Sunday, 27 February 2011

How To Cure Hair Loss and Hair Fall 22

For a long time I had not thought that there are many others like me. But today I saw and discovered how many people are in my situation, how many people suffer from what I do, and suffer as I speak I do not mean only disease I mean suffering as such. You know I'm with alopecia areata of about 12 godini.Obshto taken at intervals, but last year affect me really hard, really left with very little hair, generally half of January nyama.I be difficult for me, very difficult-to be perceived as such-this time I feel disfigured, as if I was withdrawn vazhno.I something I experienced them teenage ridicule and Students' life, but now is different. Sacrificed their hair for the sake of his career to now have the established career'm good at what they do, but I have hair. I find it a terrible crisis, people around me an awful lot of me podkprepyat all fight with me, but nobody can razbere.Nadyavam me that someone here would really understand me because you know what each day look in the mirror and seeing myself be without hair, without samolichnost.V moment I do not know who I am, after so many years of searching, finally found who I am, but too little vreme.Sega I lost self-confidence, identity-lose yourself yet.
Hi Thea, I'm glad to include here all have a problem with hair, or even have no hair, which is even bigger problem ... But we must not lose spirit and hope it is good that you have the support of loved ones that you are not alone, and here you will find support and understanding of people with the same problems as yours. Actually your wig with you now? I'm so in about three years ... I really think at the beginning that this is not you that this is happening to you until now to take quite naturally, just trying to be calm
Hope pochuvsvash better among people who experience the same ... It is important not to allow despair to conquer it, because it is detrimental to our state. In my illness went violently for about a year all fall off. Wrestling with them every day, sometimes I feel guilty that Failed to stop the scourge of time ...
Nevertheless, wig, curious eyes of people and so I wake up every day with joy and gratitude to God! Because the world is scary tragediy and what happens to me far from the worst! I wish you a peaceful and happy day and believe that everything will be fine!
Hi, I'm glad that you can understand me and I will be able to talk to people who actually suffer the same as men.Az'm not a wig, a hair is half of what I had going with various bands and hats I no longer interseuva whether visible or not, to think what people want, I try to ignore, although sometimes so psihyasvam.Kakto and was treated again now about 9 months, I visit a doctor in Tokuda . Before I go there I was pretty desperate, but my GP told me to go so sevice to try, and I otidoh.Mazah with a drug that I do in the hospital, it irritates the scalp and has a small effect, but not dostaachno now passed a more drastic procedure kortekosteroidi, beat them my skin, only that the drug is not in Bulgaria, but Scoop is not just importing it, says Kenalog.Znaete is, I think that little act started a little me grow kosa.Vapreki that no longer has any patience, do not want to wait but so slowly happening.
Nice that you found a treatment, but they warned you how durable the effect of kortitsite.
I have not tried, but I've heard that in practice one becomes dependent on them because after stopping their effect is limited and the person returns to the starting position ... Let your medicine be newer and not get there!
That's right, man must try everything.
I voluntarily gave up and I do not know them already regret it or not. Transpires subsequently met a man who has repeatedly been on steroids and not once lost his hair because he decided to stop them. I hope you do not happen, write us from time to time how things are going ..
Thanks, but you know, although I'm terribly desperate, I do not want to give up, I have not 12 years ago, right now I will not even vsichkoaz believe that soon I will be able to prvya hairstyles I'll be able to complete one, because to admit it this affects our entire life, but I will not lose faith difficult for me so depressed and depressed I did not feel, but will not be me if I stopped fighting, will not do it, and you do to otchayvash.Tova is even worse than to have no hair, you should be taka.Zatova silni.Na people without such problems have to be strong for other things we need to have strong because we do not lose yourself si.Taka that only forward I would say.
KENALOG quite some medicine for Aretha, but I had not heard anyone use it in Bulgaria. Write where sourcing, price and method of use. Is interesting to me because of me placed subcutaneously in corticosteroid sklapa and I think it is quite effective ... and cheap .. 3-4 BGN
And I'm in your polozhenie.S alopecia areata'm 19godishna 30g.Na now I am certain period of time just get this problem.Prez other times I am completely normal chovek.Edinstveno fear will not happen again reminds me of this problem.
And to me a year where all your dreams come true and I was able to accomplish anything except personal and professional level I collapsed vsichko.V beginning I said that it will not give up and will continue to go to work and live in the manner in which I was accustomed to, but then when things started to deteriorate voluntarily resigned three months kashti.Nyama'm not going into detail how I felt because I walked through tova.Edinstveno not learned to ignore the public eye . Every time I'm on the bus or wherever someone stared at me, I feel horror that much of a problem imam.Predi years I thought that only I have such zabolyavane.Ne I can say I am glad that there are dr.hora with this problem because I want
medicine to advance and this is just a bad memory not only for me, but for all.
Maybe I'm too vain, but I do not know my success unfortunately dependent on my hair.
I wish you quick healing and even more successful professionally.
Do not despair and do not shut up at home, will only worsen neshtata.Naposledak very often and I miss is going to have the desire to just stay home and do nothing and sometimes I do like that there are days in which turns out that nothing I've done, but I'm just sitting at home and I thought about gluposti.Da not see him so we are just normal people with one exception se.Kakto course it is, I'm terribly vain also can not accept their appearance at the moment, as if I was deprived of femininity, and this was one of the things that most pride in is missing part of me and I very much suffer for this thing, but every Demme get up and tell myself, now have to think positive, you can not fight, smile, I always smile, they try it, even if your worst. And, Mexicano on Kenalog-a, I bought from Greece, but it says Kenakort, costs about 8 euros or so. Tell me what kind you use and where you beat him, tell me more.
Cortisone injections I offer them as an option, a dermatologist in the Student Polyclinic - Dr. Borisov. The preparation is said Flosteron. 1 ampoule costs about $ 3 and fought in many places on the spots it is important to fight the depth of the hair follicle. The procedure is done once a month. I will now go for the third time because I think that for me takes effect. The first hairs started sprouting about 2 weeks after the injections.
I read a lot before I decide on that and it turned out, it is quite common method of treatment in other countries. Side Effects I have not noticed. It is believed that treatment with kortokosteroidi is most effective when administered orally / but with many side effects / second injections were / are the possible side rekatsii darkening of the skin where applied - only temporarily, or even atrophy, but if applied in large quantities, often or not as it should / third in effectiveness and side effects are kortokosteroidi in the form of lotions spreads.
For Minoxidil is quite controversial writings in the Net-a. But when you're in that stage that nothing helps .... izporbvash decide everything. That does not really know exactly how that works and should not be suspended if you do not want you na grew hair, sticky hair that I leave and that is given 2 times daily, morning and evening, are its major neodstatatsi. In one forum it was called "chemical wig. To me spring hair over his forehead - where he had hair loss in androgenic alopecia before 5-7 years. I think it is not advisable minoxidil to stop soon after starting to sprout hair spots ...
You know, I went only once and want to say that so far has efekt.Na places where I had injected this drug started hard these days to grow kosa.Nadyavam me, I'll continue to grow, I know all the side effects that may be, the doctor told me everything, and not hope for a rapid effect, to the delight watching these days, however, improvement next week will go to the doctor again to see how things are going well and I made another protsedura.Mnogo I want to do all this because they feel better, both physically and psihicheski.Tolkova depressed I did not feel, I cry every day, and then go the other extreme, constantly telling her to be pull yourself together, have to believe that things will get better and taka.Kakto any thank you for the information
I want to ask you something .. when you walk next time, ask your doctor whether this medicine can be applied in alopecia totalis. If possible, let me obyani ... I hope you do not authorize
This feeling that I lose myself that somebody takes something that gives me an identity does not stop haunting me every den.Za confidence and self-esteem does not make sense to talk .... Every morning as I wake up I pray that everything was a dream but look in the mirror I cry .. And to think that only a year ago everything was OK and straight up depresiram.Nikoga'm not suggesting that we will face the problem of "Hair" and how much negative impact on the lives and My mind may have, although I mazh.Taka that they fully understand, because I find a great crisis, and I never felt more depressed than now, just not experienced it does not know what e.Mislya, that this problem is too much psychology, there are good and bad days, there are failures and vazhodi.Vazhnoto not to despair and to fight until the end!
Come and I can tell you a Very Happy Hello
There was a whole forum, but I wonder with which to discuss problems about 4 years now Confused

