Since have not seen anyone put pictures before and after treatment, or tracking it, I have decided to let me shut svoi.Izvinete black spots everywhere, does not want to show completely, but I tell people if Sign in foreign sites, people are not like us to hide and not share their experiences and photos napraotiv place for encouragement at all and I think it is high time a stranger and consumers to promote its success.
MY TREATMENT IN SUMMARY: I am 22 years old, male;
samoostanovih androgenic alopecia May, 2010, which was launched exactly 2 years ago in 2008;
started treatment of 15 April 2010 with a Spectral UHP Minoxidil 5%, Nizoral shampoo / ketakonazole / Merz and vitamins for hair, skin and nails. / 2 times a day / added active sport - fitness during the day, of course there were exceptions and days where I did not think hodil.Rezlutatat - the appearance of small hairs in the affected part of the front, acute area above the forehead - fontalnata chast.Tam which was affected the most - in the corners show appearance, and where only uredyala I notice no change, but maybe it's because other debt ksoa that prevents me to vidyat.Za result ima.Ot treatment until now have gone two months and 15 dena.Ochakvam after 4 - 6 months with amnogo result might be in - clear vidimi.Vremeto pokazhe.Shte and will update their pictures every month for your info.Uspeh at all. Very Happy I'd say that I am very pleased with the outcome having in mind that you really grow hair .. just want time and I never lose hope, because I saw the results that can not very well vidzhda shooting because the photos were taken at the beginning with the camera resolution is noutbuuk and horror, yet its mild lichi.Narpavih redakitsya the pictures to navigate more quickly and make a difference before and after and how to develop my treatment in time.
Zdraveyte.Momiche sam.Skoro godini.Predi do 17 a year and a half leeeko began to thin my hair so gently and slowly until today, when they no longer know what to pravya.Kosata me (above the crown) is scary ryadka.Dori my classmates notice it, without them I spodelila.Zabelyazvam that here, the majority of women have received hair loss after bremennost.Kazhete me what to do? Have there been cases of tiynedzharki with my problem ... The worst thing is that I live only with his father and he does not want me to lekar.Kazva me that any of that is not painted before ... I think because of one problem will be painting so golyam.Kazva my "To think before!" And not know what I bought vsashtnost.Tayno pantogar of 4-5 days and drink it .... I do not know whether it will have an effect ... Please, very afraid.
Nice girl
I was 20 and began to thin my hair, but this was very dense and only to my 25th year thinning became more visible on the crown. Nikaga I have not dyed hair. Your father is so to speak "for war" because hair loss in women can be a sign of hormonal imbalance and cysts in the ovaries, thyroid problems, low iron (anemia) and other problems that must be taken measures. Sometimes the problem with hair triggers when taking contraceptives that are not properly selected to the hormonal balance of woman.
That their colored his hair has nothing to do because a bad painting can damage your hair only external and temporary, but its growth depends on the condition of the roots and if fed properly, which is an internal process and the paint does not affect him. When there is a problem in the female body in many cases can be recognized by the change in hair. In many cases, hair loss in women is also hereditary and male and unfortunately can start quite early.
In any event, should see a dermatologist, a gynecologist and endocrinologist to do all the research and try to find reasons. In most cases it is very difficult to find the exact cause because it usually is a combination of factors. You're a young girl not to blame for what happens to your hair and have to pay attention to the problem. Try to explain to your father that they can not stop to see a doctor and should help in this problem, it is ultimately a parent. If not responsive to seek help from their doctor at first, but not Abide go. Hair loss is very serious challenge to the psyche of a girl can not be viewed lightly not these things.
Do not despair, there are various preparations that can help improve the situation, but first seek the causes. If all your results are normal, then most probably a hereditary sensitivity of follicles to a male hormone - dehidrotestosteron that attacks the roots of hair. There are various preparations for the situation - Minoxidil for boosting growth or anti-androgen preparations that isolate the effects of dehidrotestosterona. There are many methods for concealing the problems that will still help you feel better. You can look at methods to conceal - is a picture of Nimfea with some fiber powder that is sprinkled on top and hide the thinning. This is only a temporary solution, but it helps to feel more normal and not worry about the look in your hair.
After all the research out to me that I have mild thyroid gland and cysts in the ovaries from time to time. I tried various treatments, no major improvement in your hair. Last I went to a homeopath. Dig around the forum - there are many details and I'm quite describes walking my doctors. Not to say that I found a solution to the problem of hair, but what I ought to check your health and I've made at least from this perspective I am more calm.
A question of vitamins for hair - are not redundant, surely if you go to a dermatologist will prescribe vitamins for your hair, so do not wrong with Pantogar.
I want you to know that far, the only girl with this problem happens to many girls your age, but nobody openly discussed.
Thank you very much for your attention really Smile Razz. Ultimately very meratsi my mother brought me first to an endocrinologist (a private clinic Ascendant), where my studies were thyroid, immune system, etc.. Ultimately no problem.
Then we went to the gynecologist where I was examined for testosterone polycystic ovaries, etc. Again, everything I nared.Sledvashtata step dermatologist ...
I thought that before the 1-2 years I had white flakes in several places in his head that made me itchy and constantly beleha.Tay as nobody paid any attention to it, I thought that I brush my hair properly or that it is dandruff ... In consequence of this forum have read and acquainted with disease ... When I seborrhea these scales, then I think my hair started slightly oredyava.Strannoto for me is that the scales cleared after maybe a few months hair loss but has remained to this day .... After I wrote the first post, I began to drink Pantogar separately is dub a stimulant for hair Ikarov also do its many vibrant masks, but for now nothing I pomognalo.Nadyavam dermatologist to find where the problem lies Sad
Glad you made necessary by your mother and it's wonderful that your results are normal. Studies are needed in all cases, at least according to the method of exclusion do not know what would have been the cause. I very much hope your hair loss is temporary (which is possible especially if you had a stressful or its rules drastic diets, etc.).. I think it is best to find triholog, a dermatologist who specializes in hair problems. This forum has some recommended, I personally am not a dermatologist was satisfied so far. Hopefully come across competent to guide you to treatment that will be effective. In any event, ask the dermatologist to examine carefully the scalp and even better - to take the hair for examination under a microscope - the so-called trihograma. So you can establish whether there miniaturization of hair follicles characteristic of hereditary hair loss. It is also important to understand the rate of hair growth in relation to where these are in phase of fall. Dermatologists usually let them pass these measurements, cast a glance and directly prescribe vitamins and ointments (in many cases expensive and ineffective agents). It is important to carry the research, because a competent dermatologist should therefore start anyway. Be proactive and ask questions about anything to get an idea to what extent the dermatologist is familiar with your problem and treatment is not unconditionally believe that the preparation that you prescribe the most appropriate - ask why and what are the alternatives. There are cases dermatologists to work with various companies and to sell expensive junk because it's easy to take advantage of your situation. To me personally happened to me and now I check everything - the Internet has much information about all sorts of preparations.
I wish you success and still write what is past review
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