Hello, long time I am going to register, but I have courage .... So ... I'm a girl of 19 years and am with alopecia areata.Za first hit when I was 13 years and was just back of neck in the form of three round petna.Mayka took me to a dermatologist and as you know SFU sent me to do the necessary studies which proved that everything is OK ... I ultimately proved to be stress, but I do not recall I experienced something ... prescribed me to drink Revalid and scrub the stains with garlic .. emerged in April and disappeared after half a year napualno .. Here it again six years later suffer the same problem again ... I found him in April and again exactly the same spot on the back of tila.Kakto know followed again research hodede for dermatologists, basement with 4 / 5 types of creams, sprays, including garlic, drink now napcheta third type, do your hair masks specifically for alopecia ... Before you fall off my hair, red spots and head me Serbs and many posledstie na itself kosa.I what my hair still falls directly on the strands and from this one spot is given another 10 ...... that is appalling. These spots are everywhere on the head and are increasingly 3 of each strana.Kosata my long and beautiful, but then lost a third of it ... I missed to say that my grandmother suffers from alopecia but it has lost 70/80% of hair si.Chetoh that might be nasledstveno.Ne know what to do ... I will stop you ever fall? Are there people that their hair loss in the same way and what helped you? Please share, because I feel sick to my hair for fear of seeing a permanent stain, I'm sick of my hair is in terrible condition and I decide not to for fear na more ... PLEASE share what helped you!
Honey, I know not to sound hopeful, but I heard someone to fix completely and forever by this disease ... Sad
You must learn to live with it and as far as you can control it .. Do not stop to anoint themselves with the best spots, but especially with garlic. Read the recipe for lotion chilli coming season and they must try and it ... Read on minoxidil, a forum with people from counties that use it ... Driymar, write and I'll explain how and helped .. .
And so the tide, let me disagree with smaller spots, which is influenced by the lubrication ... Just keep going and not give up otherwise you will become worse.
Good luck sweetie.
Hello! Numbering in this forum in this city within the country and beyond ...
Actually, I do not know why I decided to write these redcheta, I guess everyone feels idea less alone in the battle to keep a lock of confidence .... not that it is just how we look and how we want our considered ..
So .. I'm 23 years old. Future dentist. Man, melting and boiling in the topic by accident, and in distress .. autoimmune genesis and walking pains fight with them (like the shell and psyche) ..
For the first time areata appeared when I was 11. One spot at the back. They said it was a stressful basis. I worried too much about his success (as an ambitious kid). Since then at intervals I have had problems with hair (the scalp and eyebrows) .. But it's always been something small, little. Nothing liquid nitrogen, alpikort, anakaps not interfere. By noevmri-December 2009.
Combing their hair, toss mighty long manes (these were ..) and to my horror I see smooth skin with a diameter 3-4cm. Followed quarterly therapy plus anakaps Neoptide (Ducray). Effect had. And when this "hole" is closed, at least 10na grew, with different size .. and the biggest stain grows and does not allow to go to put hair .....
I can share several factors as culprits .. stress and emotional experiences (more than made to a man of my age). Tricks (including two newly granuloma). Ahead and other studies, but does not believe to come to definite conclusions and diagnosis to find its explanation. Which is most important in the fight exactly areata .. but ...
Actually, what triggers the vicious circle .. how is joined by some afternoon ... coffee, old albums. With old photos. And hope. Ever again.
I can only wish success to all your will to live (and good quality).
And then one must realize that the most important things in life are in the space around the head, not on it. Family, friends, loved ones are those that are relevant and support us in these moments of weakness. Here are all having this problem and they understand, support and wish one day all this is just a bad memory.
Hello! So briefly my story! Five years after the first pregnancy appeared thinning hair on the crown, limited as prostrastvo, and perhaps out of fear trying to discard it. But now already given birth to her second child, and again with terrible hair loss and thinning hair brutal, discovered or point finally confessed that I have a problem! Needless to tell how much time lost in walking on doctors, which I explained how, after the birth was completely normal, etc. etc. Finally, after consultation with others Petrov Tokuda, now 2 months dub 2% Regain. Hair loss decreased significantly, but unfortunately lost his hair is lost. I'm afraid! I read some posts and I can not say for myself that I am strong and I can live with that. I admit that these months are closed in themselves, do not discuss the problem at home, do not want to meet with friends and do not know where ......
Baby, I'm such a history of hair loss - after birth. Except that I had before - a strong exchange of hair, especially in spring and autumn seasons, with a total dilution. Now the child is 2 and a half years, and hair increasingly falling. And my doctors do not pay attention, I feel like a fool when I begin to explain why I am consulting. Now we go to an endocrinologist, I took direction. When I came out very high androstenedione.