Well, since loss of Kositsa started ... then very worried that my britona not cover my whole face now, but only 90% Very Happy ... in December and now I had such concerns Rolling Eyes ...
I tried all treatments for seborrhea, but without much success, and nettles I tried it with many shaving the head and pitchy soap that even with some medical prescriptions ... but Kositsa goes bavnichko ... light on light

Now I heard about the grafting of his own hair and it seemed to me very interesting ...

Well it briefly for me Smile ... I have a little bit too much time will nafludya forum and hope you will find some useful tips Twisted Evil
Hello and welcome to our forum! I liked that you try to score a little humor in our situation it is difficult ...
I'm totalis a year or so now ... in the beginning was overwhelming, but now looking for another way of things ...
Write us about yourself, what is kasopada you ... sorry, but your picture is it? If so I congratulate you for smelosta do it, I could not, so I only see myself in the mirror!
Write us, how old and found a reason for what happens to you, especially how psychological experiences everything!
Since developed from the post you're male, you know, even if it is really your picture I'm on the right track Wink
Indeed my admiratsiy of humor which handles this problem for me is still very difficult to accept the fact that my hair goes Sad
I hope your forum to be useful in the future, and even share your valuable experience!
Hello and I will be happy to discuss questions and comments regularly on the topic, I hope also to share each as new that you have read or learned as much useful information.
It is this build this wonderful forum isrenno I hope not the latter joined the forum, which we can share useful experience.
Yeah boy I've only now noticed that under my name says "beautiful" Cool
Forgot to say is that I am 22 years Smile

And for hair loss and I do not know what exactly Confused, you know our boys ... we see that fall, we know that we have seborrhea and start any care of her herbs and Smile.

