Sunday, 27 February 2011

How To Cure Hair Loss and Hair Fall 31

Hey all. I just found this forum. I'm still in a period of "awareness" what happens to my hair Sad I diagnosis, but that's because I have not done your research. Otherwise, your hair loss is available. Rather I read in the forum. I like a lot of ideas and shared experience. I'll try to get involved with more info on the problem in the appropriate topics. Glad you like the forum! Will help with whatever we can and hope that it will fight deserted hair!
Hello everyone from the forum. I think I have what I share with you, but maybe tomorrow or as early as the late hours of the day!
First to say what is my problem:

I am 28 years old man from Plovdiv, I can say that until 2-3 months before I had any hair problems taking into account that:
1.from about 15 years myself with long hair (over 50 cm.)
2.Ne I worked as no special care neya.Edinstvenoto I've done is to put henna 2-3 times a year.
Here's the problem: from izvstno during my "pride" began to fall quite seriously, and by looking in the mirror and noticing some thinning around the temples, which I suggest that either need to be cut short (perhaps inefficiently) or should I take any other measures (dermatologist-by chance pommogne until it is too late).
Do not know if this is the right section for my topic, but because, for the moment do not have any hormonal abnormalities or other health problems in January post here.
This problem is quite concise pritesnyava.Ako me that someone can give me advice, I would greatly appreciate it and I can write more details about my problem, but for now you will not engage more with it.

Now to say a few words about what I've decided to take in momentaSadmozhe be useful to someone hopefully)

First a short introduction: When I was 16 or 17 years that I shashnal bald (I have no memories of how my hairs fell a day but then I remember how I looked with 2 mirrors that do not have a hole in the crown guess it was pretty serious) and as a regular puberty told my parents they did to save as they can.
So then they took me for one the doctor that says R. Yankov and she gave me some other conditioners and ointments (not exactly what was contracted taova remember but so far I have hair that I did a pretty good job) Moreover, and then I had a pretty long hair.

So I've now decided to go back to it to see if this time the treatment will be as successful as the previous one.
In this respect, my question is if anyone has visited this doctor and possibly whether it is satisfied with her therapy?
As I recall in her diagnosis slightly lame in the sense that it is writing these ointments to anyone without doing any research. The good part is that I personally helped me.

So it is in general linii.Ako someone give me advice, I would greatly appreciate it.

In any event, I'll write how it flowed review how it goes and possibly treatment of this doctor, God forbid, be stuck with whatever I have hair now!

Good luck to all and remember that life goes on!

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