Girls and to share information I have on this topic.
So what someone had written about garlic, which is rubbed into the roots is true, but is used in a circular hair loss, which most commonly occurs after high nervous tension and trouble. Tested the method and help. My mother aged 20 has had such a problem now if you see it - there are two heads of hair, anything that is old now: silly:.
Others of which I heard again from the parent / test is / may sound a little nasty, but it helps with bud is rubbed into the hair roots of urine. I know it sounds nasty and I why I have not tried yet, but mom said she is very helpful. It is desirable to do with children's urine because it is cleaner, but maybe with another. My mother says that, rub in hair does not smell and is not unpleasant. Again state that I have not tried yet.
On the question of progesterone - really gone ampoules at least in pharmacies, hospitals perhaps still is, because I've heard from not one or two women they were progesterone injections. Another option that I think will work and I try, with pills Dufaston / this is an artificial progesterone, its active ingredient is Dydrogesterone /. In my opinion, no sense not to happen: emot2:.
Good luck to all who have problems with their hair, I am also in this group and tomorrow I go to do a serious cut, after which I begin to experiment with different ilachi that I was already last season with hair, and joked a friend
Eyy, I remembered one case that I was very impressed: the mother of a girl after an illness begins to lose hair scary, but scary. And I do not know who told her, however, begun to put some brandy hair in which soak do not know how much time nettle. And not just her hair came up again where they had disappeared, but came up hair more beautiful than the previous! Only I can not tell you how nettle in how brandy how long soak, the lighter you in the dark you know how many degrees of brandy, grape you know plum, dried nettles or you need fresh, lest they should only do roots, How long and how to apply this thing ... This girl now do not have any contacts to get in touch with her to ask her mother. However, if you remember exactly what the woman was not know unless you saved it somewhere ... Anybody heard of such treatment? They are from Kazanlak among others. Such prescriptions should be disseminated to people to know them.
I just thought to try this recipe. I got my roots of nettles, and the packaging indicated the following ratio:
1 part nettle root
6 parts 40% ethanol (supposedly ordinary spirit becomes stronger, I put cachaça example, because it had at the time)
Leave 14 days and then filtered and rub down in the hair roots.
I personally would not tried to drink hormonal preparations without prescription. If you have strong hair that bothers you seriously think it is best to visit a dermatologist who can prescribe proper treatment.
The sample I specialized serums and ampoules anti-hair loss (referred to serious companies like Phyto and Vichy)?
Mime is not about indiscriminate drinking of hormonal preparations and their inclusion as an ingredient in homemade hair mask: emot2:. Otherwise I would never allow her to drink or to advise anyone to drink nepredpisano medicine by a doctor let alone hormone. You're right, it might be better to first test the sera tested demonstrated marks: emot2:, but they, unfortunately, sometimes do not help.
Of pharmacy personal experience in fighting hair loss know that real hair spreads only slightly affected - should be combined with taking special capsules. I think I've seen it explained in detail in the booklet of phyto. With my hair so far things are normal after birth to see how it is that I have a girlfriend, which hurt her pretty hair ...
Mime is not about indiscriminate drinking of hormonal preparations and their inclusion as an ingredient in homemade hair mask: emot2:. Otherwise I would never allow her to drink or to advise anyone to drink nepredpisano medicine by a doctor let alone hormone. You're right, it might be better to first test the sera tested demonstrated marks: emot2:, but they, unfortunately, sometimes do not help.
Greetings: cvete:.
Teddy, I never thought the post and you I advise anyone to take drugs nepredpisani. Just a lot of people who have a problem starting to dig in the forums and sometimes resort to self-medicate without seeking professional. The phenomenon is very scary because I have friends who have caused such havoc. I would not someone by reading what comments run, go to the pharmacy and buy hormonal preparations, only because he has read through the forums. I have not wanted to touch them, for which I apologize.