Poprintsip first appear a little speck on the left side of my crown ... then started to thin my hair is now pretty rare, in addition, and pulling me up and my forehead is already pretty big Cool

Very well feel like not noticing her hair ... then somehow I feel strengthens ... then I agree that the psyche is very important, but unfortunately have not really noticed a problem with hair, but it rarely happens .. . just as I love Razz, which again I rarely Sad
Hello! I found you in one of his consecutive sleepless nights. I do not know whether it is well with you, but only meet on the streets smiling women with lush and beautiful hair.
I suffer from alopecia 3 years with short zatishiya. I do not know even what kind it is, although I have visited several "world" in dermatology, including Professor Tonkin and two (or professor) of the skin clinic of Medical Academy (Sofia). Nobody takes me seriously (that know it), nor vnikva the problem, even research on the rules of their own free will. 37 years old I have two children.
Reading, you understand that maybe is my androgenetic alopecia.
How I live with this problem will not tell you. Great my daughter asks me why is so short is clipped and can not you and I like the other mothers to put their long hair Crying or Very sad
I've been thinking for a wig and grafting. Actually do Bg grafting in May only for male pattern baldness, but not in a general thinning of hair.
Obnadezhdih of reading for Trivitaminola, I try it on those days.
Hi dear faith and welcome among us!
My mother also postrigva just short (I've obviously inherited from her), just that I never worried with uncomfortable questions, and she did not confess honestly is extremely strong person and not care much. Try different things around me, but it was like watching resigned and is dedicated to his work, which is really good. So know that it is respected not because of how dense is the hair, but what may. It came up with it both my signature Smile

Anyway, people are different and not everyone can maintain its unconventionalism. But believe me psychological factors, stress that your mind is experiencing in the first several months of hair loss and then neponikvaneto new is one of the main causes can not be restored. There are others of course. As we have different hair loss (probably already read, that 2 very similar cases none), and the decisions and the time of recovery are different.

Anyway .. I want to reassure that there are many ways your hair looks a lot better and that women with really thick hair are not so much. I at least have a lot friends who have claims for beautiful girls and women (respectively, with beautiful hair) Well I did, because all are attached hair. Currently the biggest fashion is hair clips, which you put and mahashkogato you want. No harm! We could do the job and us here Smile I have a tail that you put the ball and now I have the event again resort to it ... It seems natural ie only woman faced with such additional hair may feel that it is not mine. Usually, these women are also coupled by way nyakav hair, so we are quits Wink
I have a friend who puts even something like a transformation from above, And it seems to very thick hair (except extension). In this line of thinking imagine what you put as chalga singers. Shocked Laughing Cool

So something very rattled in May, but as I came inside Very Happy
I hope I have calmed down a bit, that means there is concealing, and while in disguise, you can use different drugs and had something help! Wink

