Hi, I want to share and I something. 2 years began to thin my hair, tried whatnot, there is a temporary effect, but just half my hair was. If anyone has had or has a similar problem, please advice. Thanks in advance.
1. If you are not man-rescue if your woman can be hormonal, stress, or inherited. Go to the doctor until it's time.
2. Hello! After the birth of my first child my hair was falling too much! As you say you stayed in half! And after the second was quite! Remained half half!
I cried when I entered the bathroom! Have you tried with hellebore! This is a poisonous herb, sold in pharmacies! There are even alcohol-based solution I think it was! Rub down with a pad of hair! Another I've used the shampoo was phytol. Also sold in pharmacies! Hellebore is a growth of hair with this shampoo my hair just stopped falling! I wish you success! I'll be happy if you've been useful! Write if you have other questions! With joy'm available!
3. Thanks for the advice № 2. Me also after the second birth began. I have not tried with hellebore, but will try. At one site I read that as "stimulator hair" that is sold in pharmacies to put liquid progesterone about 2 tablespoons, to anoint themselves, and stand as judge. Wash and had a big effect, but the problem is that I can not find liquid progesterone. If you know where I can find, I shall be grateful. You can try to "revalit, they have a whole series, when an acquaintance had a big effect, I drank and basement with bottled shampoo and also has an effect, but not enough. This with progesterone bet hopes, but I can not find it. I hope I have been in support of someone. Thank you for having me "heard". Good luck.
4. Hi, I'm No. 1. I am a woman. I tried everything, including what it says number 2. After the first child-terror after the second-worse. Nothing helped. Turns out it was hormonal. And for years I missing hormone drink every day, but my hair sorts itself out, not quite, but it is good with a good haircut and color. Just go to good specialist, it is very difficult. Just look at all just take your money and do not care for the patient. SUCCESS. That-if a woman, but if my husband-is without hair and I love him very much.
5. If you are from Sofia would you recommend me some good doctor? If you can not, however, thanks for the advice, will look for a doctor, hopefully combat the problem.
6. I am № 4. I do not know whether it is authorized to give such information, but will try. To me it found Dr. Videnov Sheinovo after years of walking on torture because I had other problems. Oddly, the professors, endocrinologists nothing I have found only wild pays for research and drank inappropriate medications. Jump'm poisoned. Good luck!
However, it may be inherited, or some fungus / olisyava their terrible hair / Who knows, I know there are specialists who only problems with the hair deal, but how to say, I do not know. Also drank all the hair that is sold for months and still nothing, and most expensive does not help, its not wasted money.
8. Many thanks № 4, will go this week. If ever I can be helpful with information or advice gladly will be opposite. You can write me here every day I read something.
9. I see that this problem is quite common. I have 1 child now and just the third month after birth began my sorrows with hair loss. Will not tell you in detail the horror that I experienced the fall of the handfuls of hair from my head ... that I cry out loud as I recall. I'll tell you that I experimented with all sorts of things and some of them (who think) will write (it helped me to control my hair loss):
1. Merz drops - it is expensive and helps nails and skin;
2. Mask that his rule is not the most pleasant thing in the world, but I guarantee it works. Once a week is made and contain oxygen. 1tbs milk, egg yolk, 1 tablespoon trivitamol (From veterinary pharmacy is taken, I think it changed the name, but suffice to say that you need for hair mask and you give it) and now account - 1-2 tablespoons urine. The mask should stand at least 1-2 hours per head - a success!;
3. Decoction of nettle leaves 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar. Roughly the ratio is 1 package list for 3l. water. Once the water boils, put the leaves and vinegar. 5-10 min is sufficient, then filtered water is used for final rinse for hair already washed;
4. Daily lotion rubbed into the roots, without washing. 1 package of nettle roots are flooded to cover in a pan (the best in a bottle with a well-sealable cap) with homemade brandy. This thing stays 20-30 days as it is very important to shake / stir once a day. If you're not convinced, will tell you that from this lotion I've seen how hair grows ... I personally wait for me expire 20 days and start to paint every day ...;
5. We wash with ALPETSIN - shampoo and lotion rubbed, but many soon to give opinions. Recommended to me as a way to stop baldness mazhkkata ... We'll see ....
Hope I gave useful ideas. Good luck to all! (And me too ...)
10. I also imamm problems with hair loss but I gave birth 6 months ago. Tell me what to do.
11. Try it anoint themselves with "Seboral Forte and Quinine Water, sold in pharmacies and are at a very affordable price. But we have long-term use to have any effect ...
