Sunday, 27 February 2011

How To Cure Hair Loss and Hair Fall 13

Hello (I always found it difficult to start such topics)

in short, I'm 22 years old, unfortunately I am also "marked" with rare and thin kosa.TrichoZed few years my hair started to TrichoZed. not noticed until it came time that I was already shocked and fried. I'm so thin up front that I have almost no hair breton.estestveno I do not look good and have to wash every day if I want at least 2 hours to look dobre.dosta influenced my confidence that Sad

I went to the doctor, who also ignored me ... I went a few times .. the result was lamentable "is defined to have some thinning of hair, but the reasons may be many and so followed the lecture on the causes and types of hair loss and how difficult it was to fix .... and so ended my last visit to dermatologa.nito direction or advice, and nishto.poveche not think to go.
rules I have hormone tests several times, everything is normal, my teeth also genekologichni nyamam.TrichoZed problems which were found some bacteria in the throat .. I think they are problems for my hair loss, but the Cessna to say I think I have a reason that all inheritance and can not fight it srashtu

I live 2 years in Spain and have no time to go to the doctor that I'm just your fault.

Stash short haircut is recent years and is not thickened, dye blonde (despite my reluctance) really seem to matter what color.

now read very fast for some interesting decisions here in foruma.shte still read all about not repeating themes.

I'm glad because I'm in Spain, I read that one "ointment" which is sprayed it is here, must figure out where I can find it.

and these things (I do not know how to say) that are attached to hair strands are few .... it's fear idea if I can put them myself .... just to be born again and feel beautiful .

So my short "hello" May was not so short.
I begin to read again all of the forum
Thanks a lot for the site.

I'm not very ominous in this area so if you mix me I did research on 5 and hormone values were, without increased.
tosterona so as you say .. he is somewhere in a otedelite "Do any of Theia hormoni.neznam how to express to understand me.

Why have another problem that I thought it was hormones, but examine them TrichoZed that is not tyah.ta sweat as the World and started my climb some hairs in various strange places.

actually I am having trouble breathing patisha, I have not found it, but I napat.ta about explaining your hair loss ... or just have an incredible "luck" and problems with hormones and respiratory
Those things that complement currently a sure sign that you need more research. In Spain, at least it is relatively easier than in BG.
For early detection of the cause of hair loss it may be completely or almost healed.
Otherwise, a hair here and there saying it was within the normal range.
Otherwise, once you have studied the five hormones that most likely have sex. In general, testosterone is lower and upper limit and burdened inherited or called. androgenic alopecia level is the upper limit or very slightly below it.
For me it was so - all absolutely normal hormones. Only the upper limit of testosterone. TrichoZed asked to investigate and DHEA-S because it was read on the forums. She was very astonished because this is the hormone that rarely draws attention, but a friend of my father and did not refuse. Levels were above normal at times ... just like in the books. More evidence it took me like you mean it and my mom is a rare hair.

So doctors who deal with these problems in Spain, they understand these things. The forum, which I gave you will find contacts for best
Hello ... I have not written for quite some time in the forum for the simple reason that I was trying to avoid the problem and the truth.

that time many things have happened ... unfortunately it turned out that I have no right to med.TrichoZed here in Spain and having to pay for everything, but here the prices are ungodly.

people who are working ... the only thing doctors could do is let me put some emigration of blood because I thought that my problem is anemiya.obache proved that things are looking pretty good and within I just can not say what precise studies because this is my Spanish cloudy ... I understand that some microbiology in my blood and have seen just what I understand ...

so the conclusion was that I was with alopecia.

Now I wonder how come??

is there any other after while I need to doazhe it ... still hoping to prove something .. treatable and not so complicated name ....

two months ago can not, and again half-shaved head ... unfortunately, so now everything is clear and I am more and more suppressed.

TrichoZed I ever told me that my skull itself was very hard and obviously not take enough blood in the very roots of my hair .... do not know if this is normal for alopecia??

occasionally slightly TrichoZed me head and I suffer from itching sometimes ...

f. .. tomorrow comes first my wig ... and I can not wait to put it and see ...
Do you wear a wig is not as disgusting as a person thinks before he had ... When you will be temporarily right ... until your hair grows ... Rolling Eyes Do not be stressed unnecessarily, see that it will be like, then a question of habit ... Wink Good luck and you write ...
I initially was very excited now .. worried .. how will I stand ... I have not seen long hair for years ...

but overall I'm glad about it too much .... just hope its not apparent mngo .. otherwise I would be happiest in the world .... with hair ...