Beautiful day you desire, and all who read this!
Hello everyone! : D My name is Anelia am on 21 god.Az also have alopetsia areata! I have this problem around 3god.Da tell something about yourself-I family of 7 years (maybe it sounds weird but it's true) and have two detsa.Ednoto is 6god. and the other almost 4god.Moyat problem occurred after my second pregnancy (I was very nervous and maybe that affected me you know). It started with one spot on the neck and then all my hair seemed to change slowly, leave me new patches then grow new hair and well ... I went on doctors but nobody could cure me nor could I explain what you get taka.Prosto after many studies that did (and all normal) I was diagnosed ALOPETSIA-Areal . I tried therapy ALPIKORT F, but no result, no garlic result, shampoo and percussion drops the company KATH but again no result! Many other but .. nothing! Itogava already collapsed .... Doide and despair ... I started fall into a nervous breakdown. Then I started to drink, Melissa tablets and it helped me to calm down so I can watch your children full! So until one day quite accidentally a friend of my husband not told us about the herb hellebore (there it in pharmacies and is very cheap 80 90 cents). I bought it and began to paint with it every night without washing for 15 days and then 15 days pochivka.oshte the second week had a result. With the naked eye could see new hair everywhere spots! This herb is also in the ready variant and said SEBORAL FORTE to remove dandruff especially for oily skin (seborrhea oleoza)
and to stimulate regeneration and hair growth in hair-breeding (alopetsia areata). Do not stop hair loss completely but helps a lot because postyanno grow new hair. Its price is 1.70lv.Nadyavam to be useful and very glad that you found! : D Have faith!
Hi Rush! I wonder whether this herb (I've heard of it), hair loss has stopped, because you know he is faster than growth.
I plan to try, although I already totalis.
Hello ivelin4e!!! There was a period when my hair loss stopped. But I'm not sure whether the herb or the frequency of alopetsia areata (then resume unfortunately)! However hellebore is helpful for the growth of new hair is not a bit! Many will be happy if you help! EXPERIENCE though! vices YOU CROSSED! look will wait to contact me! Believe in yourself!
Twice I received alopecia. Doctors are helpless. Heal faster than me Pesho village Silver, Silistra. It is not a witch. Former driver is a profession. There is an old family recipe for a medicine that does not give anyone. I went three times to the village - every two weeks. The third time he wished me no longer be visible after one week I saw that my hair dreadlocks. This happened to me twice in ten years. He can not cure anything. This is the only disease which his medicine helps. I have not kept his phone, but as you enter the village and ask for any Pesho will opati.
With great excitement I read your letter, though I've written .... Do you submit, my name is Ivelina and I am 33 years old, due to the great distress, my hair na for about one year tsyalata.Mnogo ways I tried, alas there is no result . We have no strength, nerves and means to resume, I leave everything in the hands of fate, as if nothing depends on me! Thank God for the wonderful family that I have, my kids can not do without me and my husband he was with me vsyakade.Kazva that a wig or not believe muvinagi me like I believe him! Akoiskash write the reason for everything that happens to you? I wish you health and luck!
I also walked a lot doctors, mostly dermatolozi.Polzvala am and Alpikort u, cryotherapy, injection aloe-four months without prekasvane.Mazah with some nasty ointments from which to grow short hair, but na so, to admit hardly a permanent treatment ... In all my doctors were unanimous that the reason is fear and stres.Veche I wrote about this in a post, so as not to repeat the shock was really great ... Thanks for the suggestion, but do not want more doctors and more broken hopes, and when you have not helped, then not so good! My heart was so bent, so I shut myself in, I forgot how strongly I believe in God that helped me a thousand times, and that now it has become exclusively together upovavam.VYaRATA helped me get my peace of mind and sobriety. I wish him and you!!
as you write about your wig, you ask, which ultimately are more durable over time natural or artificial? I read different opinions and it's hard to orientiram.Kakav is your experience? Thank you!
Thanks for comprehensive answer, a lot of things I have clarified! I agree with everything written by you, really all depends on proizvoditelya.Zabluda wig is that necessarily must be course the, I've heard about those collapsing very quickly, within 2-3 mesetsa.Az'm second now, as I said, buy them, they are 50/50, but may not come true!
I do not know how many pass wigs, but I have one to two years - natural and slightly brittle and nova.Pribrala I like it and hopefully not have to pull it pak.Predi time I had a izkustvena.Izklyucheno is to compare them both. Artificial lasts 3-4 months, as the very first had to podstrigvam.Merisheshe my bad, annoyed me and generally felt disgusting to neya.Smyatam that if one could afford quality leather should never hesitate and kichi with junk, but it is my opinion
Vesi Hi, I saw that my itgovorila radvam.Izlyuchitelno and it is important to keep spokoystvie.To is leading to this insidious bolest.Misli polazhitelno if you put your trust in believing in God! He never forgets us, even we often we think about it when we nuzhda.Pri me everything pramina a hurricane quickly and detrimental for less than a year left without kosa.Kolkoto it is strange now I'm much more relaxed than his family and pridi.Gledam datsata, I smile, I have many friends and I say that I am a beautiful woman, despite perukata.Vinagi think that this is not the worst that can happen to us and the world does not end!
Hi would you describe a short everything I sluchi.Predi discovered breast lumps, they told me that maybe rak.Operirah and proved that it is harmless fibroadenom, noaz had already experienced a strong shock and uplaha.Samo months before my cousin died of cancer gardata.Az so scared that I saw umryala.I my hair began to fall one spot totalis.Za saga came to nothing has helped me, but I do not despair! vbog believe and know that one day I'll have hair! Zhalaya luck, be strong!
On cycles, and I was like you, but since I was homeopathy he almost normalizira.AZ'm pretty hormonal drugs test for it and suggests that they are causing problem gardite.Lekuvam is in good homeopath and advise you to do the same, believe me I'll pomotne!
for several months (5-6) my eyebrow hair loss, and with them, and one stopped to top klepach.I tam.Za unfortunately already eight months no new rastezh, but at least I am glad that my eye has lashes. A few months was raised moss and I thought it would get, but it did not, there opada.Tuk izrasva and a miglichka but always half eyelid. And that is .. I hear that some people after recovery time, but what appointment ... I do not lose hope and no longer afraid and I cast out all fear of myself. This will surely pochuvsvash better!
Hello everyone. I am 21 years old and have this very delicate problem. I hope some can answer my questions because of noticing that as my hair is discharged do not have that positive spirit that I had before. And I mean .... I think I have seborrhea, because my hair falls ve4e about a year (or more, but then I noticed). At the end of the root is something like white lukovi4ka which it drew and pada.Po my logic that suffocates the hair and it falls, and also oily mnogo.Interesuva me is there a cure because of reading here I am not clear whether Seborrhea is lekuva.Bashta me of my age had no photos of this problem.Pone which vizhdam.Na 50 diluted his hair, but not so as to more serious bareheaded mazhe.Brat I was 35 and did not suffer from this problem. It's very strange how year ago I had thick hair and now oredyala.Ako me explain how to prika4a will one photo from a year ago and if I find from now (because I do not want to shoot anymore) and I will send you neya.Blagodarya advance.