12. Probvai with scratching. rub it in roots. help
13. I my my hair and rub Quinine water helps for hair loss and enhances growth of hair and I tried sashto and mask trivitaminola also helps but you need perseverance success I hope I have been helpful
16. And I have the same problem, recently my hair started to fall. Now this gold lotion and shampoo phytol hellebore ... 2 days only and I can not repent if there is an effect I hope to have. Also told me to do a decoction of burdock ... And it will try ... Wish me luck.
17. Lose my hair and nails are split due to skin disease - lichen ruber planus. Revalit help you?
18. Try DEFLUVAL shampoo against hair loss, medical and extremely effective. My dermatologist recommended it. End of hair on the ground. Is it in pharmacies.
19. I am 17 thank 18 DEFLUVAL bought but do not have to take something internally.
20. I think quite cheap and are spolochlivi ampoules Quinine water. Try them! Hope I have been useful. Good luck!
21. For years I suffer from hair loss. I tried what not ... without result. 2 months of wash with Defluval and got a great improvement. Try it!
22. I am a woman in years and my hair and oredya interested.
24. Why do not you shave your head and solve problems. many opleshevyavashti walk with skinheads.
30. Nothing helps me, stay with each passing day with less hair .. drop me balls, well I had hair like a ponytail anyway so far I'm really bare head. If anyone was like me, and rapidly th hair falleth give savem please! Dermatologist pills nothing helps ...!!!! Please advice
36. I am a boy of 22 and noticed that something was not super-plural straighten my hair at the back is almost naked. I used Kloran shampoo with ampoules but nowhere. They told me to rub garlic-still nothing. Then one friziorka told the first morning urine to anoint themselves head (this 2 weeks ago, I made it 3.4 times). So by aircraft not to have noticed progress (obviously if you shave your head, man, if your woman might be fine with Fun recipes ointments). So this easy number 0, but I love you with hair-pricheschitsi some with different style. Look here different opinions, which tested recipes, which not all women (meaning women with male scalp should be no difference). I listened for a recipe with hot beer (at least I always found going to and try it). My thought is not someone come up and say hey I'm sure it will help?
37. Hi, years ago I had a neighbor who was almost hair hair loss. For a year he recovered almost completely, but never knew exactly what was used. I think it was a decoction of walnut leaves, which finally rinse when washing hair. There may have been something else to this, but I learned. Now I know something else, but you can not say it here to not go that do advertising. But the principle cause of hair loss is always internal, so any treatment solely outside may not be enough, can only help. I do not mean, however, pills or other chemicals because they have many undesirable side effects and one can seriously harm your wanting to cure their hair loss.
38. Hi / I am woman /
I suffer from hair loss a year ago, I tried many things, Merz, series Dyukrey / anakaps, anastim, anafaze / samples Vichy, Loreal, Phyto, tried Kreschina, Priorin, Pregain, Revalid. Now drink BioHtin, dub with garlic and chili pepper, sprinkled with a decoction of nettles, and burdock chemrika, drink a handful of vitamins daily ... is no effect. I went by doctors in hospitals, in research - anything - sound sicca hammer say .... But I still have hair, my hair is half, diffuse hair loss is as specific is that the hair root without falling, as if they were cut - if someone has an idea, advice - accept it.
.. tomorrow will try and urine - it has remained just that
please help and I
39. Hi, I have a problem for years with hair loss. After giving birth began damn hair loss, and I had to roar as-is gone empty hair dripped more. Effect got from lubrication oil and marigold-making is kremche and may deem the roots and the hundred as the suspense, but at least an hour. Even after the second coating substantially stopped hair loss. Then I started to rotate basement with Exematin C / S bought from a veterinary pharmacy. Effect was, I grew a lot of fallen hair. Try and uspuh us all!
42. Can anyone tell me how to dub with chilly pepper mean raw or roasted to f.
43. So how baked? course the raw. Make a lotion of Vodka and sliced chilies inside, stay two weeks and may deem the hair after washing. Until rubbing lotion with raw pepper roots in the head every day / objective is to money and to increase the blood flow into the roots of his head, and against microbes. He wants consistency. Had it about a month but stopped because now I'm on estrogen and progesteronnen lotion and shampoo with the Vichy Amineksil.
Some specimens there is a gas mask against hair loss? whether there is an effect?
