Saturday, 26 February 2011

How To Cure Hair Loss and Hair Fall 3

only one kind of drops and so far I could not find his way in the many details in the net, so acted classical homeopath to see if particular medicine works. And you are forbidden alcohol that is not my problem, coffee and car, but I weigh мноооооооооооооооооооооого, mint in all forms and only dark chocolate! Will keep you posted! Good luck to All of us!
To be honest, I am terribly unorganized. August, yet managed to make an appointment with Eli Loginova - she is a healer and homeopath, but I did not classic, because my 4 types of prescribed drops to be adopted under a special scheme. Furthermore, told me to make an aqueous solution with 1 drop of everyone in a bottle of mineral water and swabs do every night. He said it is not necessary I take vitamins for hair further, because these drops were everything you need - recommended I take tablets only Q10.

And she made a long interrogation, but to me there is no specific life event - rather it claims that my problem comes from some internal concerns in communication with friends and people in general. That in many cases pre-me attitude that something is not right cause what you fear to happen really. He told me to force myself not to think about hair, if only because I'm afraid that will not really have hair this will cause. Moreover, many wanted to establish exactly what has priority for me if people see me as an attractive woman. I can say that for me is a very high priority, because if I am uncertain in their appearance and I'm very insecure in their interactions with people and generally feel uncomfortable and embarrassed. That I have, what do I care much.

So I took my drops, but since then I went to sea and so not delay, began treatment because of the limitations. Then I started the drops, but I started a miscellaneous duties, missed several times and decided to outline to date began the whole scheme again. Swabs in the hair never have done. So by tomorrow you need to start therapy with all restrictions and will report after 1 month what was happening.

Mark, if you have experience with homeopathy and you said please. To open a separate topic, why not?
Hello and happy new godinaSmile

I wanted to ask someone there progress with homeopathy? 6okolandke, how treatment is going with you? For me now the situation is still the same.
And you are forbidden alcohol that is not my problem, coffee and car, but I weigh мноооооооооооооооооооооого, mint in all forms and only dark chocolate!

This prohibition of coffee throughout the treatment or is it just the first few days? Known my girlfriend had been going on Vankov and claims that nothing forbade her ... I put off her visit with him only because I get conflicting information about coffee ..
Girls, if a homeopath claims that can be freely accept these foods, then it's a quack ... Surprised
Surely it say from experience also, the best in Varna told me only one sentence on the topic if ...-" will lie and secretly eating its chocolate or sip coffee and alcohol, did not give money and hope can help you ... "
So you choose, two years have not smelled the coffee, I is not dead as you can see ... Very Happy but first coffee then it seemed to me as a potion ... Surprised Very Happy
A. .. same goes for all that contain menthol, gum, toothpaste, etc. Has such special homeopathic ....
Look, homeopathy, there are basic principles remain unchanged, despite numerous interpretations ... I advise you when choosing a specialist, he definitely is a doctor first ... I do not doubt what you say about ...
And I walked in and began Vankov treatment - the first 3 days I took the drops every day, then one month every Friday and now will I get once every two weeks. Me has given me Carc, our conversation turns out that too many were trampled me with antibiotics as a small, but then my body and therefore is highly intoxicated. Vankov said that the negative consequences of this vicious practice in Bulgaria to be given antibiotics and neshtyalo would have resulted in years and he also had years of the body to clear (to me maybe 2-3 years). After two months must report Vankov observations on himself, but so far nothing different I do not feel. Main which is understood not to take any pills - even paracetamol. He highlighted many of the mechanisms of the body alone can handle, which are suppressed by artificial drugs. He told me not to take iodine thyroid hormones, because that would make it lazy and stop producing them itself. 1 year I am not exactly the return and consult with an endocrinologist, who recommended them to start again for TLC 4.8. But I decided to follow all advice Vankov because I took two years eutiroks (25 mg per day) and nothing has improved - hair even became worse.
Prohibitions on - highlighted most of the things mint, coffee and car and black and green tea, and all energy drinks. Therefore it comes to stimulating substances from the group of caffeine. Alcohol said it might sometimes, but less and the day of reception of the drops. For me, alcohol is actually the biggest problem, because still getting together with friends from time to time and I was stupid not to drink a beer. So sometimes (once a week) sip a beer or drink with a maximum of 50 ml concentrate.
Otherwise Chocolate Vankov nothing I mentioned. I guess the problem is stimulating substances in cocoa - and before I've read that caffeine is particularly natural chocolate and now sought more information on the Internet. Found that only about 3% cocoa content are two stimulating substances, of which two thirds is theobromine, and only 1 / 3 caffeine. Theobromine is a heart stimulant and is far more useful than caffeine, so it is in the seeds of the car. The more dark chocolate has more caffeine, therefore, no logic is allowed only chocolate, but just the opposite. Yet, it is estimated that about 225 g dark chocolate is equivalent to caffeine in a normal cup of coffee. In milk chocolate has much less caffeine in white and no - there are only traces of theobromine. Therefore, since I love chocolate and eat from time to time I opted for white, but will ask Vankov and milk.
Where girls are treated with homeopathy now - share how it goes when you molyaSmile

Greetings from me and I hope more frequently to share experiences.
For some reason puts me in a format post quick reply is very annoying to read. So I copied the same post in the topic in homeopathy doctors and clinics. There Bri particular topic is opened, and I think it would be nice to move the discussion here because it is very difficult to find if you do not know.

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