Healthy again. Valerie when you noticed that your hair starts to fall? How do you deal with this problem? For me it is stupid 4f know what will happen after the time zashtoto over my temples began to fall slightly porazredila crown is in the middle of her forehead got a little more hair, but is no longer visible. And if you put gel shows. Before doing his hair gel and now it is wet daye I see super nasty scalp. This is primirih.Shte to premium and if you remain as now but if it will get worse has something to do. Can a year ago I had two super thick hair and now it is ryadka.Tova of gene or is it something else, because if it became the years of my father I Ill 100 times worse. Can we stop this thing because I do not want to slow down eg a year or 2 or 3. If you will fall to fall and not be tormozya.Zashtoto be looking in the mirror 50 times a day and watch every hair of 10 pati.Drazni me.Probvah with Tar Soap Fun fictional ointment and ampoules for seborrhea and nonsense. Went in nyakav doctor and SFU have told me this and glycerin soap and Nizoral and I drew Fun vitamins, but said that it will only zabavim.Da Fuck I do not want to slow down, and did not even examine me for anything not even my looking hair. For 5 minutes of talk I gave 20lv. 4f just told him my father was his sparse hair and SFU immediately told me that there is no exit. And says to me that a grafting cost $ 250,000. I got up and went. I smoke, I drink a little but I do not believe any of this. Problem is that I experienced a very high stress months ago and since then I notice this ... but I was told that the hair falls on the distress in certain areas. Could it be a hormonal basis for one of my eyelid occasionally fall slightly and I am Serb and I went to told me 4f studies should test your thyroid you and I do not know kakvo.Molya write what I do because I refused 1 year to dub with nonsense and nothing happens, but I told her that no hair will ostana.Shte collect every dollar if you have hair as long as you know there will be a good 4f rezultat.Po my izchisledniya of what you write out that I need more than 30 000lv.Estestveno do not have much money. Even if I'm ready biofibres only know 4f will not be evident that if it cost 4-5 thousand so I can wear it at least a few godini.Molya help.
Hi pich.Mersi much for infoto.Samo I can not understand after you have painted your hair loss has stopped because your hair is not greasy, but then Minoxidil it you greasy and oily you control with Nizoral izushava that true? From Where are can I get my Minoxidil or whatever it says and how it works? Stops seborrhea, strengthens the roots, or just know podhranva.Az 4f while using only slow things down (because if May starts to fall hair at a certain place can not break anything with yeast to restore the place just to stop it), but once you stop you start again from where you tragnal.Ta this doctor told me that accounted for instance 150 hair per day and we recover again as above tolkva in my sample fell 200 hair and reimbursed 120.Sashto me very irritating and itching at the designated places where my hair falls, Abe did a great yad.Molya if anyone knows what to do in my case or have the same problem to me pomogne.I tell me if I Varna find someone spetsiyalist (skin you plasti4en surgeon there and I do not know). Thank you so much!
Where can I pora4am this drug, because I am not familiar with it and hardly if I go to pharmacies in Varna would be agreeable to me if dostavyat.Nyakoi knows where and how their na4in it delivered please help me. Thanks in advance
Hello again trying to turn, my little complicated because England came to my shame did not vladeya.Az am 33 years old. and ot1g. I have not experienced it kosa.Kak not describe, I know you rezbrali.Zapochna me a little spot on the neck, and nothing helped it zapazya.Opitah everything I could find the money, but the best that has been achieved moss glavata.Imam in support of my family, my dear husband went through everything with me! I experienced a lot of stress, they told me that maybe I have breast cancer, operated and left me something harmless, but the shock of my hair opada.Veche live without fear, and the words to all I remain very beautiful woman, although Wigs! I am writing to all who are frustrated and disillusioned, not sinking, do not be shy, the world does not end with hair! beauty comes from within! Please your eye you know anything about this Mr Ivanchev, helped Is someone in Bulgaria? Thank you for taking your time!
I am 24 years old, from 6-7 months'm kosopad.Predi three months I went to a dermatologist at the clinic of Dr. Maya Tacheva prescribed me a shampoo and Pantogar Ducray. Pantogara drink it already the third month without any result. Three weeks ago I went to Dr. Svetoslav Georgiev (found it through the forum) prescribed my mask and shampoo Selsun Blu, to act well on my hair, it becomes beautiful and alive
but hair loss is not affected. I tried Phyto shampoo, Revalid, use and ampoules of revalid, lotion herbs.
Furthermore drink vitamins B compleks, which would help the hair, but ... nothing from nowhere nothing the slightest effect. Where to go, what to do now I do not know. How is that possible, everything that I do not at all affected.
Maybe I should say also that my mother has alopecia, which may mean that my hair loss is hereditary. My sister even has great hair, maybe I had fallen misery ... Sad In this case you would have a cure for me?
The biggest problem I think is that no competent professionals in this area that could help us. As I read here every tried everything heard that it is possible to help and hoping to find magic sredsto apply self.
And on my hair continues to fall with me every day ...
The state of my hair I can say is uredyala and my thin hair. Bare spots or anything, yet I have, I have pretty hair on her head. The problem is that I do not know whether it will continue to uredyava and how far it will go, and I want to do everything possible to not know.
Otherwise, yesterday my mom told me that her byashta was also with alopecia, and her grandmother, who spoke to me that maybe I'm gone on there and I am afraid
Do not worry!
This is the main!
Decisions have, if not cure, at least successfully disguise.
You know how many people have even known such problems but never seen them.
Necessarily do research on hormones!
If you have problems with my cycle and had gynecological problems, explore only DHEA-s and testosterone.
It is expensive but you will know whether it is inherited
I log on the forum now that several months just read. But I and some useful experience that you shared.
I tried a long time ago injections of aloe and vitamin B12, but the effect was not noticeable. Various shampoos and tablets as Pregain Phyto and Regain But even if they are useful in some way, rather it is the delay of baldness. Even explore and focal outbreaks and earn a hidden but growing sage, and it did not help much. Well this is it, the situation is now quite obvious-loss of hair. Interested me a recipe with Minoxidil + finasteride / if not wrong. How can I procure-a finasteride, minoxidil forum for some people to sell it.
And how to apply it exactly the boys in the pictures posted by Nymfaia?
I am a male 33 years old. With a problem I have 10-12 years of slow but glorious!
There are several medicines that contain finasteride - Propetsiya and several more whose names I mentions somewhere in the forum (I think such an article translated from Spanish), but I do not use often and I forgot. He browsed around the net, and also offer it ...
My name is Calin and I joined the forum because he began to drop my hair, I guess hereditary because my father is bald.
Nasty is because I am 17 and am a very obsessive to look perfect and my bad though YES I am a super advanced stage.
My Fun prescribed treatment revalid, alpikort u and elokom
but I do not think there is improvement or at least stop the process. I think even more burzo my hair falleth from them.
I'm glad at least I'm not alone in its problems it concerns you
Wink and I will be able to find tips
Minoxidil is the solution, but enjoy until you decide to go back to bald.
Can successfully disguise with Super Millon Herr initially
Hello, my first doubts about the hair loss occurred exactly once fired by the army in 2002. I went to a dermatologist in the Alexander Hospital razgeda my hair podmikroskop, appoint my research zhelyazoto.Kaza me every morning over a month to brush his hair white charshav and then fallen kosmi.Kavo number to tell you until resolved jumping fall . There were days that I came to 250 hairs and stops Cause charshava cheren.Otidoh became a month and he told me anything substantial or what kind of hair loss ... Regain nishto.Predpisa me and said Pantogar and after 6 meters to go pak.Obrasnah his head as cavity floor can bring a better Regaina and not leave hair everywhere cadet legna.Na end of treatment my hair really stopped falling, I thought that everything was line after about 7-8 meters, it started I went to another dermatologist - the same procedure that retsepta.Ponezhe my father was bald I decided that I have inherited from him, and a truce and not endured finansovo.Kosata my fell abundantly, (morning until you stop to figure it did not stop to drop), putting all sorts of masks to the beginning of this year there are no visible stains, but now I see a crown on the back and front britona izchezva.Sega started when I read your forum and your back bar Nazal remembered that just before zapchne fall I had a problem with one tooth who treated the dentist in the division and recently before noticing the stain of the crown had an early stage of pulpitis another zab.Ako hair loss is hereditary is it possible only after 5d show me naked spot on the crown, Kotto this period every day of my head fell at least 150 hairs.
I would grateful if you recommend someone to me spetsyalis review and appoint my research needed!
Indeed, one dermatolozhka told me that there were some bath salts, which were potent antioxidants and facilitates the return of 80% of hair because most male hair loss is due to the presence of many toxins in the body.
Has anyone heard of undercut salts?
Ask for these salts, that I am a woman though I suffer from hereditary hair loss.
As to who are you regeyna prescribed percentage was?

