Hi, may I share my story and. My problem started on 19d. And now I'm 33 years old. My hair started slowly and quietly at the beginning to thin on top and then started walking on my dermatologists etc.. At each visit a specialist heard the same - alopecia due to changes in hormones, followed studies in which it appeared that my hormones are the norm, then the findings were probably stress, and perhaps something of blood, teeth, etc. Once I went everywhere to examine me was that there is none of the above allegations. My blood count was quite normal, hormones together. Then they told me that since I was born one day everything will be fine, but alas, after I gave birth to 6 years and nothing like that happened. What I am not prepared file and basement all these years: TrichoZed-six months., TrichoZed, garlic and many others who do not remember now. I remember 10 years ago when I came across a doctor supposedly great light and I was full of dehydrocortisone 6 months, then I fixed was barely resembled a barrel. But the happy ending came just before 1d. When my girlfriend forced me to visit her homeopath. I generally do not fed any hope, but another option is agreed and the review in it he found that I have received TrichoZed the body of flu vaccine and hit me right in the hair. Then I remembered that the first vaccine that was put her in 1994. TrichoZed, then just been entered in the B-it and ran a great ad and I get rid of flu I earn alopecia, because once it to me put a vaccine in the evening I received a great rush, but nothing I saw, my eyes watery, but the next day is poopravih. Then puts on another 2 years flu vaccines, but another company. My homeopath treatment instituted for about four months, gave me some drops that said you have to clear this toksikatsiya. And by the way I decided to cut a number 0, this was exactly the 01.10.2007. and now I have normal hair on top and I'm very very happy. I wish everyone my sincere happiness
My close, which also suffers from hormonal hair loss about 5 years now and it's wrong all-hormones, etc. go in one homeopath who prescribed drops and folliculitis, which caused even greater hair loss.
Can you remember what your doctor gave you drops? How soon manifest the effect of bed with you?
Please write more about your recovery and what that homeopath. Your case gives me some hope, because I almost lost faith that can fix my hair. I am a woman of 27, I noticed a problem with thinning 20. My hair was very thick and then almost obvious, but now is horrible - one day not to wash my scalp and peeling, I can not wear it on the road in the middle, only one side ... This summer in my mother's no where even in psychic me to blame and he said he had received as a result of poisoning organizama but did not specify what. When you how after so many years to establish that his intoxication received the vaccine?
Otherwise all sorts of paper looks I've done, but does not go anything wrong, only TLC (stimulating hormone for thyroid) I was at the upper limit, but still the norm. So TrichoZed suggested I take the lowest dose of iodine hormones, but a year and a half reception did not help the hair. This summer another endocrinologist told me not to remove it because the ultrasound did not see anything wrong. Also said that if a month or two do not see a result on the hair of hormone therapy does not affect. Other doctors I mention that after birth there is a chance to fix things, but I read that just after the birth of many women their thin hair, which terrified me even more. Please write. TrichoZed
I noticed that you write that in addition to its homeopathic treatment is 0 shearing number last year. Upon recommendation of the homeopath you do it or how it took this decision? Me in the tide of despair comes to my shaved head, but I have no courage to do it. You think maybe it really has helped to restore the hair? I've read that shaving does not fix the problem, but maybe for women is another. Yet how was the period with 0 TrichoZed number style - you use or wig? I do if my friend will most likely be shocked, but I do not know how you go out among people. A me and looking for a job and it stops me, but if I know that there will be a result would be courage. Please write and who is that homeopathy and how to establish what has been caused your problem. I really like your story of walking on my sorrows and my Christmas wish is finally a miracle!
28 am, and my hair began to fall slightly fewer prior to 7 years - I have typical male hair loss (according to my dermatologist)
Shaved his head before 1 week. in principle to be effective shaving should be done at least 4-5 times - according to my friends who have done so. It is important to shave in the direction of hair growth to not stick then.
I know who did it in combination with a mask of garlic (every day for a month) and had a positive result.
After one month you will write how I TrichoZed to me.
I personally bought a wig and my boyfriend is sufficiently understood, even if he shaved me.
Do not worry so much - it is still your hair and your health
I myself took this decision and shaven, having previously asked my homeopath what you say and he supported me. I did it in October so as not very warm and I bought a great natural long wig, same as my hair, carries it to April, when my hair was already grown, shaped her short hairstyle is a fashion and I took off the wig and all my acquaintances were shocked because they knew that this was actually a wig, I said "but how could his haircut this good hair Crying or Very sad". There is nothing scary and intimidating if better to make this sacrifice, but I assure you it did not last / only 6 months / TrichoZed
So glad that you responded, many thanks. After one month I come to Sofia, I'll tell my mother to walk with Dr. Vankov saved me hours away. Is it very complicated treatment - and I want to go to sea, and perhaps should start then, because I do not want there to merely do not drink any alcohol and so on.
