Sunday, 27 February 2011

Scalp Itching - How To Cure Hair Loss and Hair Fall

Itch scalp Hey please write why I have great itchy scalp, where most falls kosa.Ima and some sort of straight-burning is netarpimo.Otnachalo I thought it was because my hair grows, but alas do not think this is the reason. everyone around me telling me this, why is that stres.Predpolagam entitled somewhat but I am very sensitive and do not know how to fight with stresa.Mozhe why would deteriorate and the situation now, because all day crying and vaykam.Hodih a dermatologist and she told me that there is no external reason for kosopada.Znachi remains or stress or hormonite.Az think they are both problema.Vazmozhno Is it me Serbs because of the very hair?
Thanks for writing, I need some advice
And read your first post, where fancy and did not understand what is sleep?
It seems like I've known panic of that hair falls. Look in the mirror and know that just is not you. Looking at your problem through the lens of self-esteem that comes with eyes and slowly kill hundreds. It's terrible! And I know it believe me! And everyone who is here also knows it. That's why I've always been of the opinion that psychological commitment is very important. Ultimately, in life there are many more important things than one hair. In this line of thinking to ask you gave birth? Because as far as I know a birth can greatly ponamesti hormones if the problem is there.
Other - problems with your weight do you have? Does playing sport? Diets kept you?
Do you have stress at work?
Painting Have you? Bleaching?
At what level, exactly, is testosterone and other hormones how? Have you examined DHEA-S?
How exactly fall in your hair? I have the following at one end of the hair is there a ball or a small thin hair?
Did you notice thinning or other changes in hair?
Scalp in what state is? Are there red spots / other redness, scales? Does oily hair, what kind?
Just before you opadva thin or full?

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