Write if you have news.
I personally last winter, the rules of lotion mulled red wine and spicy pepper (crushed). There was an effect clear heat and helps feed the hair, try if you want.
Thank you! Try everything you hear Embarassed, can I just explain to me in the measures and how it tegliki prigitvyash. Now here again tracked down the phone from the forum of Dr. Vankov homeopathic and I and him to go do what happens. Very worried me feedback polzavalite Regain for a long time that there was as a side effect facial hair and now as we look at serious notice any hair on the temples, and I do not know whether they are on or just have not paid attention. You Do you take any medication?
I do not take anything, yet I begin to look for the cause of hair loss.
Recipe: approximately 2 equal sup.lazh. hot red pepper is heated in a pan on the stove for 2-3 minutes (not messing burning). Pour 1-Brown. glass of red! wine (preferably homemade). Leave to cool, but warm during the application. Wad scalp. You can put more products to me so even if I have left. Cover with nylon cloth +. It is good to sleep with this pack in the morning wash with a mild shampoo - baby. This keeps the hair and scalp. I am, I add honey too - of an eye.
Of all the crap that is a basement, it only had an impact.
But the problem has obviously internal, so now looking for other ways to help.
Good luck to you!
First I want to say that I fully sympathize, to me the problem is also mostly on the crown, but the last 5 years complete their thin hair. Now I'm 28, and I never get pregnant, so I do not know the extent to which pregnancy and childbirth can really be the cause - even to me ginekolozhka told me that the hair becomes thick and nice and a pregnancy can help me solve the problem of hair.
I think women more like a hormonal balance distorted for various reasons and our medicine is so "advanced" that nobody can say exactly where the problem lies. You can read my posts - I described the blood tests and walking for endocrinologists and other physicians. Allegedly found a thyroid problem, drank eutiroks (iodine hormones) 2 years, but improvements had no hair. This year is angry and just stopped in May eutiroksa month now - do not see any difference - I feel no different, nor my hair fall over but it is not and better. Well, I drank the lowest dose, but I think if you really thyroid gland problem, then for 2 years therapy eutiroks had to improve the condition of hair.
I hope that homeopathy is an alternative for us. If you go to consultation with Dr. Vankov necessarily please write what happened. I really wanted to go at it like summer I was in Sofia, but unfortunately was on leave.
Good luck and be calm, not alone in fighting this problem!
Thanks for understanding and tomorrow will make an appointment to hope for more. Of course I'll share whatever you tell me.
Hope, indeed hair and skin during pregnancy and breastfeeding are gorgeous, but then ... First falling hair, which had to na during this period and this is normal. Only that if you have a problem with your hair before pregnancy, then neshata worse. And I hope it is not so because a friend said that her hair is better after birth.
And you know, I noticed that in 3 of my friends who were weak and rare hair after birth filled the lot, have huge busts + much thicker hair (the children are older now). Obviously something with female hormones, have become more feminine. I know certainly that had hair loss before pregnancy. Strange.
To report-appointment for tomorrow at 11 o'clock and I can not wait, but the issue of research-to 25 th year I was still with low hemoglobin and iron, but then I had absolutely no problechi with hair. Now my blood tests are the norm, hormones have not studied recently, but before everything was OK. My explanation of the problem is birth, such as stress, because I am very fearful and even as I walked in the ninth month not slept through the night for fear of how it will go, but as time came I was so scared that fell into hysterical shock, never I could not find a vein for the system and had seen the miracle, but thankfully baby; was born with it and everything was OK. So my thought is that three months after you experience stress state occurs and its impact on Question I do not know me zvachi logical. I will tell you tomorrow. Thank you!
Girls thank you for sharing experience. We think of my friend's baby, but you must first complete the MBA where I make it do, that would otherwise stress will be even greater.
Diangeli, you appear when you discharge and how long is the problem? Should I understand that during pregnancy and breastfeeding your hair has recovered as it was before or even become more dense? That is proof that women thinning process is reversible. I've always been worried lest too late for my hair because for 7 years now goes to worse, and to 21 years was very dense. Still hope follicles are not lost and can be activated again, at least part of them. Because men do not act immediately if indeed disappear in May follicles. So as you share in his first post and I think for women the solution lies in hormones - maybe there is an optimal balance for hair that is achieved during pregnancy. The question is how to keep it then - but if you start contraception immediately - you simulate pregnancy?