Sometimes the 2% who sell here is not enough and he kept for women. After stopping his hair falls hell.

In men examined two hormones to determine whether hair loss is hereditary. These are testosterone and DHEA-S, but I can not think within what limits had to be men. Doctors are more aware.
You can go to the polyclinic where you go, either generally or in any private clinic. Unfortunately, studies of hormones are not covered by health insurance fund and skapichki.
Hello everyone,

My problem is relatively recent, but if I delve around the internet and I found you earlier how much grief I'd save ... Anyway

Now briefly for me. I'm from Shumen and I am 30 years old. Last year I gave birth and her boy Kermit year and 3 months - until May, this year. Then my nightmare began.

When I stopped breastfeeding my hair began to fall. At the beginning did not pay attention because all told me that is normal after pregnancy and prolonged breastfeeding to drain the body, and I thought that everything is temporary, moreover, always had nice and healthy hair (thick, thick hair) without make great care of her. At the same time I decided I had to start to come into shape because I was bidding pretty kilograms during pregnancy and beyond. I started going to the gym, relieving the food, tried to throw "garbage" at the expense of healthy foods. Result was - began to lose weight, but obviously weakened and my hair. Furthermore, my milk did not stop completely despite pills that drank, did result in an initial form of mastopathy (which now treat with progestogen - progesterone spreads chest). Perhaps the combination of all these factors provoke even stronger hair and I decided to visit a dermatologist. The local skin Clinic told me that everything is due to the exhaustion of the body during pregnancy and lactation long and I was discharged (without any review) Pantogar Revalid or - depending on which one can afford. I bought Pantogar and drink it more than two months, but did not find any improvement. My hair continued to fall a lot - especially thinning is visible on the road in the middle of my head. Even my husband is worried and decided that it must still go to the doctor.

In the second visit (2 weeks ago) told me almost the same as the first, and advised me to doizpiya Pantogara (to end 3-month course) and also to buy Chronostim (day and night serums) and Anaphase (shampoo) of Ducrot. These things I have written again without any review, even the scalp. When I asked for some research told me that I should try with the preparations, and if no improvement, then look for another reason. And asked whether I can not examine your scalp and see if I ever growing and I was told that "there is no objective method by which it can establish whether there is growth or not. Besides, I said, not surprised that could lead to the complete baldness. Angry that no interested in the problem, but really is vbesih when leaving the office, "the doctor" told me: "Relax, your hair is not as important, more important is what is underneath." It was my mouth to ask her whether it would have soothed ourselves in the same way, if you were me, but I'm not educated in a spirit of skandaldzhiystvo and keep quiet. Embarassed

Anyway - I bought my preparations Ducrot and use them for 10 days, but can not decide whether there is improvement. Now my appointment for tomorrow for a dermatolozhka which I visited earlier on other occasions and am pleased with it. At least the attitude is more human ... This time I decided to ask all research and reviews (hormones, PKK, gynecological, dental examinations, endocrinologist), but why should be like this ... Incidentally, all these studies found by your forum, for which I am extremely grateful to you, at least now know what must be done to ascertain the reason for my hair loss.

