Sunday, 27 February 2011

eyes focused on the hair - How To Cure Hair Loss and Hair Fall

I am with alopecia of 5 godini.Imam overall thinning hair, but most of the above is expressed skalpa.Nay worst is that my hair continues to razrezhda.Do I have not found salvation in anything.
Unfortunately, Bulgaria does not have specialists to deal with this disease.
I congratulate, Nimfeia that created this forum.
Full rights that currently androgenic hair loss is totally uncontrollable, but not only in Bulgaria and well worldwide. The difference is that in more developed countries have more information and even the few that has. It is with this purpose is made this site - for obtaining and exchanging information related to this problem.

Worse, by making him began the most difficult task - to spread so as to reach the people who really need it. This is not so easy because without details, I will say that in several places already deleted the address at the forum. Why remains a mystery to me?

Women do not despair! (I know that you have) In the world there are so many people with this problem, science is developing rapidly. If we are lucky, after a few years and we can take advantage
It is right you wrote it - "the silent death of a woman! Sometimes I feel like everything really kills woman in me, because we can not deny that beautiful thick hair is a symbol of the beauty of woman.

My relatives often soothe me by telling me "Well how much less your hair is discharged, you have so many advantages" And it did not, however, because every time someone eyes focused on the upper head you go to sink into the ground with shame! why I can not say, but I feel terrible. For this, and I love hats. They feel one of all. Otherwise what I say people close to me is that I should be happy that everything I was wrong, because there are so many people with far more serious and dangerous diseases and infirmities of my than ours. And I know are right, but again I am ashamed ... every time someone looks that way!

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