanie for my testosterone level and found that low dori.Ne am aware but I heard that there were different types and it concludes that it is not testosteona can even drink the pills to increase his level but do not drink it and not me also recommended them piya.Predpisa me some vitamins for KSA and nails-I do not remember exactly what. I drank them about 2 months and also emazah with some lotion on Hegor that contained minoxidil do not know how you protsenta.Byaha skapchiaki these drugs, at least men.Sled for depletion of lotion and pills spryah.Mozhe maybe it was problema.Tozi period of inactivity and several traeshegodina mesetsa.Kosata my WCO had stopped dripping from the lotion, but I enjoy it one month samo.Sled 1 nogodishniyat stagnation omission of much worse was the situation before the month / early March, my mother ordered it a friend of hers lotion of LR Cosmetics.Te are nemsi produkti.Imat wide range of cosmetics and any t.n.Losiona said L Recapine / Hair regrow Concept / .Shte emphasize that this is KONTsEPTsIYa.Tos andd oh wrote of the package concept, which gave me no doverie.Iztsyalo of herbal bilo.Struva to 40 lv.Stigna my month. Combine it with something antioxidant of the same brand of aloe vera with nettles, which is generally strengthen the immune sistema.Rezultatite: Since I use my kospadat sprya.Dazhe I'd say scary I do not fall off any hair or maybe not I see, but definitely not fall veche.PROBLEMA - intervene where windfalls NOTHING grows vse.E still one month mina.Nivoto stress at the moment is small, even none, but does not grow new site okalapata.Ne know whether I have to go to a dermatologist to keep buying this loison smenya.Toy or it is combined with the shampoo in the same series, who better to vliae kozhata.Bilkove e.no. .. i rezultati.Nyamam money zaprisazhdane hair and did not even know if I'm on takova.Vchera Paril 08, 2010 I ordered a brand KRIKLAND Minoxidil 5% of ebay.co.uk for 34 Euro. dostavkata.Pishe with a minoxidil must be used at least 4 months and then may possibly iam results and I must mnoog redoven.Zabravih to mention most vazhnoto.Kospada ff sledniyat.Otperd over my forehead is quite uredyalo and top and very badly at the edges over slepoochiyata.Edin dance to try priblizitlenod aprebroya how many hairs there are on 1 square inch, do not think that was my very lesno.Otne vreme.Okaza is that in most affected uchstatsi oklo was 85 hairs per sq / sm.Chetoh somewhere that was a normal 200 to 250 hairs per sq / sm.NA My other places ksoata has thick AI has super.Malko the top visible skin, but do not know whether the problem or I need one varha.DRUGI factors that do not know if it will help to give me advice and to analyze my are able to veroyatnsot constant runny nose or sinusitis that I have problems with teeth, which I already opraviha.Padna 2 years ago my front tooth of the lower jaw and now my tooth put implant.Oshte koronka.Kato will generally not eat hardly any fruit and vegetables or very ryadko.V now I'm just this lotion of LR Cosmetics.Ot minkosidila start next week for which you kazah.POMOGNETE and tell me if I NARPAV ROUTE AND THAT WILL MY HAIR FROM THIS Grow MINOKSIDIL.TRYABVA PREDPIEMA YOU AND OTHER MEASURES WHAT TO Iznik hair to thicken? THANK YOU
I think you hair loss is androgenic, ie nasledsten. Described a strong family history. Tray, brother Tia is currently not affected, then nothing is. Why dermatolozhkata she told you that if you have low testosterone is androgenic, do not know. This is not so. People with low testosterone also suffer from androgenic alopecia because they still have their Tedtosteron. Once you have it, it binds to the enzyme 5-alpha reductase and obtained Dehidrotestosteron. Here he comes, heredity factors and genes otlyuchen soon as it allows the cell membranes of hair follicles to interact with Dehidrotestosterona, it does violate the blood flow and beltamniya synthesis of follicles and hair falls.
A stress and emotional and physical are nay9chestite factors that exacerbate androgenic alopecia. So when you're under stress you noticed increased hair loss. Always increases. If it is a very bad situation with nerves at times, consult, and if tryablva chekar drink and drugs, otherwise give it more Rentals. Chronic, bacterial infections do as you describe your upper respiratory tract also reinforce existing, androgenic alopecia. So does common viral infections, so treat them.
Well its turned to minoxidil. I guess you will surely grow new hair, but in what quantity and density, so no way of knowing someone. Everything depends on how many follicles are alive. But go with it that otherwise would spapenie. However, it is better to join a therapy and anti-androgen that otherwise is quite uncertain. While you decide what, wash your hair with Nizoral, which is also a slight buffer of DHT.