Otherwise, my hair falls across your volume, not separate spots. Accounting purposes with white hair picots end (root? Embarassed). 2 months ago that picots was higher and fat, but now is small and dry, almost imperceptibly, just a hair above it is quite thin. Before I fell only whole long hair, but recently fell and such a length of 3-4 cm, which makes me think that maybe the problem is quite serious, because that I think are new hairs. Lose about 300 hairs a day (several times I've counted), most noticeably thinning is the path and eliminate more than two temples. For 3 months and my little tail became half. My hair is greasy 2-3 days, I have dandruff and redness on the scalp, but some days I prisarbyava scalp here and there, but this may be the action of Ducrot. With regard to genetics - my mom is very nice and healthy hair (thick, thick hair, although many years now painted), but there are problems with the thyroid gland (thyroiditis), and my father is typical for balding men the crown, forehead and above his temples. Can the combination of both of them gave their reflections ... Random idea to cut a little, enough to cut dry kraycheta to prevent tangling, otherwise my hair is shoulder length.

Well this is my story. Glad I found this place because I started to think that almost I'm the only one with this problem. Together, May the world not seem so black ... And right we should be positive in order to deal with this shit. Smile If someone wants to tell me what he said / she is my hair (because it has not yet been diagnosed) I would be very grateful, and will respond to your opinions, even if it otherwise, but not for hair .. ..

When you pass the examinations and tests I will write what happened.

Greetings and courage of all Validating!
As I read your story I feel that I make it I wrote. For me it happened the same story, with this difference, however, that was before my pregnancy.
For me it all started three years ago and turn in a circle omagyosan. As with you, my hair falls across his size and is particularly visible thinning of the road, even to me now my top crown shines. Incidentally, I've seen many such women, but mostly adults, in which the crown is very thinning, but this is due to climax and then is normal for this age hair is not something so important. And to me it is very oppressive and depressing. Ochayvam they do not want to, but I filed Pantogar, Revalid, brewer's yeast + vitamin. And, baby I'm your hair with all sorts of Phyto shampoos, Revalid, Phyto, babies and more., Rules I have masks, all sorts, even with garlic and oil, but saw nothing useful cellar I and any ampoules , even Ducrot, with Seboral Fort, but nothing affected me hair. Even I was surprised that you still have given you directions to your dermatologist and have turned at least some attention, I went in as private, she looked at me like this is a whim and immediately thought this might be from diets and I've never kept any. Almost a year I found the forum and I read it all, somewhere I read a post that medicine really is powerless and generally in this area and knowledge are void if someone has really fine hair loss from it to him or was not serious or has found the root cause. So I stopped going to doctors does not make sense to give money for expensive chemistries, although many others I want my doctor to at least pay a little attention and not looking at me like an alien. Pray write as still pass the examination and test.
And a tip from me, not worth a few pounds less to pay for them with her hair.
Ey, girls try one Babina retsepta.Ima so much garlic, bell peppers, which is given here, a gun ... the internet can provide you with sarin recipes.
If it is not hereditary hair loss, but due to the stress somehow be able to control more or malko.Shto not you take some herbal sedatives mint, hawthorn and veleriana and try this recipe with peppers, if it is not so with something more aggressive.
Try alpikort, he is written for hair loss, to me at areata gave no effect, but just when you see stanalo.Regain too.
And as far as I know, when an oily scalp hair loss may be more silen.Gledayte to prevent such omaznyavane.Az wash with baby shampoo, because you often wash your hair only once a week use a hand of Vichy for better washing they Theia nothing baby wash, but at least do not harm the new hairs that come out.
And with doctors ... so I once asked one who similarly told me what was so, it was only hair, if I was the head of her daughter going to think I taka.Puli opposite five minutes without responding .
When has not fallen all there is hope even to fall off again ima.Vse somewhere will izkochi Rabbit Wink
I did until a year ago I was at chernogledata here, now I got to rally a bit and got a lot to znaya.No behold, only six months ago did not know that now I will well and do not even think it got such napredak.Chovek never znae.Deystvayte and success!
only say that I went in this dermatolozhka for which I wrote in my previous post. I am delighted by her human behavior! I wish everyone to meet this doctor! Very Happy Her name is Dr. Kiryazov and works in Shumen SG dispensary. I think the names of such doctors should be told to know people that still has good doctors.

So the question: paro she was amazed that her colleagues from the same dispensary that I do not pay the necessary attention and treatment they have taken without any research. Listen very carefully (probably at least 10 minutes and tell everything - even his hair was the amount I bring what I had fallen for the day Wink), but not have it much longer convinced that there is a problem. Itself (after my scalp dig) said it was apparent that the hair falls a lot. Said scalp shines and it is not normal. Reassure me that there are still growth of new hair (without the "objective method" Wink) and I wrote to the GP-post it, which described all the research and consultation that must be placed on me to diagnose hair loss. Today I had a dentist appointment, and tomorrow will go for research, Thursday am a gynecologist and so when mine everything will write how it goes. After you gather all the results - back to Kiryazov, said he would appoint my physiotherapy - massage and will consider what else we do. He said to finish the course with Pantogar and continue to go until Ducrot results.

Fly: I know that is not worth it to stay without hair, for I am weaker and I am now going to the gym more often and NTS to eat properly and fully possible, but I think still need to care and body. Otherwise, I promise to write the test results and consult.

Me: recipes and mommy will try, just do not know when because I work, I have little treasure that also wants your attention and I hardly have time for myself. Now two weeks I've decided that it will dump everything (my house is upside down), but will at least naspivam because I read somewhere that even insufficient sleep can lead to hair loss.
And the recipes - now I'm curled up to try a mask with Trivitaminol, do you think will not have any effect??