44. Suggest Granny hair mask after washing Houma / the pharmacy. Equal parts oil, gas / lighting / and urine. If you abhor the urine can replace it with yogurt, but the effect decreased significantly. Hair heals quickly / mask is made twice a week early, after a few months once / becomes shiny, vibrant and just not know. Good luck!
47. 2supeni spoons gas 1c tablespoon lard and urine that is rubbed into the hair roots and stand 1 hour so the head is wrapped with nylon bag is made twice a month a great effect try zhadalzhitelnoshte an effect
48. Since several years I began to fall hair in circles and then again my izliza.hodih the doctor said it is stres.probvala I whatnot but nishto.pochti each spring happens to me
49. On the occasion of the baldness-space circles rub well with woolen cloth to open pores and then brush with 4esan can be done several times a day I'm li4no rules and forth my hair but have patience I hope I was helpful - Renny
50. The best and effective tool for me and in most countries in the world is "PIL FOOD" are capsules, drinking ampoules and for vtrivane.Poznavam koytosa few people used it including myself and no longer recognize drugo.Veche can be found country in some pharmacies and even difficult.
51. Does anyone know anything about "popular medicine" and especially for Sabah Fayyad? Someone walked up to her is it? Help me?
52. I own a 24 and my hair was falling, but I found 'izhod'-izbrasnah my hair, so now one month or so, but I think ATT is better to try by all methods, particularly Babel, because you do not know whom how to act particular recipe, but no harm! I start them a little, I liked her with this chiushkata, trivitaminola, vit.Ai etc. Some of you act better one another not cosmetics, but it is better to almond standing in what we do, I think this is our most big problem!
53. On the occasion of the woman who wrote that her hair fell like rootless-time otsechena.Predi ivah problem.Beshe same set that is attacked by a fungus-t.nar.mikoza who eat neya.Spasenie gone, but I recommended shampoo, Nizoral and hair loss stopped by diff.
7 duties of hair loss:
- The reason may be that you wash your hair too often;
Frequent brushing with a comb causes hair loss (maybe a lot of hair fall, hair comb while, but anyway they will fall);
-Hair dye cause permanent loss of hair (some of the hair dye really damage hair, but this may not be a major cause for the loss of your hair);
-You can be the result of frequent wearing hats;
Shaving-or continuous pruning will cause your hair to grow again;
-Baldness is a sign of high activity in the brain;
There is universal-and miraculous medicine that solves the problem of hair loss.
56. Hello!
I also have this problem for years struggle with hair loss I have tried what ne.Vseki stalemate going into the bathroom with the hope that there is more hair on the floor but with tears go by tam.Veche even I can not sleep thinking of how to overcome this fear and who can I'm pomogne.Otchayana! intrigued me mask № 39 with grease and marigold please tell how to prepare it and to try and anyone know anything about this herb that helps Demir Bozan really? Thanks advance
57. Hello!
Can anybody recommend me dobrar specialist or clinic for treatment of hair loss?
58. Here is a mask of me helped me: castor oil (1 bottle) 1 egg yolk 1 teaspoon All vitamin A is mixed and applied to the hair roots for about 2 hours. You can put and ground oatmeal, but dry start to crumble and wash then much sucks. The mask makes it at least 1-2 weeks, almost immediately felt the result. Peel garlic cloves and rubbing his hard skull - is still stinging is bearable December They stood so a while and take a shower.
59. Hello. regarding shampoo defluval which preprachva against hair loss of the leaflet says to stand with him 5 minutes, as I do and I only then that my hair is dried as it, thin, lifeless, no and not even stopping hair loss and May me acting contra
63. Hello (Male I)
Some time ago I had a huge problem with kosopada.Probval'm absolutely everything that is written above and I can boldly say that only garlic has a big effect.
I did my mask with squeezed garlic juice with oil ... mix until a kashichka and warmed slightly in the microwave, then applied to glavata.Stoi is 1-2 hours but I did Pavia night and sleep well .
In the morning wash but you need at least two washing because otmiva.Saveta difficult to me to buy garlic from the market by a grandmother, to make sure that it is natural and no artificial fertilizers and other nonsense.
Also has a big effect on your medical syara.Kupuvate pharmacy sulfur and drinking wheat zarodish.Smesvate them but you have much to stir until the sulfur dissolved. You must obtain a liquid mixture and this may deem head and hair. Stand for 2 hours, then mie.No this mask is made once a week is not poveche.Sami will see the effect of both maski.Prosto are active.