Good luck! trichozed
What kind of recommend Nizoral, because there are many kinds or more as far as znam.Osven what is an anti-androgen and what my tryabva.Predlozhete something effective and whether they should still go to skin lekar.Koi marks recommended by the manufacturers of minoxidil? This anti-androgen is there any side efektki and generally can lid well explain everything about it and can I drink any vitamins in principle kosa.Kolko time should be used Minoxidil and shampoana.Moga I komnbinira meters that Nizoral shampoo with another golyamao for action? Sports and perspiration prevent any treatment? Thanks for the replies in advance.
Use standard Nizoral. Important is the active ingredient, its Ketoconazole. It is lightweight DHT inhibitor, and protects against seborrhea, as well as fungi.
Anti-androgen is a medicine that inhibit / neutralize / Dehidrotestoterona. This is the hormone / male sex hormone androgen. There sistevni anti-androgens, which drink, but you do not think about this, because with low testosterone. You're the local anti-androgen, one that is rubbed into the scalp. There are many such effective without side effects. Example of very efficient and are Revivogen Eukapil. In the pharmaceutical market in the BG gone, but you can order them online.
Minoksidilat enjoy at least 6 months, rubbed, 2 times a day, morning and evening. I say at least 6 months, but to good effect tryachva it porzvash least 8-12 months. Then do not stop, will suffer because of it grown up, hair. Pass on supportive therapy. I personally use Minoxidil for Pfizer and I am very pleased with it. The forum most people use this to Kirkland, as ordered, and you, they are better able to inform you about it.
Vitamins for hair, it is good to drink as adjunct therapy because they podhranvot hair without any hair loss is weak. There are a variety of them, Merz, Phyto, Pantogar, Phyto, whatnot. You have a super-large selection of them.
The shampoo you can use it without restrictions, but it is good to alternate with any other. Watch is meditsinki-Pregain example, Alpetsin, there are many, you will choose.
Top missed you napesha that is precisely Dehidrotestosterona androgens, which causes hereditary hair loss and anti-androgens counteract it. It is therefore necessary to treat this type of hair loss.
However, should there not be das consulted again with the dermatologist, because these antiandrogens me sound scary, cheshstno kazano.i-and-i.Ne Lydda must again do its measurement testosterona.Mezhdu other than those specified here izlzia know that even to deal with all these elachi your hair if stop them will return the original sastoyanie.Nyama you still rescued from this scourge? Forever? will take these measures but will not know how to vedazh stops forever, to heal or should whole life to deal with the procedures?
I told you that local do not bother, they are rubbed. If you drink inside, then you should consult a doctor. Local neutralize DHT in the scalp only. Do not worry, niama scary but necessary in the treatment of androgenic alopecia with minoxidil. Vitamins you wrote your drink, you even been listed and brands vitamins for hair, I told you and why you need to drink. Well little did you think of this treatment? This is the best so far, anti-androgenic kodopad. What has it podplatyavash? Act boldly and not hang much doctors should not lose time for treatment.
Thanks very much for informatsiyata.Beshe tsenna.Shte begin treatment at setne.Druugata week I Minoxidil comes from Ebay.co.uk. Stranichno.Chuval to ask something I zalazerno stimulate hair, although I watched a clip on youtube that does not work Realistically because no light can penetrate deep into the roots, but has anyone koyotoda og enjoyed? Desytva it? Is it worth it to give money to such a thing and there in the Old Plovdiv ZAora or such a machine? Thanks
What laser was a boy! I'm sorry that you answered. If there is a man of the forum to confirm that treatment with laser'll do the job well done. I wrote you how to treat androgenic alopecia now / based upon inconvenience doubt you suffer from such / evala will do. You, if you want to be treated, if not, nod and look for ways that will help you.
Good luck!
Already use mioksidil 5% of the April 15, 2010 until today and prodalzhavam.Parvata Kirkland brand was 5%. Now I went to the Spectral UHP Laboratories 5% and I want to ask you, they work for the front and his head because there is an issue Yesterday I added Nizoral 2% ketoconalzole + ksoa vitamins, skin and nails Merts.Kolko time should be washed with shampoo and how much is allowed per week? How long should or can I take vitamins and how much per day? Two or such and such time? By now the action of minoxidil did not see those 22 days. I would say that hair loss increase in contrast when using natural lotion + shapoan. Shapoana still use it / the LR Cosmetics L Recapine / Hair regrow Concept / .Veche'm 22 years podchertaya.Skoro navarshih.Shte them write how it goes periodically and ask for advice. Thank you.