Come up soon, though that was a long post
almost the same situation is with me, with the difference that I am not after birth, rather I was close to climax. Continued over year, my hair falls so intense, but look now twenty percent of the hair have lapsed. Others do not notice, especially those who see me every day. But I know what my f. I've all my research, I have no health problems. Corner strong levels in various places rule. Pantogar drink for six months, not that makes sense and mazotya with any ampoules anti-hair loss, drive them in a row, but not this. Now I've decided to go with a specialist in fungal diseases. Something occurred to me that these white picots which stifled my hair may have something. Nothing is known at this nasty problem where it can jump the rabbit rescue. One only guess vschiki collectively agree - it's unimaginable horror for every woman. You can write all day for depression which to me brings my hair loss. My kids already know that after washing my hair should not bother me at least an hour until I came to myself in horror. Lord give us strength to deal with all that we have this problem.
I understand how you feel after washing your hair. Well at least that your children come into the situation. My son is too tiny to be aware of anything and sometimes I worry that will not leave me alone when I need, but what to do. With its maymundzhelatsi least able to quickly fix my mood! And I feel the same - after a bathroom fall at most and is most depressing. I even gave up my mind when my hair is wet, I feel that, then lower it straight to kichurcheta. Otherwise during the day does not fall so much, but when you do massage of the head with bottles of Ducrot is also very bad. Abe, morning and night is scary!

With regard to examinations and tests - blood - PKK and CCA, biochemistry, cr. sugar and urine - the norm. It's a bit low hemoglobin, but is still in the standards - 128, in reference 120-180, otherwise generally Druke everything is OK. Throat secretions - without pathogenic flora. Stomatolozhkata told me that I have 2 kariescheta, but they are hardly cause for hair loss. I did my isnimka of a tooth that has killed me, but as it can be problematic. You'll know Monday. Yesterday I and my ginekolozhkata - unfortunately I have PCOS, so far I have not had (cysts in December! Sad). It will let my hormones, but should I go cycle. According to her, as I have PCOS and my milk did not stop even though they dub a progestogen, the problem for me would be a hormonal basis. He said that once the hormones will think out what to do. Send me and endocrinologist to my place and thyroid hormones. More info will have next week and I will write.
For Pantogar dermatolozhkata told me that after 3 months of use should be made holiday. To you who you drew it for 6? If you have any further info, please share!
For Pantogara, I rest a week after the third month, so I was told last skin doctor, where I went. After two weeks and end six months. But I told you that I do not see something that is affected by hair loss. And do not you think that these white hairs were suffocating picots a problem itself scalp? I now wonder what to think. Otherwise you have some hormonal or other internal problem, while manifestation is just a skin disease. Strangely it seems to me. In fact, the last skin the doctor where I went my diagnosis - impaired function of the sebaceous glands of the head which led to a severe form of seborrheic dermatitis. Well but not affected either by antiseboreyni shampoos or lotions such. But she did and me "calm" it is not treated, but only to be pinned for a while he signs with various lotions and shampoos. I think in BG dermatologists have more experience in this field. I've gone on several big names across BG. Now, it is my time to make another attempt and I decided to go to specialized skin clinic in Sofia, there to see what spiffy. Abe, awful! With all my heart I want previous life ...
I do not think white picots a problem on the head, because I think they say are part of the roots that feed the hair. At least I think so! Dermatolozhkata explained to me that are big and greasy, where hair is new and not yet spent its necessary ingredients. The longer (ie old) is a hair, the less is the root it. I've long hair prezhalila them, but panic when I see one short hairs on your clothes. Even I have an appointment for the hairdresser for next week. Few will reduce the length - at least not weigh as much hair.

A seborrheic dermatitis how this occurs? Ie dermatolozhkata how you knew you had one? Prakaleno Are you oily scalp, hair, respectively, or is there something else?
for seborrheic dermatitis, these are just guesses of the doctor, the symptoms were similar - and eyebrows itch me and my buds appear in the neck, but these places were concentrated most sebaceous glands and they are lead to dysfunctions such seborrheic dermatitis . My scalp is dry and the hair itself also usually wash twice a week. Something else that leads me to believe that it may be fungal disease is nagging itching before washing, tickle most front crown and ears. Downside is that no one that I have been going to review not me doing a review of actual or scalp hair. Not to mention that the first skin doctors when I've gone, not even looked at my head. If you know where any facilities for such a review as soon as I went. I do not know about this skin clinic in Sofia, how reviewed. If anyone has info, please share. I'm from the province and will be stupid to go there for nothing.
Reviewing the scalp - and I only third dermatolozhka my head examined, so it's clear ... I'm from Shumen and come here once a month, two specialists from Varna and bring their equipment to diagnose scalp and hair. This week I found out about this and I have an appointment for 24.10 and then I'll write about what it is, if you care. And the coordinates of the doctors will take time. Just earlier would not happen. And I very much rely on that diagnosis! I just hope me a little hopeful! Otherwise, yesterday I went to an endocrinologist and he told me that I have increased thyroid gland, which currently is not a big problem until you go hormones. Said to me are very complex things because I have PCOS, and my milk did not stop, suggesting hormonal imbalance. Said that if I am genetically predisposed, possibly pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding are unlocked problem. This doctor says Doychinov and was very careful. Hearing from me-up - my history of pregnancy yet. Hopefully more often to meet all such doctors

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