Mim, you're right that it is desirable to proceed with implementation of any recipes for various problems. Perhaps it is better to turn to a specialist if there is a specific problem, but if he is not serious and could be affected without pills, why not try to help ourselves: y36:.
To mask the progesterone I've heard from sources quite independent from one another and are positive comments. This is expressed in this thread, so I allowed myself to think out loud what can replace the component, which can no longer be found: new78:.
For others - Mim, I'm not concerned: y34:, on the contrary I am glad that we discuss the problem, because the discussion is the best way to present all the arguments for and against a topic. This gives a rich picture of reality. Main, however, remains - every man for himself considers what to do and what not.
I hope you do not feel affected by my office,
something if I offended you or I violated good manners, sorry
I'm polzavala capsules for nourishing hair and am happy with their results. I bought them from a pharmacy, do not even remember what company they were, but are very affordable, less than 2lv capsule
Girls, here a sasedche gave me a very old book that has a wealth of recipes for skin, hair, nails and: emot2 :....
So it has a recipe against hair loss, which is:
Against hair loss - mix 1 tablespoon of vinegar with a little baking soda. Rub into hair roots and leave for 30-60 minutes. Wash with lukewarm water and mild shampoo!
I think this is now coming to washer began to implement it, although a little afraid of soda: new78:, but since the book seems to be pretty good by to the recipes, I try to
Well I Galinka idea: new78:. I think it should not, because I know one time to prevent premature graying of hair, and also used to shine juice sour apples. So in this line of thinking, if the vinegar is apple rather should have a positive effect - you know: new78: ... As for soda, I know it is a great tool to remove the fungus, which in most times the cause of hair loss and dandruff. Anyway, I'm firmly decided to try, because this book is great and somehow I trust: y33:, and do it I'll tell you what was the outcome in mind that I'm using paint
Girls, I'm having the same problem. I do not remember now from when, years. I think you do navlyakoh with vegetarianism, along with anemiyka and migraine ... So for that hair whatnot I've done, how much money I gave! Merz, Revalid, Phyto - the amount of packaging I swallow, along with other multivitamins. Search results - zero. Any ampoules for 5 leva number result - zero. Pets masks - the result - zero. Quinine water - result - zero. Just now I am sick, for sure my head is left third of your hair! Terrible problem that is apparently not at all cosmetic and seriously healthy. You should think about and I endocrinologist. If someone else has experience to share
Girls would like to help you, this recipe is terrible.
1 sup.lazhitsa kis.mlyako
A copper sup.lazhitsa
A mass sup.lazhitsa
3-4 drops of gas
1 egg yolk
1 sup.lazhitsa vinegar
2 sup.lazhitsa Trivitaminol (located in the veterinary pharmacies, the price of 100ml is about 5 EUR)
All this zabarkva on your smart heads for about 1-1.30 pm Then wash with shampoo (Relax does not smell and are easily washed away). So one time per week.
I wish you luck
Girls, I'm having the same problem. I do not remember now from when, years. I think you do navlyakoh with vegetarianism, along with anemiyka and migraine ... So for that hair whatnot I've done, how much money I gave! Merz, Revalid, Phyto - the amount of packaging I swallow, along with other multivitamins. Search results - zero. Any ampoules for 5 leva number result - zero. Pets masks - the result - zero. Quinine water - result - zero. Just now I am sick, for sure my head is left third of your hair! Terrible problem that is apparently not at all cosmetic and seriously healthy. You should think about and I endocrinologist. If someone else has experience to share: wink:
I have a girlfriend, which also helped her nothing about hair loss and found that there are thyroid problems. Hope is not something healthy for you! : Emot2:
To me it's time for the second seasonal hair loss and the whole house is in hair. Horrible job. I bought my shampoo again and ampoules of Ducrot, I think it was called Anastim specific series. Knock on wood effect is visible.
Mime, would you share those ampoules and shampoo Ducrot / for the first time I hear / but pray for plenty of information, where available and how much they cost?
thanks in advance
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