and on carrying do not know if it will be until my hair grow ... I'm fully diluted crown ... and I just can not do any hairstyle you .. take my hair all the way back to have a division .. both grandfathers but I've laughed before time ....

to me the problem is that I can not go to the doctor dermatologist to examine me and say something to drink, etc. ..
I work for the doctor said it would give me some ointment, which is not treated and only make hair grow ... so wait to see what f. ..
Didich, I have an acquaintance, a very cool chick, which subsequently realized that brings transformation ... Son and friend of my daughter and told, "my mom will hair from above ...
For this I thought, you do not you do the job Tupelo, enjoyed it, if the rest of your hair is fine, never seen.
Well a few days ago I found out about this transformation in general ... I novichka here and I have not gone much doctors do not know a lot TrichoZed this "disease"

otherwise looking pictures in Spanish forum and there is a zhenitsa which is almost the same as my hair .. I will try to find her ..

my hair is mostly covered over much .. but other places too .. but not so much .... but for me it is not enough
I got it and two other friends in your situation ... they walk and I don their ass ... There is something we have to think ... if I wear a permanent wig, hair from below, however a little will not start to fall further from Sparta ..
yes, I think about it ... and afraid not to be so .... but it certainly can not stand .. so I can use the wig until my hair grows a little and see how it will look.
I do not go very taak that I think that wig not so much to affect me ... even if it is I'm constantly hat ... is there a difference .. hat, wig ...????

I guess there is kind of hat, but I wear Theia which definitely harm ....
ah and this heat here do not know how to drive even with the wig ... Sad as I can not stand the heat
Didi, I wore a hat, and wear a wig for many years. Both stays, regardless of material or artificial or natural is a wig. Therefore, whenever possible, find your head. And the heat will go out just Smile. I wear a cotton cloth when I have guests or not, in principle alone. I also worked abroad, in one family and there wore no wig at all, only that towel.
I'm working with a hat ... when left alone in January tear .... I'm home without it ... just put something like going out.

but I'm definitely aware of that can cause additional damage to my hair and it does not overdo it with putting a wig ...

but to commend today took her ex .... I'm quite happy .. though there are one or two things that I do not like it ... it is still a risk to buy something without being seen it .... but hair is pretty good ... and I think TrichoZed are simpler than that has not worn itself wig ...

I'm so happy ... I have hair for years ..... I am not entitled so to run my fingers in my hair or to iraya it ... Very glad.
Well congratulations! Best wishes to you do not have to wear it longer, and to enjoy your own TrichoZed ... But on the other hand and somewhat quiet confidence and assertiveness so I'll return, which may be the key to success! TrichoZed you I wish ...
Well today was my first out with it ... and how it poured rain .... well I had an umbrella ...
least it seems to me that I was more or so they have their wigs. squeezing my ears ... or convene this ..

I felt a little strange .... everyone who looked me in my hair I thought of course that is not true ... but only chuvstvieto I'll come with time ... and even today I heard a few remarks after me and my LONG HAIR
Not frightening, always so first time ... I felt like I look like Tina Turner in the head ... Laughing (with the first wig) But they never advise copula, if not tried ... My last hair has been exactly my scalp and almost do not feel ...
So it is possible that you slightly more ..., January tighten back with hooks you tell me what kind of hair?!
I'm a little premature with wig .. TrichoZed with copula in.
but just so much wanted to have a wig that naturally made a mistake ... and I wanted to go to her hairdresser for advice because there looking at me very strange and make me feel bad.

so I found a website and ordered from there .. but you do not know if they have not asked ... and what size thread is .. I was just very excited.

but nothing, I already have more information and next will try to be good.

I think it's art hair .. wrote that had any fibers that give your hair a natural look.
would not seem artificial, just a little touch ... If you look at the top is evident that something was not my path is wrong ..... but it is the very style I chose ...

will make a picture Deia days and will put them ..

is not the best, but to regain my confidence will serve ...

and I have a gripe with hooks ... but obviously I am just more accustomed.

lo site .. have a look if you want it .. is the Spanish could not understand anything, but at least the eye can TrichoZed
Didi, that means you do not reach for something more expensive, did not they cease to feel good and be like ... The key is not in this to choose something skaparsko and simply choose your wig just under your ability and taste .... I am also not sure whether more will be able to afford such hair, but even I can not vabshte not do drama ...
shlokavitsa May is quite precise.
Well I wanted to write that TrichoZed my one year with apopetsiya areata. Is now 29.

.... he wanted to ask you some sample is nasturtium as an anti-hair loss.