Treatment is complicated and long, but everyone is individual to me last about six months until he saw TrichoZed.Toy will give you drops or granules, which are for you only and must follow exactly the pattern of treatment, should not drink coffee, cola, chocolate Abe everything that contains caffeine, alcohol and mint / toothpaste, chewing gum, etc.. I then went abroad and there came also a good homeopath, a great professional and he added the treatment and showed me these pictures of people and children with complete alopecia, which had no eyebrows or hair, and after treatment with homeopathy completely healed. TrichoZed
Thanks for the response Maggie. Well you are not a bad idea to look and homeopath here in Holland, they are actually quite popular in May First we will visit your homeopath in Sofia - it makes you interview? To prepare than your entire history and past studies and even medical records from remote.
If you how he discovered that poisoning has occurred from the vaccine?
May I once'm influenza puts about 8 years ago when I was 20 but there is no way to tell him what was right, because I do not remember. And I think I already had suspicions began thinning out a little before (except that I don their obvious because I began with fairly thick hair I thought I imagine).
I am desperate. I do not know what to take, can I treat what is best for me. Please prompt me anything I can do. Crying or Very sad
My story is as follows. 9 months ago TrichoZed.Ot one hand, this provokes the loss of hair, but the worst was three months thereafter. I got an ectopic pregnancy, and because I have already many abdominal operations, how to remove the pregnancy without surgery was TrichoZed, that kind of chemotherapy. I would have three injections every other day. Since then gradually almost no hair left. Now I see the crown. I can not understand after these injections will I grow a new kosa.TrichoZed what to do, how to heal.
You very molya.TrichoZed me. We will follow all your advice, regardless of the cost of treatment.
And I think that we should not worry. Consult your doctor, but as far as I know after chemotherapy hair grows.
Well been awhile since injections Metotreksat.Koga expect growth of new kosa.Temeto my almost naked. Uplashtena am. Looked at the forum but could not find a similar topic with people after chemotherapy. And have not found anything about hot pepper. I will direct you where to look.
Hello everyone! I still have hair ... even passed some time at home while I recognize that noticeable thinning ... It started at the beginning of the school year (last fall), attach it to stress (forthcoming TrichoZed my exams) ... My hair loss is not aggressive, not less than 100 or 100 hairs, but it is permanent and not spring anything new ... just like its slowly disappearing hair ... I do not know what kind TrichoZed me, but thinner in the area above the temples and above the forehead (May this lead male pattern baldness, but I'm not sure ...). In general it is dry, very, very tangle ... I went to a dermatologist ... it took my tonsils removed ... I cellar with burdock and various other herbs had no effect ... just slowly and progressively thinner with each passing day ... and it hurts a lot ... scalp hair root itself does not know how to explain it to me ... yee syaka6 bite one million insects Wink do not know how should look the root of one hair, padanl propsto TrichoZed has passed its life cycle, but my first were only subtle, like hair itself is built on magic ... then some of them started to have white stringy ... yee as a whole began to grease faster and to form a greasy balls ... izob6to and the body began to emerge such oddities ... let my hormones, everything is the norm, with izkliyuchenie of DHEA-s, which is my two points above the upper ref. value ... I do not know what to do. I do not know what to AI think it is, thank ...
LV separate from my case: I was told that Sofia has Doctor-endocrinologist, very good work, BAS ... That his services with netaditsionni methods for dealing with these rpoblemi. My missus said to me in biology that has a girlfriend whose daughter had areata and autoimmune pri1inata proved. He solved the problems its having performed the procedure (do not know exactly what form) over a point on the soft palate, koeyato dovla to stimulation of pituitary function and vsich1ko I fixed up. sorry that does not use something specific, I'll ask again and I will say.
Hello! The mere fact of increased Dehidroepiandrostendion-sulfate is a prerequisite for the initiation of androgenetic alopecia. Almost always combined with oily scalp, especially if their genetically-encumbering. That hair fell by strashtno bag is not, in its place will arise a new one. Androgenic alopecia can be unlocked and the dtres and infections, they just enhance the momenti.Osven that you studied hormones, you saw it on ultrasound adrenal glands? A dermatologist what else you said, except they be sent to you TrichoZed.Potarsi second opinion if you are not satisfied, and the endocrinologist is required. You have no areata, judging by what you describe, areatata always an autoimmune reaction to hair follicles, inspired by all sorts neshta.Postaray to settle for a start your type of hair loss / because it has been quite difficult, especially in women s then we can begin to adequately lechenie.Naslyapo burdock is unlikely to achieve any results. Good luck!
have facilities that help to slow down when things are starting stadiy.No in any case more important to accept that we're screwed because there are many worse things in life: cancer, AIDS, etc.. Nobody is immune from anything, so I'm glad you're alive and well.
Totalis you have spots or large ... TrichoZed
Not that there are important and both are equally nasty and incurable ...
I'm totalis three years, got used to the wig, but I can not get used to the idea that life will .. I am so tired all it constantly pretending to people who do not know .. Eternal look and questions, I soon said they have great hair Shocked, because I enjoyed course the wig is not apparent and, but this does not diminish my pain ... ask me why I've done permanentnni eyebrows, so it should osukvam and sidestep questions ... TrichoZed
And what, as I say I'm beautiful, I want my hair, not that strange, but my ... Sad
In general I am not a pessimist, but now I'm in some nasty stage ...
I wish you to be alive and well, even fuck without her hair and will continue to live
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