My hair is fine and stopped to drop since the first time with the sulfur and one with garlic is to contribute to the emergence of new kosa.Uspeh all
64. Hello! I want to share their experiences with thinning hair. My hair had started to become quite thin on top and after I read lot of recipes on the Internet, and herself tried almost all of them finally managed to find salvation. First, leaving any dryer! Forget this shit, they only weaken your hair. Second, start with a tincture that is prepared from half a liter of good homemade brandy, which beat mechanically 1-2 bulbs of garlic (put plenty), then leave the mixture for 14 days in the dark, then filtered with a cotton swab is rubbed in hair as a mask for 2 hours. I personally bought and PH neutral baby shampoo and wash hair with 1-2 and 2-3 drops of yolk shampoo. Wash with no problem, then if the smell bothers you, simply rinse with a little lemon juice and water. Leaves no smell, because the lemon neutralizes, and shiny hair and decisions easier. Used this recipe 3 months now and my hair is definitely thicker, is not super thick, but has a significant effect. Hope help you.
65. Hi, I had hair loss due to abnormal hormonal balance .... I stain my eyelashes had fallen .... hap4eto that helped me is Evoniya from pharmacies Le4itel.Uspeh of vsi4ki!
66. Zabelyasah that my thin hair around the way. / Woman I am. / I read all the recipes and decided to do this with garlic and rakiyata.Mnogo hope to have results.
69. Hello from me and I am 25 years and 7 years as its top bleaching hair, now my terribly thin and thin, I read many others of your comments and advice and will try some in masks with onions blended with brandy are mn mn Very effective I am right, but just smells too much hair, so I stopped, but if anyone knows a remedy to get rid of the smell please let us napishe.Kogato my hair dripping seasonal get my shampoo of Vichy, really has an effect, but only until it pozlzvash.Sega my damn rare and begin to spread with herb chemmerika, Very scary people already tell me I have a big effect on kkosopada.Shte wait with interest your comments.
70. So after I gave $ 100 to review my problem and even went on one in triholozhka Tokuda, which in prescribing research for about $ 200 and $ 100 for drugs and this was only the beginning I decided myself to deal with your hair loss . First - make your blood count and then, you get results see whether some of the parameters of the full picture, but not with the norm not due to an overdose of drugs. When I was of terbinafine. So after 500 BGN given treatment - normal was to no effect. Pregeledite fi made in the slap-dash manner - if any of these three doctors he had done a good job in the primary review of poverty with no much money for nothing. So - first PKK if everything was okay - see hormones.
That is, if hair loss is not due to cosmetics. But with itovalesno eproveryava with triihograma. I was not happy with any doctor.
71. Health! I also have a problem with hair loss, which began after prvoto birth. The situation became tragically three years after giving birth instead of the hair to rebuild it was still dripping. Therefore, after the second birth immediately took action. I began to put on your hair henna, henna egipedska but true. Henna, which is sold in Bulgaria is not true. I stand with henna night. After washing lotion inflict Alpikord F. Definitely scary decreased hair loss! Good luck
72. The device is a zero number shaven head. For me it so decided. There is no salvation. What worries. Better without hair. I almost every day to shave my skin in January.
74. Hi,
no mention of stress factors. If the body is subjected to systemic stress, even the most expensive products it would not be useful. Pantogar, Phyto, Revalid, Merz, shampoos Defluval, Phyto, etc. Anakaps items are just marketing trick, giving his money in vain, test 'em all. Must first find the cause of hair loss and then to heal. If stress-attack stress factors for you, if hormonal imbalances, hormonal preparations, if after birth, just keep your patience hormones to normalize. Do not give your money on expensive products that are widely advertised. Keep in mind that dermatologists also receive a percentage of the sale of these products, so of course they will strongly recommend them. If no medical problem of hair loss you more benefit you will from natural products, honey, olive oil, lemon juice, almond oil, egg yolk, infusions of walnut leaves, chamomile, clay, vitamins, etc. t., but the exact combination and determination, but also the choice of products depends on the scalp and hair. Also extra help just to stand in the latter growth hair - no coloring, curling, presses, hairdryers, prolonged exposure to sunlight, choose a shorter haircut and a mild shampoo. And especially in the possibility of further stressors.
75. I've heard that oil Rakitnika helps both the beauty and maintenance of skin and to treat hair loss:)
76. I bought Rakitnika - Russian is Oblepiha. The pharmacy I was offered a new product Brilliant Onions from America. And less expensive saw, but I bought it. And after months and not stopped my hair fall. I recommend hot!
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