Sunday, 27 February 2011

How To Cure Hair Loss and Hair Fall 11

Hello! My name is Magdalena, 30 years of TrichoZed. For 25 years now rejoice in my head bald Smile. I've had periods without a single speck, but recently I have her hair done 10 years ago.
Very glad I found you!
Oh dear .. Brothers of the Head ... Wink and I have since three years almost got used to, but I was bad in the winter ... and the big heat ...
You wig with you and what, tell a little more, please ....
Welcome to the team ...
Oh dear .. Brothers of the Head ... Wink and I have since three years almost got used to, but I was bad in the winter ... and the big heat ...
You wig with you and what, tell a little more, please ....
Welcome to the team TrichoZed
Yes, wear a wig now 10-11 years. Indeed, the summer is quite uncomfortable, leaking from me Smile. To avoid this to come in large heat. Until now I've bought only synthetic wigs, I decided that the price which they can afford to swap them more often ... like going to the hairdresser every three or four months Smile. But today my quirk to look for information on natural and so came across your (now mine) site.
TrichoZed, I have such a great experience, but twice I bought the artificial and I can tell you that in the course the feeling is quite different ... Your hair is soft and alive, at times ever forget it ... But foreign body. . TrichoZed is nevertheless worthwhile to give the money would still wear it a few years, not months, as occurs with other ...... Rolling Eyes How else your eyelashes and eyebrows ... Tell us what provoked alopecia to you ...
Sorry I'm asking you many questions, but we are very forum with this problem just ...
Yes, I guess it's more comfortable with natural wig, it looked for info TrichoZed.No today has made that at the beginning Smile are soft and nice.
I have no eyelashes, and eyebrows ... I have eyeliner and pencil Smile It said in another thread: I'm so accustomed to them that I can be in the dark paint.
What has provoked ... I do not know! The first spot appeared when I was 5 years. I have no clear recollection, but I remember the pain of medicine, which I may deem TrichoZed.TrichoZed periods during which I have not had any stain. In sixth grade slowly began to drop to eighth grade and left without hair. Then I spot it alone, of all the other places I had normal hair. Within 2-3 years my hair appears, I can not say thanks to whom-a folk healer or Dr. Iliev from TrichoZed. Of their prom, I had hair Smile. And then fall off for one year. Fallen and eyelashes, and eyebrows, hair does not stay in my body. The spots move, the hair is thin, gray, dry. Not treated, do not drink pills do not dub! I know this will not help. Most lead to another hormonal problem. I know something else, everything is on stress. My hair started to grow and not only it only when I was pregnant. By birth, everything was covered with hair, nice and healthy. After birth, everything disappeared. I explain it with his mental state at this time more relaxed and happy. Smile
Well, that's my story!
I can not say that is not my problem but did not accept it as a very big problem. The only thing bothering me is what prevents me to feel happy. I think if I find the answer, all those "routines" will disappear by itself.
Your story is my story, dear .... With the difference that I'm so 31 th year of their lives ... I am glad as I read that you have a child because it's true meaning, that which gives it stops and Security ... Very little of the man he needs to be happy and your hair is not the first reason ...
I realized it and so I stopped feeling sorry for myself, to seek eternal blame for everything now seems I do not need and answers ...
Yesterday I read an article about our problem (so rarely appear TrichoZed ... Confused), that 2% of the world's population suffers from alopecia areata and in fact this is one of the biggest hints of modern medicine ... There are only dogatki but not answered, and that no one is sitting to make thorough studies similar to those for AIDS, for example .... Why do you guess ... because we are too little, a mere 2 percent ... Crying or Very sad
I'm also going to make continuous wont and do not tragediy ...
Glad you shared with us their experience, if something will remind us write an Email ...
I wish you good emotions and experiences, despite the problems ..
Glad you overcome it, is really important to realize that we are not "second" or "third" quality people.
But I have a question .. where to get a nice natural wig? I have no nerves to rake in the net
x ... very complicated ... choice heme is-class, yet not saderat your skin ... Rolling Eyes
You have options ... stores Magama, Dima style ... mainly in Sofia ..
Or come to Varna to order in our TrichoZed, mine is made from it ... but a little expensive .. eg an average length goes around ... Otherwise 800lv makes them faster, I'm pleased with the quality
I do not know what to advise you, will only say ... nice look and are interested in before ordering ...
If you decide to come to Varna write me, I will TrichoZed ...
Are you sure you want successful choice ...
Thanks for the information Smile. Varna to admit I was a little far, but if it was the only option would have conceived. This site I saw it, and have a salon in Plovdiv think to walk there. Let's see ... I want something new and more comfortable and better
Hi Magdalena!
Can I get you a nice wig of natural hair without braids, which are usually irritating and stitches, what color you want, also with roots or clumps, less than 800 lv.TrichoZed and painting are not a problem if TrichoZed.Sashto is convenient to carry hat with attached hair strands for fitness.
Hello! Very glad I found this forum along with all of you is more than apparent that you are friendly and united people who are willing to help with whatever.