I apologize for Latin before.
I've never heard of nasturtium to assist in Areata .. (I am reading the very material ..) If you hold a treatment with herbs, is more efficient hellebore, is tested at least for some people ... And the recipe with chili pepper .. . reading the topic, you will find something useful ...
RPPW my advice is to go to a specialist to treat his display because everything is integrated, not only spreads .... of corticosteroids will surely sprout hair, but they are double-edged sword, I decided to go without them, but I stayed and no hair ... Whatever you decide to try everything ... I wish you full recovery ...
I tried to, but lasted only a few months ... Embarassed result, no ... do not want to discourage anyone, everyone should try, especially when still areata ...
For me the most unexpectedly last summer (nothing to do) started to sprout almost everywhere, even eyebrows and eyelashes ... needless to say how happy I was, but come winter, and just about everything one day na ... Crying or Very sad So I am convinced that it is internally, and what mazotya, impressive, will be temporary .... Confused
Sorry, Rock'n'Roll maybe I did not read carefully, I did not understand exactly what hair you have!?
Well we went on a doctorate in Germany, since we lived there for many years. Discharged him some sort of adrenal cortical cream and told him that as a normalized gland function shtetovidnata everything will be fine. Now it starts and selenium but he made all possible tests and the reason there is reduced function of TrichoZed gland and Hashimoto.
While other things will take a wait and nasturtium grow .... let's try.

There were a specialist, he wants to treat sites with nitrogen, which does not sounds very good ....
Well not bad to try to nitrogen, I came across such a doctor, wanted my 20lv of spreads with nitrogen .. basement only a few times, and have perseverance ... The role of nitrogen is slightly progori scalp and thereby stimulates the follicles rather irritate them ... nothing bad can cause this is the principle of these self-styled healers around villages and boroughs, which spread you cover them with various acids to burn ... ... And this is basement Mad, in fact grew small hairs in spots, but after a while everything na ....
If you say that you have a connection with Germany, there is one gentleman who told that he has miraculous recipe, but treated in Germany ...
Somewhere in the forum has its coordinates if you were here I'd probably try ...
I think I've ever met. It was not a question for those who would not say what's in his miracle ointment. His name was "TrichoZed" or something similar. Amy Chesney said do not trust someone who hides what it contains ointments. Maybe I am wrong, but. I read about it in nemskitee forums. But suddenly disappeared, and no longer appear. I do not know what happened to him. I'm not sure whether even talking about the same person.

Well recipe with TrichoZed'll prepare my grandmother. I already buy seeds and wait until spring to raise the blooms.
With this solution may deem my grandmother's head of my cousin who had leukemia and was TrichoZed and hair loss hair. Grow hair black but instead of blond. Sorry, but died shortly afterwards due to illness.
After 10 years my grandmother again makes this lotion and all hope to help my priatelyat. Although the cause is different.
On it and then gave it to another mother does such a sick child, which also grew hair, but instead right kinky.
Required will try ....... every day look at those empty cress that are not grown more.
E accidentally came across this forum, but I'm having a problem.'m A man several years my bones decreased the standard positions around the forehead. Before I was not so, but as it was this problem is O style number - it's easy for men, but alas not for women.
So interesting to me is that I am a brown hair in other places to TrichoZed brown Smile. So interesting that the places around the forehead where bottlenecks have hair, but it is blonde - I tried to dye and shave every day but neither change color or become thick hair as for his beard.
If this is an inherited my grandfather had no hair, but my father did not. So the question is does it make sense to try any treatment TrichoZed or not.
So I tried seboral but there is work that I did not take pictures to see whether there is a difference. Now use a product DR.FORSTER tincture and shampoo and some hapchentsa, I think there is any effect Malak but as I say simply because I have pictures hairstyle O number.
Well it is.
Genes of Androgenetic Alopecia can occur through several generations. Are you surprised that your father is not affected, and you.

In the case of androgenic alopecia course.
I like to think actually 1 in 1000 cases did not meet AA and paternal and maternal line until at least two generations nazad.Prosto there is always a relative one degree or another AA.
Another thing I think is that one can imagine it has the gene, but not expressed in nego.Yavno there are many factors that play a role.
And I think the same way. You can copy the gene, but to unlock a much later stage of your life or not at all be unlocked. The same is true for all genetic diseases (eg diabetes).

For me personally this way. For me, AA is unlocked when I was a long trip TrichoZed outside Bulgaria.
The combination of stress at work, new food, new climate and everything new in my unlocked AA, which for example, my father became apparent age of 17 when he did he started university.

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