Well wait on, kakam want to see the result of minoxidil for tolko short time. So you're still in the phase-strengthened parvonachalin hair loss, which inevitably results from minoxidil. Clean most affected and weak hair. New hair will start growing at the third month after the fourth harder, then sixth and to 7-8 months nasapva-peak growth. Minoksidilat a good thing, but not a magician. Merz drink 2 per day, at least 3 months. Nizoralat you can use it at least 3 times a week without a problem, it is good to alternate with another shampoo, it will not dry the skin too. I limited it does not comply and have no problems. Just alternate with each other at the time of Kloran. A mixture of minoxidil with Amineksil-do not play because Ill make mischief. Minoksidilat is very aggressive and adds something Amineksil active as can be seen in adventure. I advise you not to do it. If you see this little treat, once again I say, get a local anti-androgen and its Maginot scalp with it. Androgenic alopecia treated with anti-androgens, mostly. trichozed
What do you mean in the sentence "Minoksidilat is very aggressive and adds something Amineksil active as can be seen in the adventure."?
A can lid and use as a second shampoo that of Vichy - Decros.Toy same amineksil.Kakvo you have a local anti vpredivd androgen.Az now dub with minoxidil 5%. You vstashtnost it is local ... and can I drink finasteride . At 22 years old I am. Is it dangerous for me at that age and how long. lid and should consult with lekar.Predpolagam to, but is there anyone here which has helped him and after stopping it deteriorates again hair loss and can not I only minoxidil be maintained? Thanks.
And to supplement ... you say that is not to be confused huabvo Minoxidil and amineksil if I have misunderstood or is hubvo .. nzam.No not why I saw a lotion na same brand that now the use and it contains Aminexil SP 94. Look there tuk.Tozi lotion and 5% minoks and amineksil. Here's the link .. but also retinol.en can you dub amienksila t.n.Molya separately and they just tell me and if you can explain what is the relationship m / t Minoxidil and amineksil, because in fact there is such a mixed lotion, maybe not just two, there may be other substances that make Tak ah not to interfere. I just said I'm not nayasno.Blagodarya Smile
Look ... Minoksidilat dystva so powerful forced circulation of skalka and thus counteract Dehidrotestodterona to shrink hair follicles, but no anti-androgen effect. Anti-androgens have a direct inhibitory effect dpryamo DHT or enzymes. So I say that mostly androgenic alopecia treated with anti-androgens. Local anti-androgen is one that is rubbed into the scalp dermal, these are Ziks, Eukapil, Revivogen. A sistelen is someone who is drunk and internally neutralize DHT as such are finasteride, Dutasteride, etc. I drink more than 9 months finasteride and helps me a lot. And I have no side effects. I think your age is OK to drink it, but still not a good idea to consult a doctor. Drink at least one year to develop its tsyalodtnoto action.
A smesvanito Minoxidil and Amineksil will tell you that one potsnat make it his na amount your hair from any reaction. Then he recovered, but the fact is, very unpleasant. Do not do experiments because it might not bring out his luck with recovery. By aggressive I mean that he is acting aggressively, but not soft. Amineksilat is also very active and alone you can conclude what happens. This is the link I've seen it myself, but I have not paid attention to him because I do not care. Or is done so that no act or Minokdidila in small quantity. In both cases, I do not think you benefit from it, but you know. Do not bet on the amount of treatment, and quality. At least I do not know someone has achieved results in the treatment of androgenic alopecia Amineksil. For shampoo I see no reason not to use it, Zaton in shampoos, unless it is purely a medicine such as Nizoral, bioactive ingredients are few, and there are many other softening agents.
Ok.Sazhalyavam only here asking for anything but just be assured that iam people with experience and I can trust to razliak dermatolozhkata from where I went 2 years ago and even told me that my kospoada zardi nsikite androgen levels testosteron.Ok . Continue with minkosidila and Nizoral pills to see. shall consult with a lekar.Oshte vapros.Moyat minoxidil will help me to the front of Spectral DNC is this kind of
You adobavya lid still in treatment enshto si.Sazhalyavam but just slightly obsessed samse and I IACS to kombinriam vsikchi most powerful float, and finally my new questions -
Zinc can you drink with vitamins Merz?
Again - minkoksidila will momogne Does rpedna of AutoRemover - the line?
Do I need to dub dpoalnitelno with Ziks, Eukapil, except Revivogen Minoxidil and otkdae buy you still abroad and what sashtshestvavat - losini or creams, etc.?
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