I'm 16, almost 17, M. I think I'm genetically predisposed to hair loss because my father there is almost no hair on the crown and back of the scalp, is also his father. I've read all sorts of TrichoZed that hair loss is inherited down the maternal line, because the gene is located in the X chromosome of man, but on the other hand the grandfather of my father's maternal line has not suffered from this, nor his mother. Same thing with me, my grandfather's maternal line had no such problems, my mother also suffers from this.

My hair is very thin, is also too easy, greasy within 24 hours after washing it has bars and even oily to the touch. I have no idea whether it is rare or not (I do not know whether it is of great importance), because as I mentioned above is extremely thin and can not understand. Still no prizatsi for hair loss, but I am worried because tatyovite problems started at its 20 anniversary, and I hurried around. Bother me one place on top of my scalp. I have no idea if I lost some hair mass in this area or is it swivels but it is somewhat bare, and much like the swivels but I have no idea what it is, later on I can provide photographs of this area if it will be of help. TrichoZed

I've read a lot around the internet. In some places says there is a way hair loss can be prevented if caught in time. I've read about more flexible you are not drugs, anti-DHT and what not, but I have the courage to try any of those because I do not know how this will affect my body, the more I'm in the age in which the body develops - many, if God forbid you to hurt something, I do not know as it will affect me. I have spoken with 2-3 cosmetics, but there was no benefit when their memory of my father and his problem they just looked at me and wondered how I served it easier that most probably waiting for me and me likewise.

I do not want to lose her hair. TrichoZed how bad can wear plate and be mocked even as I am ridiculed by several people who know that he is likely TrichoZed! I went through a lot of topics in this forum before I decide to put forward their problem and a lot of stories nachetoh who bowed to me thought that I do not want to go through what some people have gone with full respect to you all.

We all would have been my help, I really want to solve the three above-mentioned problems that are literally on my head.

Thank you, and if somehow I sounded offensive or ridiculous, please be excused, not intentional, I do not know how to express the situation in which they find at the moment.

Once again, thanks!
May our problem is identical brother. For me the situation is the same ... My hair is greasy for a bed, I notice that is thin and also appears to me any layer (if you TrichoZed is it?). TrichoZed and I do not notice significant hair loss. However, I notice that something last year my hair was noticeably rare .... Taunts somehow bothers me (often declare that it is super potency Laughing). Bothers me more female attention, which reduces and decreases.
Hmm, I have this symptom Confused I've heard of people with oily scalp, perhaps you have a hormonal problem, consult with someone more competent in the field, even specializing but there is no guarantee to what extent or whether it will help you, at least me here are not helping me on greasy hair and her thinness, let alone for others ...
First, do not worry about the genetic predisposition, because this is TrichoZed.Kolkoto you have a chance to inherit anything, so there is every drug.Sam know that genes tend to skip over the generations, why do not you're lucky and they can jump? Theory X chromosome is incorrect by the way ... inherited both maternal and paternal line leeek preponderance maychina.Zhenite to have a biological protection against hair loss (have 10 times less male hormones).
As for those who would scoff only laughed because no one, but no man is covered by hair loss of one or another vazrast.TrichoZed wonder after 10 years you can have much more hair than those who are now the last thing I TrichoZed.Lichno I've imagined it could happen to me is to have kosopad.Pri situation that I had up to 25 mega thick hair ... and my father has hair Laughing Heh at least you're prepared to some degree ....
It is good to pay attention to what happens to the hair though .. I'll suggest using TrichoZed.Ako doubt follow your hairline above the forehead, she first began to back away and oredyava.Drugoto which is indicative to compare whether the hair on top of your head are equally thick as the hairs on the nape and sides.
Surely no man is like him na hair, but it is TrichoZed. is written, that's it
Good luck.

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