I am also filed Diane 35 for 1 year but it stopped 2 years ago and began eutiroksa for thyroid. I read that Diane 35 were carcinogenic, and so on, but only those contraceptives cause some compression and then my skin was beautiful and I were completely cleared from the ovaries whiteheads. The only one problem was that my little badly affecting the psyche. When you reflect on how Diane 35 and hair in general? Sometimes I wonder if not to start again, but this is not a real solution because they can stop you and worse to happen.
when you never know before pregnancy is not inalo dilution? I wish you success in the review, I'm looking forward to write.
Well to tell you, I drank 35 Diane only 6 months. I started to replace them with other contraceptives then, but I have reflected badly and went, and got pregnant Rolling Eyes Laughing And I noticed I have fewer blemishes and more hair while they drank. Only the cysts were gone according ginekolozhkata me. At first I was getting bad og them - dizziness, but nothing else. And, I climbed a bit and my cellulite appeared for the first time, but not my problem, even better came to me that I was pretty weak.
And while I was pregnant I definitely thickens hair was shiny, with a healthy appearance, even darker.
I see hair loss after seventh grade - it can be said that it has begun a rapid exchange of hair during periods of hair replacement. Then in the student years Checkers again, that my hair very very fell, but at intervals. I am now in a period in which I fell from 100 to 200 iiii hair is bad. So rushed back to look for an explanation and solution. And fewer have his head down and see the difference, you know, each time more and reduce
And I thought I begin to drink again contraception, but are very different action, some e-ing well, others - not, some have no effect on hair, etc. I have not decided yet. If you could, I'd life to Laughing'm pregnant but only until the sixth month, it then becomes tezhichko Wink
There are some herbs, where are supposedly natural phytoestrogens - may regulate hormones in the body, roughly speaking. If google will let you go info. For example, licorice - it used to combat hair loss, soybeans - but say it is carcinogenic, that was genetically modified and a bunch more available.
Other: Caffeine helps with hereditary hair loss, it is in the products v k-pod, but see, mask with coffee grounds I am wrong, may be started Laughing
trivitaminol - veterivarvite of pharmacies - for lubrication, nourishes, but nothing more, I had a topic here about it.
However, if our work just like organisms, each measure will be temporary, at least to slow things down.
Women from around the world to share their struggle with hair loss and many of them claim that their hair loss has been unlocked by contraception. I thought to try Yasmin, because one ginekolozhka told me that are new and "clean" by Diana 35 preparation, which also contains anti-androgens (where supposedly help in cases of androgenic alopecia). Except that pretty women write that they've brought Yasmin problem or no improvement of them - I don sounds optimistic to become completely dependent on contraceptives that do not solve the problem, but you can not stop them for fear they will get more -increased hair loss after pregnancy as well. So at least now I came across a story where a woman is to fix the problem with contraception - rather the opposite. Which means that modern medicine treading where women with hormone has no idea exactly how they affect hormonal balance, but it appears that the effects are lasting and perhaps quite difficult reversible. And I as I was 20 I started Logest and I took them to 22 - right then I started noticing thinning. Would have been the lowest hormone. Then I filed and Novinet for about a year and finally one year Diane has 35 to fix my hair. Well maybe had little positive effect, but 3 years later, long gone ...
And when I was 20 my mother arguing with how friendly and how medicine has progressed from its time now - except that the 28 am with hair like the old lady and my mother at 56 is incredibly thick hair and never had hormonal problems .
6okoladke, share how mine please review
Hello all, first I want to apologize for the delay, but two days I can not sign in and then I made a new registration Embarassed So the question for review in other Vankov-first I did not have its own Hall of homeopathy as Haber and such was very shashnata of the questions he asked me about my life now to childhood, what I had as a child, now the relationship with my husband but will briefly try to explain kakavo said was triggered my problem. So did 10 years ago abortion-ie then got pregnant by my friend who had a serious relationship, I thought that the child is wanted by both of us, but he thought so, saying that we should remove the child and to continue the relationship. I have made abortion and parted with it because it tova.Prezhivyah very severe, with depression, lost 10 kg for 1 month izibshto had no desire for anything, and I was terribly sad and disappointed by it. And then it started with hair loss, but this time first and I'm not interested, and secondly I had enough hair that it does not detect any difference. Vposredstvie as already described in the first post ever after births, which are 2 appears this problem. So he, the doctor explained that in principle I am obviously unstable and depressed and abortion and separation are affected me very badly and in a subsequent childbirth, which mimics the body that my stress and subsequent standing at home, which in turn mimic depression after the abortion, body I react the same way. I do not know how rabrano I explained, but to me it sounds logical, he prescribed me some drops in the net and read that act as calming and 1 month after December of this review. If you are interested in something else, ask.
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